

重逢校园,秋日更胜春朝 | A Level喜讯分享




Message from the Headmaster


I am delighted to warmly welcome our Lucton students to the school for what will be a magnificent new academic year. 

在此,我怀着激动的心情向大家分享一个好消息——我们的学生在刚刚放榜的A Level考试中取得了惊人的好成绩,后续将有进一步成绩的公布和更多的细节,不过现在我就可以分享给大家的是:我们58%的毕业生取得了至少三个A或A*的成绩,而在所有的A Level成绩中,有71%的A或A*。这非凡的成绩远超英国及全世界的平均水平我们的老师、学生,在疫情的艰难环境下,仍保持积极的心态,勇争卓越,他们的努力,换来了如今值得我们所有人骄傲的好成绩。当然,这也意味着,我们的毕业生都将进入他们首选的英美大学,包括:伦敦大学学院、爱丁堡大学、华威大学、布里斯托大学、曼彻斯特大学、帕森斯大学和普拉特大学等等。我们不仅有跻身G5大学的学子,在申请英国大学的毕业生中,有80%都获得了排名前20名大学的青睐,100%取得了排名前40名大学的录取。我们会记住他们所取得的辉煌成就。即便学生们毕业了,我们也会通过校友网络,保持联系,心心相系,因为莱克顿是一个大家庭,我期待着听到我们的首届校友在踏入大学时的见闻。

It is wonderful to be able to share the fantastic news of our amazing exam results. Although there will be more details to follow as further results are released, I can let you know that 58% of our graduating Year 13 students achieved at least three A* or A grades at A Level and 71% of all grades at A Level were A* or A. This is hugely above the UK and world-wide average and we are immensely proud of all of our students and teachers who stayed positive through adverse pandemic-related conditions. This really demonstrates that hard work brings great results in the end. Of course, it also means that our students will be going to their first choice UK universities and American colleges which include: UCL, Edinburgh, Warwick, Bristol, Manchester, Parsons and Pratt. As well as winning places at G5 universities, 80% of our graduating students who applied to the UK achieved offers from top 20 schools and 100% achieved places at top 40 schools. This is a memorable achievement and I am very much looking forward to hearing from our new alumni all about their first few days and weeks of study. We are a family school and we will keep close contact with them as we build our alumni network.


During the summer holidays I really enjoyed watching the successes of British and Chinese competitors in the Olympic games. Watching the games called to mind one of my favorite expressions in the English language: "Don't rest on your laurels" which means to not be complacent with your achievements and to keep moving forward. If one is satisfied with what he or she has achieved, he or she may stop striving for success or decide that further effort isn't needed. The Greeks awarded wreaths of laurel leaves to the winners of the Pythian Games, and the Romans gave similar awards to distinguished citizens. For some winners, as with winners of gold medals in modern Olympic games, the award is enough; they have reached the pinnacle. 



Here at Lucton we teach our students to pursue excellence constantly, and to never "Rest on their laurels." So although we are very happy to be celebrating these results with our families, we are a school with a philosophy of continual improvement and we have plans for an amazing year ahead. In the new academic year, we will improve communication, so that parents are always able to be fully informed about their child's progress. We are also introducing a new academic leadership structure to further enhance and strengthen teaching and learning; a number of our excellent teachers have been promoted to positions of responsibility within the academic team to ensure that academic standards and results will be even higher next year. We have also created a Lucton Spirit Programme which will enable to students to get credit for and create a record of all of the extra leadership and service events and activities they are involved in throughout the year providing evidence of holistic development. Further details on all of these developments and much more will be outlined in our communications over the coming weeks and months.



In the meantime, I am very much looking forward to a great academic year 2021 – 2022 and welcoming all our Luctonians on to the campus on Sunday. I can't wait to see their smiling faces and welcome them to the school in person.

Mr Clem Parrish

校长 Headmaster

上海莱克顿学校 Lucton School Shanghai











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