

Have a Good Summer! 佛山霍利斯祝大家暑期愉快!新学年见!



  LEH Weekly Updates  

Mrs Jane Arden



Dear LEHF Parents,


The end of the year has come around so quickly, but I do think that everyone is ready for a relaxing summer holiday. The students and staff have been working hard right up to the end of term. The year culminated in our Prizegiving celebration and it was wonderful to bring everyone together to acknowledge the academic and pastoral progress made by many students, many of whom have not been with us long.


I trust that you will enjoy reading the yearbook and hopefully this will be with you for many years to come. For those students and staff who are moving on, this can be a book full of happy memories.


Your child will also have received their summer project, Hope Favours the Bold. I am looking forward to seeing their projects in September. Teachers will also be giving students work to do over the vacation, so please do make sure that you encourage them to complete their work throughout the holiday period rather than leaving it to the last minute.


I finally want to thank all of you for the support, kind words and encouragement you have given to me. I am very excited about next year and watching the school go from strength to strength as we welcome the Prep School, the Sixth Form and more new families to our beautiful campus.


Have a happy and safe holiday.


Best regards,


Mrs Jane Arden

Headteacher 校长

School Notice


Summer Holiday Notice


School will be on summer holiday from 2 July to 30 August. Academic year of 2022-2023 will begin on Wednesday 31 August. All students should arrive to school before 8:00am on this day.


Boarders are welcome to return to school between 16:00 and 19:30 on Tuesday 30 August. Day students who wish to change to boarding in the new school year, please contact Ms Jessica Li by 12 August.


Whilst we wish all families a happy summer holiday, we would like to remind families about holiday safety. If you are planning to travel out of your residence city, please scan the provided QR code in the school's communication email to share with us your travel plan by Friday 1 July. Please avoid going to any high or medium risk areas. If you travel out of the province, it’s highly suggested that you return to your residence city within Guangdong two weeks prior to the beginning of the new school year in order to leave yourself sufficient time to prepare for joining the new school year on time.


Department Updates




What an amazing year it has been in the mathematics department. We have enjoyed every moment and have seen some significant improvements in mathematics ability, thinking skills, accuracy and effort throughout the school community. Congratulations to all the students for their efforts in class, in competitions and in quizzes and problem solving challenges they have been given during the year. I am already excited to see what they can produce for the next academic year. This last part of the year has been focused on problem solving, creativity in mathematics and precision. The tasks were met with enthusiasm the students and if you would care to wander the mathematics corridor you will see much evidence of some great work produced by our own students.


Year 10s have been perfecting construction diagrams


Year 6s have been equally busy producing solids and some very complicated mystic rose pictures.


We are very pleased with the participation of problem solving activities. We have many types offered both in and outside the classroom for students to try individually and also as discussion points.


English – House Debate Competition

英语 – 学院辩论赛

The final House competition has now ended, the votes have been tallied and it’s official… Gryphon have the best debate team in KS3. It wasn’t because they were better prepared; every group turned up armed with facts and examples aplenty, with one student’s mother being used as a secret fount of scientific knowledge. It wasn’t because they were better at forming an argument; across the table the debate was fierce, full of emotional appeals, reminders about morality and facts that proved exactly why (as soon as they were assigned a side to argue on) they were 100% committed to their particular belief.  It wasn’t even because they were quick to cut down a counter-argument, although certain rebuttals were greeted with audible gasps from the audience and other side, as every group was ready to point out why the others were wrong and humans or animals deserved a better situation than they were currently being subjected to.

学院辩论赛圆满结束,狮鹫学院Gryphon 是关键阶段三组别中表现最好的学院,他们不仅准备充分:每个小组都准备了大量实例,且其中一名学生的母亲还为他们提供了很多科学知识;他们更善于编写论点:即使辩论激烈,他们也能充满感情,提供各种事实证明他们的论点,无论他们被分配到正方还是反方,他们都能100%地投入到辩论当中;他们还能对对方的反驳进行快速响应,甚至不给观众和对方喘息的机会:每个小组都准备充分,可以指出为什么对方的观点是错误的,他们认为无论人类或动物都应该值得被更好对待。

But 2 Y6 students scribbled notes furiously throughout and used others’ arguments like their own personal swords, rephrasing or challenging certain ideas with the aim of making anything other than their own words seem ridiculous and overall they proved to be the strongest team on the day. Every person, however, was a fierce competitor and we cannot wait to see what they are able to do with these speaking skills in the coming year.


Shakespeare Week


As Shakespeare Week draws to a close, students can reflect on the strange and fascinating world they have explored across the curriculum: the England of Queen Elizabeth I, around the year 1600, and of William Shakespeare, England’s greatest ever playwright. They have also explored the strange and magical worlds that Shakespeare created in his writing, from the glittering society of Venice, to the wilds of 11th-century Scotland, to enchanted forests and spellbound islands.

随着莎士比亚周接近尾声,学生们在本周跟随课堂探索了一个神奇而迷人的世界。他们欣赏了1600 年伊丽莎白一世女王统治的英国,以及当时有史以来最伟大的戏剧作家威廉莎士比亚的作品。莎士比亚的作品带领学生走进了他创造的神奇世界,令人身临其境,从闪闪发光的威尼斯社会,到 11 世纪苏格兰的荒野,再到迷人的森林岛屿风景。

The week kicked off with live workshops run by expert practitioners from Shakespeare’s Globe theatre in London: younger students experimented with the rhythm of the text and enjoyed lively drama games, while our IGCSE Literature students dived into the significance of verse and prose, and analysed Shakespeare’s use of poetic metre and form – they are well on the way to becoming experts themselves!


This unique week of activities helps ready all students for active, joyful and empathetic engagement with the often highly complex English texts they will study in the coming years at LEHF, as well as engagement across the whole curriculum.


Music – Next Term Arrangements

音乐 – 下学期音乐安排

A part of the exiting new development in Music at LEHF as from September, students in Years 4-6 will be learning string and woodwind instruments. This will lead to plenty of performing opportunities for your children, as well as the formation of more instrumental ensembles, and eventually a Jazz Band and Symphony Orchestra. I ask that, during the holidays, you purchase a string or woodwind instrument (of your child’s choice), for students in Years 4-6. Please refer to the attached price list from Turnkey from the communication email. Peter Sinclair, the Director of Turnkey, will be able to offer advice. All prices are at a reduced rate.

从九月开始,佛山霍利斯音乐学科部门将以全新的面貌迎接大家,4至6年级的学生将开始学习弦乐和木管乐器。您的孩子将有更多的表演机会,以及参与更多的器乐合奏团,我们的愿景是最终能成立一个爵士乐队和交响乐团。希望4至6年级的家长能在暑假期间为您的孩子购买弦乐器或木管乐器(由您的孩子选择)。请参考通讯邮件附件中的Turnkey的乐器价目表,Turnkey的主管 Peter Sinclair也能为您孩子选择什么乐器提供一些建议和本校专属优惠价格。

As Music at LEHF continues to grow, and we are clearly attracting many young, talented musical students to the school, the Music ECA programme will be much more extensive. The following ECAs will be offered as from September:

随着佛山霍利斯音乐课程的不断发展,将有更多年轻且有音乐才华的学生加入我们,而ECA的音乐课程选择也将更加丰富。从9月起,我们将提供以下 ECA:

Senior School Choir


Prep School Choir


Senior School String Orchestra


Prep School String Orchestra


Rock Group


Flute Ensemble


Other Chamber Groups / IGCSE and A Level Group performance

其他乐团及IGCSE与A Level乐团演奏

Music Theory


Music Practice


With many students starting to learn orchestral instruments, it will not be long before the LEHF Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Band are formed.


Due to the popularity of Music at LEHF, the LEHF Music Academy will be launched on 17th September, and will take place every Saturday morning during term time. This will be open to all students at LEHF, as well as those from outside. Tuition will be offered on many instruments and for students of all levels, as well as a wide variety of ensembles, choirs, theory, and composing. More details on the LEHF Music Academy are on a separate document.


I would like to thank all students for your wonderful Music this past year, for their parents for their continued support, and to all teachers for your inspiring lessons and motivating our students. I look forward to your children continuing to enjoy Music next academic year, in the meantime, keep practising!  We are all on an exciting musical journey together!


Chinese - Recommended Book List

中文 – 推荐书单

Summer holiday is approaching. It is a good habit to keep reading while enjoying your holiday. Here is a Chinese book list that Chinese department would recommend students to read during summer holiday.


For Primary School Students (age 6-12)


  • 《城南旧事》林海音

  • 《苏东坡传》林语堂

  • 《窗边的小豆豆》黑柳彻子

For Middle School Students (age 12-14)


  • 《骆驼祥子》老舍

  • 《这些人,那些事》吴念真

  • 《撒哈拉的故事》三毛

For High School Students (age 14-17)


  • 《给青年的十二封信》朱光潜

  • 《台北人》白先勇

  • 《得到头条》得到APP (时事评论)



The Periodic Table. A work of art. Beautiful and educational. History, alchemy, geography, language and inspiration all played a part in its construction. Predictor of the future and teller of stories. Formed in stars, alive and exploding, all the elements that we know exist are here, arranged into families, repeating patterns of behaviour amongst each other in a regular way. It has room to grow, as chemists and physicists outdo themselves to crash sub-atomic particles into one another and see what pops out. Our Periodic Table is taking shape on the fifth floor; with the help of Year 6, and Gellson, the science technician, the groups and periods are coming together to make up possibly the single most informative, brilliant table ever created.

元素周期表是一件美丽且具有教育意义的艺术品。它的构建均融合了历史、炼金术、地理、语言及灵感等多方面的知识。它是未来的预测者,也是故事的讲述者。它在恒星中形成,有生命力,有爆发力。所有存在的元素都以顺序和性质进行周期性排列。元素周期表还有进一步发展空间,因为化学家和物理学家一直在突破认知的边界,将亚原子粒子相互碰撞,探索更多新的发现。元素周期表的模型构建图展示于教学楼五楼, 在 6 年级学生和科学实验室管理员 Gellson 的帮助下,各组和各时期的元素周期表逐渐构建完成,形成了一张丰富精彩的元素周期表。

ECA - Next Term Arrangements

ECA课程 – 下学期安排

The last few weeks have been very busy for LEH and so for the ECA programme, with activities running daily, alongside rehearsals for the many wonderful events we have held in the final weeks of term.


The new ECA programme will start as soon as students arrive back on site; during the first 2 days, students will participate in trials for our sports & swim teams, auditions for the school orchestra and for a range of ensembles and for our first school production!


There are some changes to the programme; it will be expanding to include the prep school and study time will be included for the secondary school. Students and parents will receive full details of the new programme, including the choices form during the week beginning 15th August.


I wish everyone a joyful and restful summer break.











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