With school now fully up and running after the summer break, it’s time for our students to consider which After School Activities (ASAs) they would like to take part in for the rest of this term. We are looking forward to welcoming our community into school on Tuesday 29th August at 2pm for a short ‘Tuesday Talk’ session in the IB Suite, which will be an overview of the activities available and the purpose behind the programme. All current parents are welcome to join. This will be followed at 2.15pm by an ASA Fair, during which time our staff will be on hand to talk in more detail about all of the available activities. The fair will take place in the Sports Hall and will conclude at 3.15pm, at which point school buses will depart campus.
The ASA registration portal – Schoolsbuddy – will also launch on 29th August for parents/students to officially select their preferred activities. The Schoolbuddy logins will be issued by our academic team very soon. The registration process will be open until 4th September, and then activities will commence officially on 11th September. Just a remind that ASAs are compulsory for students Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then optional on Thursdays and Fridays.
Ahead of the Tuesday Talk, Fair and opening of registration, you can take a sneak peek at our ASA options by accessing the handbook here:
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