





下周,我很高兴开始教授学生在7月份的考试前需要学习的最后一个单元—— 1848-1948年医学变革。主要关注从19世纪中期到20世纪中期医学的关键发展——这些发展对塑造我们今天的生活方式产生了巨大的影响,并彻底改变了人类历代以来与细菌、疾病和伤害的斗争。







Tom Bailey

Humanities Teacher 人文老师

In History class we have recently concluded our study of the Origins and Course of the First World War module. We have investigated causes of conflict and why there was tension in Europe prior to the war, analysed several major land and naval battles and the effectiveness of military strategies adopted by generals, and summarised the factors that ultimately led to the allied victory in 1918. Throughout, we have studied key themes such as technological advancement in weaponry, international relations and politics, and public opinion of the war. The main skill being tested for this module will be the students’ ability to compare and contrast primary and secondary sources, with students incorporating their own knowledge of the era to come to evidence-based conclusions that demonstrate incite. Through studying this module, students have enhanced their understanding of world geography, international diplomacy and conflict, and the historical effects of militarism, nationalism and imperialism. 

Next week, I am excited to begin teaching the final module that students need to learn before their exam in July – Changes in Medicine 1848-1948. This module focuses on key developments in medicine from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century – developments that have had a massive impact on shaping the way we are able to live our lives’ today, and have revolutionised mankind’s battle through the ages against bacteria, disease and injury. This topic seems especially pertinent to 2020. We will study everything from developments in surgery, radiotherapy, X-Ray and the discovery of antibiotics; to scientific theories relating to germs and disease; to government policy and historical events that have shaped the world of medicine. Key skills tested in this module include the students’ ability to solve problems, provide reasoning for arguments and making decisions.

This module should take between two to three months to complete. Afterwards we will be revisiting content from all four modules that the students have studied (including two studied in the previous year), and practice skills and exam techniques that will enable students to be successful in their IGCSE exam in July.

Year 11 Global Perspectives students are focusing on completing coursework this year that will form part of their final IGCSE grade. Students have just submitted their first piece of coursework – an independent research paper that answers a question on a modern global issue of their choosing. Issues range from poverty, urbanisation and social inequality to animal rights and environmental challenges. 

Students have been tasked to identify a pressing issue in the world and pose a question within this issue that will benefit the world to be researched and answered. To complete the paper, they have had to research a range of sources to gather information on global and national perspectives on the issue, analyse and compare its causes and consequences, suggest courses of action, evaluate evidence and reflect on their personal learning. This type of activity is hugely beneficial in giving students the skills to independently research and evaluate a range of evidence to draw appropriate conclusions related to overcoming challenges we face in the world today.

The next piece of coursework will involve organising students into a team to plan and carry out a project related to an issue of their choosing. This will require students to organise a physical activity to collect data and then reflect on their success.

In year 10 we are implementing various skills development activities that will give students the tools to be successful in completing coursework in the following year. Relevant skills include: searching for, organising and presenting key information and evidence, identifying global issues and perspectives, identifying trends, causes, consequences and courses of action, developing reasoned opinions, and reflecting on their personal learning.










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