

国王人物丨周泽军博士: 用“全人教育” ,培养拥有全球及未来视野的人



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Learn to Learn and 

Be a Proactive Learner

周泽军校长的教育理念,与国王学校有着无数契合之处。他一直强调要教会学生Learn to learn and think about thinking, active learning(学会学习和思考,主动学习),不仅授之于鱼,更是授之于渔,使学生有动力、有方法去构建自己的人生。

这样的教育理念之下,“Know yourself, know your brain (了解自我,了解自己的大脑)”的学生才可以成为从容面向未来的人,他们对世界充满好奇与关注,突破小我的局限,对周围的人群、生命体、宇宙万物都充满着关爱与热情。自身也充满内驱力,勇于探索自己想要做什么,怎么做,成为谁,积极应对未知的挑战与机遇,能为人类的未来做出贡献。对于家长而言,面对各种信息过载和杂音, 能选择对于孩子终身成长有益的教育需要强大的品鉴力。

Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun's educational  philosophy matches perfectly with KSS. He has always emphasised that pupils must "learn to learn, think about thinking, and learn actively". As the famous Chinese saying goes, "Give a man a fish, and you only feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime". Instead of simply feeding pupils with knowledge, teaching them how to learn effectively on their own will motivate them to achieve their personal fulfilment in their own ways. 

Guided by such a philosophy, only those who “know themselves and know their brains” are able to be at ease with the uncertain and unknown future. Their curiosity to know more about the world is deeply rooted in their hearts and minds, always helping them to find ways to step out of their own circles, enabling them to show kindness and compassion to other people and all living creatures. They are self-motivated to explore what they want to do, how they can achieve their goals and who they would like to become. They are fully prepared for challenges and opportunities and are capable of making contributions to the future of mankind. Today’s information and noise overload requires parents to be skilful at making choices as to what kind of education is best suited for their children’s life-long learning.

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● ●  |周泽军校长和家人一起



Learn from and for society and 

Aim for the future

周校长还注重campus to career(学业及职业生涯)培养,这与深圳坎特伯雷国王学校一直推崇的实践性教育相结合,中小学时期是学生从孩子到成人的阶段,不应该与社会割裂,而应该始终参与其中,感知社会,从社会中学习,为了建设更美好的社会而学习。


Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun attaches equal importance to both academic and career development. Combining academic learning with real-world applications has long been advocated by KSS as well. Primary and Middle school years are a critical time for pupils as they journey on from childhood to adulthood. Instead of living in a bubble confined solely by their campus life, putting them in touch with society enables them to perceive and to learn from it in pursuit of building a better social environment. 

Through collaborative learning, inquiry-based learning and project-based learning, the pupils will equip themselves with teamwork, leadership and the power to act. Unlike their future battlefields at work, they should be given as many opportunities as possible to try out and challenge themselves here at school.

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● ●  |周泽军校长



Holistic Education 

Values people's wellbeing


全人教育,是周校长在采访中常常被提到的教育观。重视“人的福祉”,与深圳坎特伯雷国王学校特色之一的Pastoral care人文关怀相契合。深圳坎特伯雷国王学校有着细致完备的人文关怀体系,能及予学生学业和心理上的支持。全维度关心每一个学生才是全人教育的表征。


Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun respects and cares for all his pupils and he is always in awe of education, despite his 24 years of experience in the field. KSS is true to the ideal of providing a holistic education for all. All pupils are equal and each student is unique. Education is an undertaking that requires full commitment and dedication. We will never recommend a one dimensional, one-sided, quick-fix-for-success education here.

Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun consistently mentions holistic education in his interview. Valuing the “wellbeing of people” is in line with one of the hallmarks of KSS—pastoral care. A considerate and comprehensive pastoral care system is in place to help with pupils’ academic excellence and to provide emotional support at KSS. Caring for each student in all aspects is the essence of holistic education.

Our brains are subjected to unprecedented information overload and also the neck-breaking social developments that they are not always able to cope with, we all need to learn how to regulate our emotions and focus. Though industrialization has given birth to modern schools, Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun never wishes his pupils to become products of the assembly line, but rather people with their brains fully developed to think independently, who not only embrace knowledge and different approaches, but are free from distractions, and know how to apply the power of their brains. These qualities are invaluable and necessary especially in the era where competition and anxiety are at an all-time high.

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● ●  |周泽军校长



Harmonious and 





Balance and well-roundedness best describes Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun's journey in the field.

To begin with, he has aimed at achieving balanced and high-performing bilingualism in that pupils are proficient in both English and Chinese, both in everyday language and literature, which perfectly echoes the approach to bilingual education adopted by King’s.From his curriculum vitae, it is evident that Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun has a broad and also balanced range of roles and responsibilities in his career across three leading private international schools in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, where he taught pupils in the classroom, took pupils on educational trips abroad, and worked on school strategic plans in his office.The third balance is his combination of educational practice and academic research. He studied comparative and international education at Indiana University-Bloomington in the United States, and his research background and practice promote each other in his work.

In addition, the balance in the design of the curriculum should not be overlooked. KSS fully embodies this principle of curriculum design characterized by a balanced selection of a wide range of traditions and pedagogical practices, Chinese and western. The curriculum not only includes cutting-edge knowledge in the world, but also embraces courses with distinctive features in the region, combining in-class teaching and activities outside the classroom.

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● ●  |周泽军校长



Collaborative leadership empowers all


首先他提倡Relation marketing(关系营销)理论,即建构学校与社会,校长与教师,学生和家长的正向合作关系。这样可以促进合作,突破校园和课堂的限制,把社会资源引入到学校。“每个人都是资源收集器,他们将各自的资源、能量反馈到团体中,使得大家共同进步”。他曾组织开展“家长课堂”,邀请到火箭领域的研究者、急救医生、风投从业者,以及方程式赛车推广者等从事不同行业的家长,与学生分享专长,让学生了解职场,也给学生带来独特的学习体验。




As a leader, Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun advocates collaboration. With concerted efforts from all stakeholders of the school community, pupils can be exposed to more resources for nourishment and a powerful learning experience.

First, he advocates the Theory of Relation Marketing in how to build collaborations among a set of key school community members. Instead of a focus on transactions and profiteering in many industries on conventional practice of marketing, the Theory of Relation Marketing in education is premised on constructing a positive collaborative relationship between school and society, principals and teachers, students and parents. Managed well, this collaborative relationship can promote cooperation, exceed the limits of the campus and the classroom, and introduce societal resources to the school. Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun asserts, "Everyone is a resource collector. They feed back their resources and energy to the group so that everyone can make progress together." He once organized parent-taught classes, inviting parents from different industries such as rocket researchers, emergency doctors, venture capital practitioners, and formula racing promoters to share expertise with students and bring students a unique learning experience, in addition to the exposure to the world of work.

In his work with colleagues, he advocates creating a professional learning community in order to build a mission-driven school. If all colleagues are acting towards a common goal, higher efficiency and quality are the natural outcome. With a profound understanding of such cooperation, Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun will continue with King’s current policy and practice of building an academic team with diverse skills and areas of expertise, inviting top teachers with a broad vision and advanced teaching philosophy for pupils.

Building KSS in Shenzhen, best known for being a fertile ground for innovations and progress worldwide, he is looking forward to making best use of local resources, creating opportunities for pupils to access high-tech and to further explore the world with the help of cutting-edge information technology.

The realization of balanced, well-rounded and collaborative educational experience of KSS is only achieved through concrete efforts and hard work, step by step. KSS, with a grand vision in mind, needs to be a master in implementing it. As the saying goes in English, “devil’s in the detail”. Guided by the mission and vision of the school and aided by grounded daily educational practice, KSS will be able to provide an education that pupils deserve and need.

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● ●  |周泽军校长一直保持着阅读的习惯



Physical and 

Mental Strengths for Lifelong Learning





Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun’s main pastimes are sports and reading, constantly maintaining his physical and mental strengths.

He has played badminton at least twice a week for 18 years. Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun said in the interview, “Contrary to an often-heard claim, old dogs can’t learn new tricks; I do feel the progress I make in badminton after training and reflections even though I am no longer a very young player, which resembles life-long learning. In essence, all people are capable of learning, growth and development regardless of the age and other factors.”

Apart from sports, he also enjoys reading and subscribes to various major journals in the field of education, paying close attention to cutting-edge research. As a keen reader of history, he often uses historical incidents to analyse and compare with current events. In addition, he also reads scientific literature, and, in the interview, he talked multiple times about how current brain science theories can be applied to education, explaining how the boundary of knowledge keeps expanding, instilling his education philosophy with new ideas.

Similar to Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun’s habits, KSS’s co-curricular choices nurture pupils’ interests in reading, sports and art as part of daily school life, benefiting from lifelong participation. Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun, who keeps doing sports and reading himself, also wishes to bring pupils together to feel and enjoy the love of reading, the joy of sports and the beauty of art.

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● ●  |周泽军校长坚持羽毛球运动已经十八年

● ●  |周泽军校长一直保持着阅读的习惯



A Privilege to be 

a founding Chinese Principal of KSS




Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun is full of expectations for the founding and establishment of the school.

Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun said toward the end of the interview, “Shenzhen is a dare to be the first city. Grounded in Shenzhen, we reach out to the world and nurture talents with a global vision and well-prepared for the future. It’s my goal to make KSS a world-class place for learning that enables pupils to grow up through high-quality education.”

With his 24 years’ experience in education coupled with King’s time-honoured traditions and vibrant city of Shenzhen where KSS is based, Dr ZHOU (Gary) Zejun is excited to start his role at KSS to witness the growth and excellence of the school.

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● ●  |周泽军校长和学生一起 










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