

祝贺佛山霍利斯学子IGCSE荣获佳绩 LEHF Celebrates More Student Success



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Mrs Deborah Kirk 

12-13年级主任Debbie Kirk女士谈及Jasmine的  IGCSE成绩时表示:Jasmine通过努力学习取得了优异的IGCSE成绩。除了学习成绩以外,我们更应该看到她的自信心增强了,她的英语口语和写作水平也提高了,她对周围的世界也更感兴趣了。







在周末,Ms Hayward老师会让我们在周六参加艺术工作室的活动,这帮助我完成了很多课程作业,否则我没有时间完成。另外,我的计算机科学老师 Mr Stenning 每周五晚上给我们提供学习支持,这些额外的课程对我完成IGCSE计算机科学课程非常重要。整个学年里我都参加了晚自习,这对我十分有帮助。我非常感谢他们对我的帮助,没有他们,我就不会成为现在这样成功的学生。 




学校给我们提供可选修的课外活动课范围很广。我喜欢游泳、足球、合唱团、机器人和数学挑战。我最喜欢的是机器人项目,Mr Stenning 老师对机器人项目的热情感染了我,我也乐在其中。  


你现在正在学习哪些A Level科目?为什么选择这些科目?   




关于LEHF IGCSE和A Level课程  


英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程(A Level)是针对12和13年级学生的课程。A Level课程受到大学和雇主的高度重视,通过两年的学习,学生们将参加A Level考试,考试成绩备受英国和世界许多其他国家的大学和其他高等教育机构认可,学生可进入世界各地的大学,包括英国、美国和澳大利亚。A Level在完成为期两年的IGCSE课程后进行。大多数学生将把精力集中在3或4个科目上,并在英语/雅思方面得到一些额外的支持。 

佛山霍利斯首届11年级毕业生对学习的认真刻苦以及她们所取得的成绩都让我们感到十分自豪。学生们对学习始终充满热诚,并以坚定的意志力来应对各种困难与挑战,充分践行了我们的校训——希望垂青勇者!我们期待着在A Level阶段见证他们更大的进步和成长。 

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Last week, we shared the importance of effective home-school communication and heard from LEHF parents about the growth and progress of their children at LEH Foshan. 

One of these parents is Jasmine's Dad, whose daughter has achieved excellent IGCSE results in the 2021-2022 school year. 

After two years of study, he is satisfied with the school curriculum, its dedicated and talented teachers and he is very happy to see Jasmine' growth and progress.

Mrs Deborah Kirk 

Mrs Debbie Kirk, Head of Sixth Form, comments on Jasmine’s IGCSE results: Jasmine worked hard to achieve excellent IGCSE results as shown in the poster. Her academic results speak for themselves but perhaps more importantly we should look at her enhanced confidence, her improved English speaking and writing and her overall interest in the World around her. 

About Jasmine 

Jasmine comes from Hong Kong. She joined LEH Foshan in 2020 as one of the founding students. In this article, we invited Jasmine to tell us about her experience preparing for the IGCSE exams and her life at LEH Foshan.

The Academic Journey  

Why did you choose LEH Foshan and why chose the British curriculum? 

I chose LEH Foshan, because this school is better value than the Hong Kong international schools, also, I found out that I have difficulty in Chinese in the DSE curriculum, so I prefer to study a British curriculum.

How did the teachers support you in your study and during IGCSE exam preparation?   

During the weekend, Ms Hayward needed us to join the art studio on Saturday, which allowed me to finish lots of course work, which I wouldn’t have time to finish otherwise. Also, my computer science teacher Mr Stenning gave us support every Friday evening, the extra lessons were very important to me to finish the IGCSE computer science curriculum. Throughout the year I attended evening school which was very beneficial. Theus when we have some questions. I am most grateful for their support, without them I would not be the successful student I am now.

Do you have any study tips for our current Year 10-11 students?  

Pay attention to what the teachers are talking about, and make notes (don’t just copy the thing on the white board or smart board), you need to write some notes that are readable. Also, do as many past papers that you can do, and be willing to put the hours in. Additionally, when you find some questions on homework that are hard, you can ask the teachers through teams, the teachers will reply to you promptly.

What ECAs have you taken part in, and which one is your favourite?  

The ECAs on offer here at LEHF, are wide-ranging. I have enjoyed swimming, football, choir, robotic and maths challenge. Robotics was my favourite due to the enthusiasm of Mr Stenning, it is stimulating.


What A Level subjects are you studying right now? Why did you choose these subjects?   

I am studying physics, mathematics, art, and computer science. My choices are because I got good grades in those subjects, so I chose these subjects. Also, I am interested in a career in programming, engineering, and architecture, so I chose those subjects to ensure I have flexibility. 

Have you decided which universities you would like to apply to and what you like to study for university? 

I have not decided yet, but I am doing research and finding out more useful information on uniforg.org. Additionally, I discuss universities with the Sixth Form tutors and the Head of Sixth Form.

About LEHF IGCSE and A Level Programme 

The IGCSE curriculum covers a diverse range of subjects covering English, Mandarin, Mathematics, Arts, Sciences and Modern Foreign Languages. LEH-Foshan embraces the traditional and the new and every student can make choices from the options to fit their needs. The options include Design Technology, Business studies, Economics, Computer science, Sports Science, Music, History and Geography. The students start to have access to the wide range of subjects from Year 9. 

The Advanced Level General Certificate of Education (or A Level) courses are in Years 12 and 13. A Level courses are highly regarded by universities and employers – and will allow students access to universities around the world, including the UK, USA and Australia. They are usually taken after successful completion of a previous IGCSE course. Most students will focus their attention on 3 or 4 subjects with some extra support in English/IELTS. 

LEH Foshan is very proud of our first Year 11 students for their hard work and achievement. The commitment and determination of the students embodies our school motto, Hope Favours the Bold! We look forward now to seeing their progress in their A Levels.  










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