






这是蛇口外籍人员子女学校的Greg Smith校长在国际教育网举办的2022大湾区国际教育名校论坛】上提供的数据。他对此表示认可,并且融入了自己想法,让大家更为明确地理解了一所好学校所需要具备的特质。

所谓优秀的教师,在Greg Smith校长看来,教师的水平越高,就越会上课,并且他们的专业度会能够给学生带来巨大的影响。

而对于课程,Greg Smith校长则认为,不管是剑桥,美国US,英国IB,还是参加IGCSE,这些都不重要,不管是中文课程,还是全世界的课程,只要结构好,老师懂,就是好课程。

学校的安全性这个板块,Greg Smith校长加入了自己的理解和填充,他说:


以下是Greg Smith校长演讲的视频建议收藏!


Greg Smith校长 现场演讲文字版(中英文)

Good morning, everybody, and thank you for the opportunity to come along here and speak today.I am, I'm excited to be able to talk about a topic that's very dear to our all of our hearts, and that's the education of our children.
Today, we've got a great array of speakers.We're going to hear many interesting perspectives on education today and for the future.And I'm very proud that I can be part of this very illustrious group.My, my work is with Shekou International School, a long established school here in Shenzhen.
We are an international Baccalaureate diploma program, and the students are about to start their, their exams very soon, and we're looking forward to seeing, again, a great array of results from those students.We are also in International Schools Services School, and that is a school group that owns schools across the world.And so I'm going to speak from a perspective, not just of Shenzhen, but across the world.
Fine, okay, so although I'm going to come from the perspective of our international school here in Shekou, I'm also going to speak about generalities.So recent research has shown that when people looking for the best school, the three most important things, very high in the, in the list of desired outcomes for schools, great teachers, curriculum or high academics and safety.
I'm going to speak a little bit about those today, because as you're looking for a school, all of the schools that will be talking today are very good schools, as are many others that are here in Shenzhen.But there are some things that you need to look for to reassure yourself as you're looking for the best school.So the best school comes from having great teachers to start with, strong curriculum, safety.
And this was a recent study that was done on trying to understand what really does make a great teacher.Number one, number two, I think, make a little sense, but the number three, identification of what makes a great teacher would have ruled me out.I wouldn't be able to be a good teacher anymore.
Thankfully, there are some other things that are just as important, or, or perhaps more important, and, and they are things that you would expect to see highly qualified.
The more qualified a teacher is, the better that they are going to be able to deliver the program, and that they are majoring or they're concentrating in the area they're teaching.Being able to make sure that your teachers are experts in their field, and that they are trained and licensed and qualified teachers makes a huge difference.It is actually the single biggest difference that can work towards having a successful outcome for your students.
So make sure you, the school, the best school is going to have the best teachers.The results from multiple, multiple studies identify teaching quality.
A strong curriculum.
How important is a strong curriculum?
As I said, we're an international Baccalaureate school, and our students go on to great universities, do marvelous things.But we're only one of the really good curricula.There are so many strong, well-formed curriculum in the world that the best school does not come from any specific curriculum.The best school comes from a school that believes in its curriculum and delivers it correctly, delivers it and resources it and stays by its values.
So when I say that a great school is going to have a good curriculum, what you, what you're looking for when you're trying to find the best school, is you are looking for a school that can explain its curriculum, that puts the resources into its curriculum, and that make sure that it is absolutely committed to the academics that it's got.
So whether it's Cambridge, American US, British IB, whether doing IGCSE, whether it doesn't matter, the Chinese curriculum, curriculum across the world, as long as it's got a good structure and the teachers understand it, it's a good curriculum.
But what you need to be able to do is to look at what your child is going to want to achieve later in life.What is your child’s best outcome going to be?And find the curriculum and find a teaching style that suits them.
Safety is the third aspect.And I'm not talking about a safe space that's got lots of nice, soft edges and, and no high things to fall off.I'm talking about safety in terms of mental health and wellbeing.Find a place where the teachers, where the support staff, where the students, are all committed to making sure that the school is a place of safety, particularly for adolescence.
And I'd like to speak for just one moment about the importance of adolescence.We spend a lot of time caring for our little children, but those students who are 13, 14 years old, they need help and care and attention, probably even more, particularly in these, in these times where there's so many challenges for them.
还有,我想谈谈青春期的重要性。我们花了很多时间照顾我们的小孩,但是那些 13、14 岁的学生,他们需要帮助、关心和关注,甚至可能需要更多,尤其是在这个对他们有很多挑战的时候。
So making that work, it's the result of the school and the parents working well together.And this is probably the one thing that I'd say in choosing a good school.
Choose a school that you can be engaged with.Choose a school that is going to be a local school.Choose a school that's here in Shenzhen and keep your children with you.
Boarding means that you are separated from your child, and you and the teachers are the two most important aspects in having a successful outcome for your child.So a supportive family and a supportive school will be the best school.
Enormous numbers of studies have shown that every time that you as a parent get involved in your child's school, the effect is long lasting.If you, as a parent are engaged, turn up to conferences, talk to the teachers regularly, are supportive and tell the, let the teachers and the students know that you care.That effect lasts into university.
If you're involved with your child at ten, that's still having an effect when the child is 20.It's very important that you get involved and you stay connected.
如果你在 10 岁时就与的孩子在一起,那么在孩子 20 岁时仍然会对其产生影响。参与并保持联系非常重要。
And the best school is one that helps you to be part of their education.
So as an insider, somebody who oversees lots and lots of schools, here are the most important things, stay with the school.Choose one that works for you and stay with it.
There's an enormous amount of evidence that shows kids improve more quickly when they stay at a school for a long time.Stay involved every time that you, you’re having a positive engagement with the school, the effect lasts for a long time.Stay with your adolescents, care for their wellbeing, because that is the time that they really need your assistance.
Plan ahead, think about where they're going to end up, and I and start, because the best school is starting and finishing with the same goals in mind.And think about the values.
You'll hear a lot of things about how schools operate and how efficient they are.
What really it comes down to is, do they care about the same things that you care about.
And if you can find a school where there's great alignment, then you're going to have the best school that you can choose.Plenty of research for you to look into if you wish to, or you can just trust me that I've found all of the right information, and that what I've told you here is the truth.
And I thank you very much for indulging me for this 10 minutes. Thank you very much.
我非常感谢大家在这 10 分钟里听我讲这么多。非常感谢。

· 彩 蛋 ·

教育论坛结束后,国际教育网还对Greg Smith校长进行了独家采访,提出了家长咨询最多、最关注的问题。

Greg Smith校长 独家访谈文字版(中英文)


So after SIS took over the Bay Academy last year, how does your school continue the advantages of SIS in running a school in the Chinese-English Bilingual Department?


A: That's a really good question, because bringing two schools together can mean that one idea or the other takes precedent.


What we've been able to do, and what we're trying to make sure, is that the bilingual program is working in an international context, and international context is one that brings in a very much a global perspective, and it brings together many different nationalities and students who come from different places, so that the understanding of language is enriched in that way.


So although it's a bilingual program, it's operating in a very much a whole, whole of the world context.And that's different than most of the bilingual programs around China and, and Asia, because they are then rooted in the host country, whereas ours is much broader.A bigger picture.



so as the first foreign children's school in Shenzhen, you have already become the edge of, in education industrial.However, some parent’s still think you are not strict on academic performance.How do you address the problem?


A:It's for more than 30 years we've been educating students.we've been getting our children into great universities around the world.So it's really a question of what is academic performance?What is academic excellence?

30 多年来,我们一直在教育学生,不断将我们的孩子送进世界各地的一流大学。所以这真的是要问学业成绩是什么呢?什么是学术卓越呢?

And I would say that academic excellence in a K-12 school is about preparing a child to be successful when they go to university and beyond.And so our school is immensely successful in preparing children to be able to go to university and be successful there, and also to go beyond university.

我想说的是,在 K-12 学校取得卓越的学业成绩是为了让孩子在上大学及以后取得成功。因此,我们学校在让孩子们能够上大学并在那里及以后取得成功方面取得了巨大的成功。

So it's a way of looking at what is academic success, and what is academic rigor when, if, if your child is really well prepared to be successful in university, then you know, you got academic success.And that's how I answer our parents, because our children are successful.










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 6月7日(周二)下午直播间,SIS 小学校长、中学校长、招生总监齐聚,与大家一同探讨SIS今年首开的中英双语部。









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