




A Last Message

from our Founding Headmaster



此刻,我怀着沉重的心情写下这封信,正式向各位学生和家长公布我将卸任学校创始校长和心理学老师这一消息。本学年 12 月 17 日是我任期的最后一天。这是一个艰难的决定,于我而言,莱克顿不只是一所优质的学校,它的理念、愿景以及在这片校园里发生的点点滴滴都让我心有戚戚焉。然而,今年我的生活发生了改变,结婚生子之后,我想是时候开启一段新的旅程,自 2021 年 1 月起,我将担任南宁哈罗礼德学校的创校校长。

在上海莱克顿学校,我有幸遇见很多人,并与之共事,虽然不舍,但不得不说声再见。短短几年,学校学生人数从 32 名创校生迅速发展到现在 160 人,校园每天都充满活力和吸引力。我们在家庭式的氛围中,相互支持,为每个人寻求积极的学习机会,与整个莱克顿大家庭协同合作,践行全人教育。我们的学生表现卓越,他们在机器人比赛中夺得冠军,在体育比赛中尽显体育精神,在整个中国区获得IGCSE物理最高分等等。我相信这样一所杰出的英制寄宿制学校将继续成为双语跨文化教育的典范。学校教职员工总是把学生放在第一位,学生勤奋能干,家长更是给予帮助和支持。

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Dear Luctonians,

It is with a heavy heart I write this letter to all the parents and students here at Lucton officially announcing my resignation as the school’s Founding Headmaster and Psychology teacher. My last day on campus will be at the end of this calendar year, 17 December. It has been such a difficult decision to make, as this fantastic school and all it stands for has become very dear to my heart and my home from home. However, having recently married and with the birth our amazing son, I believe the time is right to start a new journey. Taking up the role of founding Headmaster of the K-12 Harrow Innovation and Leadership Academy Nanning in Guangxi province from January 2021, will provide my son with an all through education.

I am very sad to say goodbye to the many people I have had the privilege of meeting and working with since Lucton’s conception. Growing rapidly from 32 founding students to 160, the school is a really vibrant, exciting place to be. Together, we emphasize the importance of family, support each other, look for positive learning opportunities for everyone, and collaborate with the whole school community to embrace the vision of holistic education. Excellence is celebrated at every turn, whether that’s in robotics competitions, sporting achievements or achieving the top IG Physics score in the whole of China; this is an exceptional British boarding school that will continue to exemplify the very best in bilingual and bicultural education. The staff always put students first, the students are hard-working capable learners, and the parents are supportive, friendly, and caring. I feel very fortunate to have been part of the Lucton community and I will always cherish the time spent at this school learning with all of you!

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在创校开学典礼上,与英国总校校长Mrs Gill Thorne一起接受媒体采访。At the Grand Opening Ceremony, he took the interviews together with the Headmistress of our parent school.   2018/09/03



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I would like to take this opportunity to say a really big thank you to all of you for your support, kind words and encouragement, during my time as Headmaster – they have been much appreciated. I would also like to thank all of the staff for their incredibly hard work to ensure every student has a chance to ‘shine’; without them, we wouldn’t have made such a difference. I must also thank the Governors for their support and commitment. Founding a school has been challenging, but it’s been extremely rewarding and enjoyable to overcome all these challenges together.

The heart of Lucton is, of course, the students. I have always enjoyed coming to work and there is not a day goes past when I do not get to see the talents, skills and enthusiasm of our students in some way or another. Their boundless energy, smiles, humour and achievements have made this job so rewarding. It is watching young people grow and develop, achieving their potential, realising their ambitions, becoming responsible young adults and citizens that drives every teacher and it has been a great pleasure to contribute to making this happen for Lucton students.

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第一届篝火之夜(Bonfire Night),与学生家长们讲解这个英国传统节日的由来。At the first Bonfire Night, he introduced this traditional British festival to parents.   2018/11/03

家校圣诞派对上,给学生们送上祝福贺卡。He was delivering the blessing cards to each student at the Christmas party.    2018/12/16

随堂访课,与英国总校代表一起进行年度学校质量审查。Along with the representatives from parent school in UK to deliver an annual inspection, he was observing a lesson.   2019/10/10

这学期剩下的时间里,我们要做很多事情以确保我们这批学生取得他们应得的成绩。请放心,当前我们完全专注于实现这一目标。虽然校长的更换可能令人不安,但我将集中精力确保学校一如既往地提供高标准教育。校理事决意在这一变化中稳定优化组织结构,在此,我很高兴地通知大家,学术副校长 Mr Parrish,被任命为莱克顿新一任校长,任期五年。Mr Parrish 是一位对教育充满热情的领导者,他在教育界驰骋二十余年,与学校有着深厚的感情。他是学校发展和成长过程中不可或缺的一部分,在他的管理下,学生取得了可喜的 IG 和 AS 成绩。就任后,Mr Parrish 将和一群能力出众的领导团队一道,带领学校走向新的高度。

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We have a great deal to do over the remainder of this term to ensure that our current group of students achieves as well as they deserve. I can assure you that we are all completely focussed on making this happen and, whilst a change of Headteacher can be unsettling, I will be focussed on ensuring that we continue to provide the high standard of education that you, as parents, would expect from us. The governors are determined to ensure that we have a period of stability as we plot our way through this change and I am delighted to inform you that Mr Parrish, Deputy Head Academic, has been appointed to lead the school for the next five years. Mr Parrish is a passionate leader with over 20 years’ experience who has a deep association with the school. He has been integral to the development and growth of the school and under his stewardship the school has produced fantastic sets of IG and AS results. He will be ably supported as he steps up by a very strong leadership team and we can all be confident that the school will have a successful future under his guidance.

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因疫情延迟开学后,给返校的学生们写慰问信以鼓励。When reopen the school after the epidemic, he was writing the greeting cards to students.   2020/06/03




Neil Clayton



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Once again, I would like to thank you for your support, having the belief in us and for supporting the entire team throughout my time at the school. I know the school will continue to thrive in the coming years and I look forward to keeping in touch with all those that make up this great community. I leave behind many students on the verge of greatness and I am sure I will be hearing much more about Luctonian achievements, great exam results and prestigious university places. I wish you and your children all the very best for a bright and prosperous future.


Warmest regards,

Neil Clayton

A very proud Founding Headmaster of Lucton School Shanghai

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