




文字:Joanna 洪婧同学

摄影:Louis 陈思宏同学、热心家长



The winter in subtropical area, is the feeling of stepping on the warm and soft sand with bare foot, is the snowflake-like molecules in the freezing sea wind; all these of romances are crystallised at Crowne Plaza, bringing an exotic but warm Christmas atmosphere to IHS department of Chiway Repton School.

2021的IHS学生会在会长洪婧Joanna、副会长傅旖旎 Tiffany、文艺部部长方铮铮Andrew、体育部部长华邦 Daniel、实践部部长陈一铭Peter的共同合作和家委会的支持下,在不到半个月的精心准备中完成了酒店选址、节目策划、邀请函设计、海报设计,在12月23日给所有IHS学生们带来了一场精彩纷呈的圣诞派对。

The IHS student councils and Parent Council this year prepared and held the event in less than a half month including finishing choosing the hotel, designing invitation an postcards; together, they brought a fantastic Christmas Party to all of the IHS students on December 23rd.


At 17:30, all the guests attended the party with their formal gowns and suits, being led by the members of the student council, they wrote down their wishes, took photos with Santa Clause whom is played by Linx from G11-2 and took their seats.


At 18 o’clock, the formal dinner officially started, the buffet offer a grand feast with food from a variety of nations and some Christmas special food like turkey and tree root cakes, which satisfied the appetites of all the students and teachers who come from different parts of the world; the ice cream seems to be so popular to the students that became empty immediately.

19时,在主持人的开场下,被期待已久的第一个节目——由老师David和学生Kenas, Bobo, Lizzie和Jerry的乐队表演在观众们的欢呼声中登场。他们带来的串烧是耳熟能详的经典圣诞曲目,观众们都纷纷合唱起来,整个会场瞬时洋溢起温馨而欢乐的气氛。

At 19:00, after a brief introduction from the host and the hostess, the first show — a band performance by Mr David and students Kenas, Bobo, Lizzie and Jerry— came on the stage with cheers from the audience, the music they preformed is classic Christmas songs, so familiar to the audience that they all sing along with them, the venue now were suffused with the warm and joyful vibe.

第二个节目是来自G11-2 Annie带来的歌曲“The Best For You”,甜美的嗓音缭绕在舞台上空使人沉醉。

The second show came from Annie who brought a song called ‘the Best For You’, her sweet voice rings in everybody’s ears enchanted all the audience.

第三个节目是G10-2同学们带来的大合唱“Last Christmas”,齐声悦耳的旋律将每个人的心牢牢地连结在一起,这是一整个班级的团魂在燃烧。

The third show was a chorus ‘Last Christmas’ from students in G10-2, the musical melodies tightened the bonds between them.


During the halftime break, our Santa Clause came up on stage too read the wishes of the students and teachers. Some wished they could achieve A stars in the upcoming Cambridge exams next year, others express their love to their friends and teacher. Santa Clause sincerely hoped their dreams could come true.

第四个节目是G11-2 Joanna的音乐剧“Part of That World”,灵动和演技将小美人鱼诠释得活灵活现,赢得了观众的一阵阵掌声。

The forth show was a musical ‘Part of That World’ form Joanna in G11-2, the professional acting techniques brought the little mermaid alive on stage, which won the audience’s applause.

第五个节目是G10-2 Elvis和Daniel的说唱“暴雨”,还有陈一铭自创的说唱“swim”,动感的节奏和帅气的表现给圣诞带来了多元化的听觉盛宴。

The fifth show was a rap ‘storm’ by Elvis and Daniel from G10-2, the bright rhythms and cool performance brought a brand new elements to the party.

第六个节目是 G11-2 Stella 和 G12 Wendy的二重唱“the Christmas Song”,空灵的声线完美地契合了冬日圣诞的飘渺之美。

The sixth show was a duet ‘the Christmas Song’ by Stella from G11-2 and Wendy from G12, their dreamlike voices fitted the ethereal beauty fo the winter.

第七个节目是G10-2 Maggie的小提琴独奏“人生的旋转木马 ”圆舞曲般浪漫悠扬的旋律让人仿佛置身于童话世界的舞会,观众们不禁踩着节奏,二人成对地翩翩起舞起来。

The seventh show was the violin solo ‘Marry Go Around’ by Maggie from G10-2 , the romantic Walts made the venue be like a ball in a fairy tale, the audience cannot help following the rhythm and starting to dance.

最后一个节目是来自法语班同学与老师们的圣诞颂歌以及来自电影放牛班的春天的合唱“Vois Sur Ton Chemin”,歌声余音绕梁,在宁静的圣诞夜里诠释着对老师的感激之情。

The last show was a Christmas Chanson and a Chorus ‘Vois Sur Ton Chemin’ performed by the French class and teachers, the melodies voices expressed the gratitude they have for the teachers in this serene Christmas’ Eve.


After the performance was the Secret Santa —Gift Exchange, students switched their gifts that are well-prepared by themselves, revealing their blessings to each other’s, the love and the warmth lingered over  the venue.


Lastly, not knowing whether it is the Christmas’ miracle or the encouragements from these amazing shows, many students who didn’t sign up for performance all came up to sing and perform, embracing the stage and their talents and this Christmas party gradually came to an end in their mesmerising voices.


Late in the night, the city lights still shone on the silent streets, students’ excitement still could not be easily settled down, but the exhaustion dragged them to fall into their sweet dreams.



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