

一年之计在于春 | 第七期莱克顿简报




我们的校园简报 “The Lucton Post ” 第七期伴随本学期期末的到来已出刊,



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Dear Parents and Friends, we are delighted to send you the 7th issue of The Lucton Post. A great deal has happened in this half-term and we hope that you enjoy reading.

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As we welcome the year of the Ox, I hope you all had a wonder Spring Festival vacation and are rested and full of enthusiasm for the year ahead. For humanity in all parts of the world, spring is the season of hope when the dark nights and cold days of winter pass and the sounds and sights of nature renewing and refreshing greet us. It is a time of reinvigoration when we look to the year ahead with optimism, cheerfulness and anticipation. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of ‘the Lucton Post’, and all of our reflections on the achievements of the term that has just passed.

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We are achieving greatness on a daily basis through our dedicated USAD team which is a prestigious annual event for us, through awards in national and international English, math and science competitions, through our slow but substantial reading attainment thanks to our school reading program, through our regular baseline and academic tests tracking progress and achievement in a scientific and data-driven and the weekly assemblies where every single student has taken to the stage for some sort of performance, and myriad  and countless other examples of success, of growth and of excellence.

2020 was not a year anyone dreamed of, but together in our small community, we have achieved big things and we are thankful to each and every stakeholder for their participation and perseverance in making this year successful for us.

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With the arrival of winter, it is not hard to see that students have big smiles on their face, all of which indicate that Christmas is arrived.

Christmas lunch have been well prepared in the school canteen, including grilled lamb chops, spaghetti, prawns in tomato sauce, steak with black pepper, vegetable salad and so on. Lucton Christmas kicked off from the Christmas lunch.

The very first thing that should highlighted is our Christmas drama, A Christmas Carol, which was prepared by our students for four months. Let’s see how our students performed the classical story by Dickens.

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精英运动方面,马术作为我们每一个莱克顿学生的必修课程,本学期有近70人参加了马术运动。其中不乏一些很优秀的学生,比如拿到我们马术奖学金的Linda Z同学,她曾多次在中国马术盛装舞步比赛中获得前三名的好成绩。Mark H、Shelley Y、Eurus L、Amelia Q、Yisa Y这些学生已经经过了一年或者两年的训练,目前已经达到了较高的水平,个别的学生可以跳跃有难度的障碍。至于那些才接触了一个学期的新生们也有很大的进步,从一开始需要教练牵着缰绳行走到现在完全可以靠自己来驾驭马匹进行一些简单的快步、奔跑等动作……


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From the hot summer to the cold winter, we have spent another extraordinary semester together. I am very glad to see that the students have improved from zero to the mastery of a sport, which is inseparable from everyone's efforts.

In terms of elite sports, Equestrian is a compulsory sport for every student in their first term in Lucton. Nearly 70 people have participated in equestrian courses from last autumn, including some outstanding students, such as Linda Z, who has been awarded the Equestrian Scholarship. She has won the tops prizes for many times in the national dressage competitions. Mark H, Shelley Y, Eurus L, Amelia Q and Yisa Y have been training for one or two years and have reached a good level. As for those freshmen who have only been practicing equestrian in Lucton for a semester, they went from needing the coach to hold the reins to riding the horses on their own and leading the horses trotting, cantering……

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本学期伊始,13年级的学生就进入了紧张的申请准备阶段,他们在升学指导老师们的指导下,撰写Personal Statement的初稿,跟进各学科老师的推荐信,填写UCAS网申表格等。10月期中考试后,10年级和12年级的学生开始第一轮面谈,我们通过一对一的面谈,帮助学生量身定制适合他们个人情况的升学指导规划方案。

截至目前为止,13年级毕业班的孩子们已经收到了来自世界各地名校的录取通知书:包括英国方向的剑桥大学面试邀请,杜伦大学、巴斯大学、布里斯托大学、格拉斯哥大学、曼切斯特大学、伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院、南安普顿大学、约克大学、爱丁堡大学、萨里大学、卡迪夫大学、雷丁大学、诺丁汉特伦特大学、考文垂大学、伦敦艺术大学、布莱顿大学、威斯敏斯特大学、提赛德大学、南威尔士大学、北方皇家音乐学院,美国方向的帕森斯设计学院并提供42000美金奖学金、普瑞特艺术学院、加州艺术学院并提供88000美金奖学金、纽约视觉学院并提供20000美金奖学金; 新西兰方向的奥克兰大学等,涵盖了航空航天工程、电子电气工程、心理学、酒店管理、教育、法律、商业管理、人力资源管理、音乐、艺术设计(室内设计、动画)等专业。我们祝贺这些孩子的同时,也请继续拭目以待更多的惊喜吧!


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At the beginning of this term, Year 13 students entered the intense application preparation stage. Under the guidance of the University Guidance Office, they wrote the first draft of the Personal Statement, followed up the recommendation letters of teachers in various subjects, and filled out UCAS online application forms. After the mid-term exams in October, Year 10 and Year 12 students started the first round of interviews. Through one-on-one interviews, we helped students tailor a plan for further education that suits their personal circumstances.

Up to now, Year 13 students have received acceptance letters from prestigious universities around the world: including interview invitations for Cambridge University in the UK, Durham University, Bath University, University of Bristol, University of Glasgow, University of Manchester, University of London, Royal Holloway, University of London, University of Southampton, University of York, University of Edinburgh, University of Surrey, Cardiff University, University of Reading, Nottingham Trent University, Coventry University, University of the Arts London , University of Brighton, University of Westminster, University of Teesside, University of South Wales, Royal Northern College of Music, Parsons School of Design-42,000 US dollars scholarship, Pratt Institute of Art, California Institute of Art with 88,000 US dollars scholarship, New York Institute of Vision with 20,000 US dollars scholarship, University of Auckland, etc., the majors cover aerospace engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, psychology, hotel management, education, law, business management, human resource management, music, art design (Interior design, animation) and etc. While we congratulate these children, please continue to look forward to more surprises.

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More about academic life, annual drama performance, CCAs, sports, boarding life, students clubs, university guidance, character development and campus notice board, please scan the QR code to explore more stories, or you can click the ‘Read more’ at the bottom of this page. *As ever, we are grateful to all Luctonians who have contributed to this issue.

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