
MYP学生告诉你,我们为何庆祝国际和平日?Why We Celebrate International Day of Peace




International Day of Peace


In 1981, the United Nations General Assembly declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace to strengthen the ideals of peace through observing non-violence and cease-fire on the day.


The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their commonhumanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. 


IB’s educational philosophy is highly aligned with the International Day of Peace in its vision of "creating a better and more peaceful world". As an IB Continuum School, TWIS responds to the UN's call to celebrate the International Day of Peace with an inspiring ceremony led by MYP 4 and MYP 5 students. Applying what they have learned in the Individual and Societies class, students shared the origins and meaning behind the day and invited other grades to participate in this meaningful assembly.


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Why do we celebrate International Day of Peace?


MYP 5 student Annie shares an authentic close-relationship perspective on why we celebrate the day.




"The goal of International Day of Peace is to teach, inform and promote the idea of peace to humans to prevent war between countries and avoid conflict with others. What if we don’t do this? It will be hard and harmful for everyone. If there is a war coming, you can imagine the outcome if you are unprepared for it. 

Therefore, I think it’s important to cherish harmony because it’s not only about war, it’s also about being at peace with your family, your friends, your partners, etc."



Symbols of Peace:

The story of Sadako Sasaki and 

the thousand paper cranes.


What symbol comes to mind when we talk about peace? Is it the "V" sign, olive branch, dove, or paper cranes? Iris in MYP 5 chooses to share the story behind the thousand paper cranes.

 Iris : 




"Sadako was a happy, healthy and aesthetically gifted child. She was a fast runner and popular in her class. Until an atomic bomb in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.

Ten years after the bombing, Sadako was diagnosed with leukemia, which is known as the atom bomb disease. While Sadako was bedridden, she learned about the miracle of the thousand paper cranes. She believed that if she could fold 1000 paper cranes, she would recover from the disease, but unfortunately, she didn't make it.

After Sadako's death in 1955, she became a symbol for World Peace, and was well-known for her optimism while she was alive."


Artistic Action about Peace at TWIS


Like the story of Sadako Sasaki and the thousand paper cranes, arts can be used to express the desire for peace. MYP 2 students promote peace through their art installation.

 MYP 2 Students : 



"Arts can help develop empathy, and allow viewers to take a new perspective to understand others in a better way. These qualities are important pillars of peace which begins when we understand the effects that our own actions on others. 

Each of us made a paper dove that is a symbol of peace. We decorated them based on our preference and wrote a message under their wings, with quotes about peace such as 'We can’t create the world, but we can change it.' and 'Peace comes within. Do not seek it without.' These birds and quotes represent our ideas of peace."


Pacifists and International Organizations


Guarding hard-won peace is the responsibility of every global citizen. MYP 4 and 5 students shared several significant guardians of social peace such as Nelson Mandela and Mohandas Gandhi, and significant international organizations dedicated to humanitarian aid such as the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.


A Call for Peace. Music is Power.

 Henry : 

“音乐不仅是乐器所奏出的音符,它还包含了音乐家希望传递的信息和情感。聆听音乐能以积极的方式影响人们, 它可以赋予人们能量,激励人们齐心协力完成目标,实现个人单独行动所无法想象的愿景。”

"Music is not only the note on the instrument, it contains messages and emotions that musicians want to deliver. Listening to music can affect people in a positive way. It can empower and inspire people to work together to accomplish goals and achieve visions unimagined by individuals acting alone."

在“音乐即力量”的使然下,PYP小学四年级学生以歌舞的方式演绎了《和平之歌(A Song for Peace)》,借此表达了对和平的珍爱。MYP中学三年级学生则组成了一支合唱团歌颂了《天下一家(We are the World)》——自2019年起的每个国际和平日,这首歌便一直与TWIS为伴。

In the spirit of "music is power", PYP 4 students performed A Song for Peace to express how they cherish peace, while MYP 3 students performed "We are the World". A song that has been associated with this special day at TWIS since our first Peace Day celebration in 2019.







On the International Day of Peace,

let's work towards

"A world free of racism and racial discrimination;

A world where compassion and empathy overcome suspicion and hatred;

A world that we can truly be proud of".









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