

家长大讲堂Parents Forum|青春期的人际关系Adolescent Interpersonal Relationship






Interpersonal relationship is a widely-discussed topic that high school students care and think a lot about. On the afternoon of April 10, Ms. Yuan Yiting, a representative of the Parent & School Association, gave students a sharing session on social dilemmas in high school years and ways to resolve them.


At the beginning of the session, Ms. Yuan pointed out that during elementary school years, kids receive more feedback and comments from parents and teachers. However, by the time they reach middle or high school, they no longer rely on and agree to the comments given by their parents and teachers as they grow mature. Instead, they are likely to be influenced by their peers and become more self-concious. They care about whether others can identify with them, and whether they can create value by themselves.


Ms. Yuan told us by analyzing some video cases that the social conflicts among high school students generally result from the fact that they care too much about their own presence, and from their different views on one issue and their improper management of emotions. When you encounter these problems, don't consider them as trivial. Instead, you should take them seriously and solve conflicts through communication.


Then, she went on to say that nowadays, many kids have trouble socializing with others: they are afraid to express their opinions, and to speak in public, etc. These problems may result from a lack of opportunities and power to express themselves at an early age. Therefore, the most important tip she gave us on how to remove our social barriers is to learn to seize opportunities and be brave to express ourselves. We may begin by chatting with one of our best friends, and then 2, 3, and ten. Step by step, we may be able to stand and speak in public, thus breaking down our social barriers.


Later, Ms. Yuan talked about the "social grievance" harbored by some kids. These kids act like doormats while socializing with others, as if they were always being bullied. In fact, the reason why they are socially grieved is that their emotions are ignored by others, or that they have been negatively affected since childhood, so they think that they are supposed to play a certain role in social interaction, and they have never thought about how to solve the problem. Ms. Yuan pointed out that many kids choose to be silent and get rid of bad mood by themselves after they are socially wronged because they fear that parents and teachers will not understand and accept them. However, actually they should choose to unleash their emotions at this moment, because if they are able to reveal their sorrows. In addition, while they are making complaints, we should be with them and listen quietly so that we can help them get rid of their grievance.


Ms. Yuan also touched on the issue of puberty romance. She said that it is common to have a good impression of someone else during puberty, but teenagers need to be aware of boundaries and understand that in a relationship, it is important for both parties to support each other and grow up together. We need to enrich our experiences and feelings instead of falling in love with someone blindly.


"The purpose of social interaction itself is not to socialize with others, but to allow ourselves to grow up, and to fill ourselves with positive energy. The most important tip on socializing with others is to be sure to love ourselves. Socializing is not about bending yourself to fit someone else's needs. Instead, it's about making ourselves comfortable, mature and powerful. Meanwhile we should exert positive influence on others." 


"Don't worry too much about others’ comments on us. Only you know what you want. It is wise to correct your mistakes if there is any, and keep the good record if none has been committed when facing others’ judgments. The most important tip on socializing with others is to find and love yourselves"


Ms. Yuan concluded her session by sharing the above words with the students and sent her best wishes. 

文 | Lee Li(G12)

审核 | Xu Wu

翻译 | Dawn Xu

排版 | Jang










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