





This is the story of a group of girls with ideas against fragmentation.


This year, SIFC's personalized learning projects emerged one after another, covering popular topics such as environmental protection, anti-epidemic, gender equality, and youth psychology. The wonderful thing about this story is that they dialectically and rationally challenged "fragmentation", a trendy label that was once the highlight of the "Internet 3.0 era", and played a powerful role as a perfect team.

| “我很队”的线上会议

Online meeting organized by "I am right" team


In this process, from determining topics, proposing hypotheses, selecting research methods, data analysis, to summarizing conclusions, all were completed by the students themselves. These six students told us about the current situation and dilemma of contemporary teenagers' lives after short videos filled the gaps in people’s lives, and how to improve the problems. They may not be able to neither fully summarize the whole picture of all teenagers, or draw absolutely reliable conclusions, but as the entrance to study society and an introduction to the world, their views are the most exciting.



The pros and cons of fragmentation


For most people, short videos have become an integral part of entertainment life. According to a survey by the China Youth Research Center, 65.6% of primary and secondary school students have used short videos, and 10% of them are dependent on the Internet and suffer a series of serious impacts: impaired vision, decreased self-control, fragmented information, and loss of support for art, which leads to the decline of the appreciation of works, patience and learning efficiency.


After realizing these problems, the I'm Right team formed by six SIFC students quickly set up a research group to explore the root and solutions of the problems in depth. Through research methods such as questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, they found that "fragmentation" is the biggest feature of young people's short videos, and this feature is imperceptibly depriving young people of systematic cognition of things and learning efficiency.

| “我很队”小组的研究报告截图

Screenshot of the research report of the "I am Right" team


There is a sentence in Amusing Ourselves to Death, that we are in an era of information explosion. We thought that the input and publication of a large amount of information would improve efficiency, but it is precisely because of information overload that we need to spend more time and cost to distinguish between true and false information which will result in less efficiency.The group found that peers around them were less likely to read a book or watch a movie carefully. Instead, they were given minutes or even 15 seconds of commentary and book reviews on the Internet, which seemed efficient but was not.

G11的Rey Tao是“我很队”的成员之一,她说:“我们小组的几位成员都对新传媒很感兴趣,认为短视频是值得研究的一个重点。我们质疑'碎片化'和'倍速播放'等被大家普遍认可的东西,在这种’高效’获取信息的过程中我们究竟失去了什么,如何才能在利与弊之间找到平衡,是我们真正想研究的。”

Rey Tao from G11, one of the members of The Team I am Right, said, "Several members of our group are interested in new media and think short videos are a worthy focus of research. "We question things like 'fragmentation' and 'double speed' that are universally accepted, and what we're missing in this so called efficient process of getting information, and how we balance the pros and cons, is what we really want to study."

| “我很队”小组的统计数据

Statistics from the "I'm Right" group



Break the frivolous cultural environment


As Neil Postman said: "The terrible thing about entertainment to death is not the entertainment itself, but the loss of people's ability to seriously think and make rational judgments about social affairs, and to be cultivated by the frivolous cultural environment Ignorance and fearless rational illiterate without knowing it." The team believes that the fragmented information acquisition brought by short videos has made teenagers dependent which is causing great harm.


"Fragmented information seems to be an extremely convenient way to acquire knowledge, but in fact, young people cannot really acquire a complete knowledge system from it."


In the conclusion, the team suggested that adolescents' own lack of knowledge led them to believe that they could consume useful knowledge while thoroughly entertaining themselves, thus achieving a sense of superiority and satisfaction, and developing great dissatisfaction and disgust for not being able to "learn happily." The fragmented information acquired in short bursts of entertainment is disorganized and slowly evolves into useless knowledge. Teenagers who don't know this can become overconfident, vulnerable to fragmented information and addicted to it.


Why does fragmenting information end up as useless knowledge? Because teenagers will have the illusion that "understanding is learning", in fact, only see the "surface" but do not know the "essence", just like knowing the answer to a question, but do not know how to solve the problem, let alone lack of ability to draw inferential inferential, comprehensive, difficult to become a qualified lifelong learners.

| “我很队”组织的实践活动

Events organized by the "I'm Right" group


How to properly acquire the fragmentary information of short video China and transform it into real useful knowledge has become the problem that the research group most wants to explore. As a result, they came up with the following solutions:



1. Fragmented short video content is produced by roles with correct values and high cognitive level (such as teachers and experts), and a certain amount of fragmented information is transformed into a truly useful and complete knowledge system

2. Guide young people to achieve self-improvement through more meaningful activities such as exercise and reading, and avoid using short videos to kill time and temporarily relieve anxiety



The Powerful team


Rikki, SIFC's psychological counselor and the study's instructor, shared that "The short video is a topic that is close to life and that is relevant to students' interests. "Team I am Right performed very well in terms of the breadth and depth of reading in psychology, philosophy and sociology, which exceeded that of their peers. What’s more surprising were the self-efficacy and practical management ability they showed. During the research period of the project, it happened that the epidemic was serious in Shenzhen, so they could only hold meetings and discussions online, with clear division of labor and democratic voting. All links were carried out in an orderly manner, and the progress of the project was not delayed due to the epidemic. I provided a lot of front-end help, such as literature website, literature materials, questionnaire design scheme, survey method, literature structure, etc., and other things were done by the students themselves. They had strong executive power and high efficiency."

| Rikki老师获得CTB教练认证

Rikki Zhang became Junior Couch of CTB

G11的Irene Gu是邀请Rikki老师进组指导的同学,她热衷心理学,对本次项目研究有着很高的热情。“我们的队名是‘我很对’的谐音,这是对自我的鼓励,我们也是在研究项目地过程中一步步地证明我们是‘对的’。我认为我们团队互相协作的很好,大家都有自己不同且适合自己的分工,大家都负责任地完成每项任务。第一次为小组成果感到‘眼前一亮’的时候,是在我们全靠自己完成了10页+的学术报告后。后来,我们独立组织的一系列读书会、电影鉴赏会等活动更是建立了我们的自信心。大家合作的默契程度越来越好,我们用事实证明了这是一个强大的团队。”

Irene Gu from G11 is a student who invited Ms. Rikki to join the group. She is keen on psychology and has a high enthusiasm for this project. "Our team name is a homonym of "I am right", which is an encouragement to ourselves, and we are also proving that we are right step by step in the process of researching the project. I think our team cooperates well with each other. Everyone has their own different and suitable division of labor, and everyone completes each task responsibly. The first time we felt mind-blowing for the group's results was when we completed an academic report with more than 10 pages by ourselves. Later, we independently organized a series of reading parties, film appreciation and other activities to build our confidence. People are getting better and better at working together, and we have proven that this is a strong team."


"There are times when we lost faith and get frustrated. We often were faced with pressure and obstacles and started to fall into a vicious cycle of self-doubt. We persevered with the cooperation and encouragement of our team members. Fortunately, the final results were better than we expected."

| “我很队”成员获得的CTB奖项

The team“I am right”won a CTB award

托夫勒在《第三次浪潮》一书中提出:“这是一个碎片化的时代,信息碎片化、受众碎片化、媒体碎片化。” 这是否意味着我们这个时代已经由于“碎片化”的侵害而受损了呢?答案一定不是肯定或否定的,深国预的同学们已经以多元视角、批判性思维和严谨的论证给出了解答。

In his book The Third Wave, Toffler proposed: "This is an era of fragmentation, information fragmentation, audience fragmentation, media fragmentation." Does this mean that our age has been damaged by fragmentation? The answer is definitely not yes or no, and students in SIFC have provided answers with multiple perspectives, critical thinking and rigorous reasoning.


As a member of the society, it is not difficult for us to detect various complex social phenomena around us, insight into the changing environment in front of us, and constantly reorient our own coordinates. There is no single cause and no permanent answer behind these social issues. However, with the key to study the world, we can have a way of thinking to understand problems, gain insight of hot spots, detect the logic of system operation, and review the relationship between ourselves and society to establish a complete world outlook.












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