





This summer, after a year of preparation, the musical Hamilton performed by SIFC teachers and students brought thrilling resonance to the whole school.


"Hamilton" shocked gave a surprise to the public in the United States in 2015, received warm acclaim on Broadway and an unprecedented box office record, won Best Musical at the 70th Tony Awards, the Grammy Award for Best Musical Theater Album and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, the songs in the play are even more popular all over the world. It broke people's understanding of traditional musicals, subverted people's illusions about heroes, broadened the boundaries of art with diverse musical elements, and became a milestone in the history of musicals.


In June, SIFC music department, musical theatre club teachers and students prepared a grand performance of the "Hamilton" musical, which was broadcast live on the official video channel. The performance touched everyone’s heart. As many as 30 works in the play were sung live by them,from choreography to music production and stage design, all SIFC music department , musical theatre club teachers and students made this dream come true together. Every audience offline and online watched with excitement.


"Hamilton" takes SIFC's musical performances to another level.


"Hamilton" helped us gain a deeper understanding of our self-worth and ideals who live in peaceful times. This show will be our fondest memory of the summer.



An unprecedented performance

这场音乐剧的导演、深国预国际音乐中心音乐老师Wendy Moss博士对音乐剧充满热情,她曾与百老汇最佳制片人和导演合作,出演过《悲惨世界》《艾薇塔》《刺客》《友情岁月》《理发师陶德》《音乐之声》和《神秘花园》等。她丰富的专业剧场经历,激发了她和老师、同学们一起在深国预共同创作高质量作品的愿景,她倾其所有,希望通过《汉密尔顿》带给台前幕后的深国预同学们——“我们永远不可能牺牲质量,在任何情况下我们都做到了最好。尽管有诸多障碍,比如疫情、封闭管理、在线课程等,我们仍然义无反顾地通过一切方式反复淬炼、力求完美。我永远不会忘记这支团队,这些演员和这次演出,而这些,将在余生中把我们所有人维系在一起!”

The director of the musical, Dr.Wendy Moss, a music teacher at the SIFC International Music Center, is passionate about musicals. She has worked with the best producers and directors on Broadway, and starred in Les Miserables, Evita, Assassins, Merrily We Roll Along, Sweeney Todd, The Sound of Music, The Secret Garden and so on. Her extensive professional theatre experience has inspired her vision to create high-quality productions with SIFC music department, musical theatre club teachers and students. “I believe that my previous experience working with some of the Best Broadway producers and Directors out there really is something that inspires me in my vision to create quality work with my students! One can never sacrifice quality and Doing the Best you can do in any situation! And this is what the whole Hamilton team has produced—The very best we could do despite COVID-19, lockdowns, online lessons, needing extra rehearsal time, sickness and exhaustion! And the way these brilliant and talented performers came together to perform the hardest show to ever play on Broadway—I felt BLOWN AWAY! I will never forget this Team, these Stars and this Performance! This has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will bind us all together for the rest of our lives!”


There is no doubt that the "Hamilton" musical is a success, it is SIFC's longest and most professional theatrical performance. This performance combines classical and hip-hop and other musical styles, requiring participating students to overcome the difficulties of non-native language lines and rap, and master comprehensive artistic expressions such as popular singing, dancing, and stage performance.

表演当天,我们邀请了全校师生、家长、业界专业音乐老师以及辛辛那提大学音乐学院招生官到场观赏,共同见证了深国预历史性的一刻,一起浸润在深国预音乐剧表演的艺术氛围之中。深国预国际音乐中心主任Winson Gu老师是这场音乐剧音乐制作兼舞蹈编导,他激动地分享道:“公演结束后,我记得我第一句感言是’爽’。它就像我们亲手孕育的‘宝贝’一样,我们想以完美的形式呈现给大家。我们付出的汗水与努力是无可估量的,是特殊的疫情时期最值得骄傲的珍贵回忆。”

On the day of the performance, we invited all the teachers and students, parents, professional music teachers in the industry, and the admissions officer of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music to watch the show, witnessing the historic moment of the pre-Shenzhen state together. Mr. Winson Gu, director of the Shenzhen International Music Center, the music producer and choreographer of the musical, shared excitedly: "After the performance, I remember my first comment was 'cool'. It's like we nurtured it with our own hands. Like the 'baby', we want to present it to everyone in perfect form. The sweat and hard work we put in are immeasurable, and are the proudest and precious memories during the special epidemic period."

汉密尔顿的角色扮演者是G10的Julian Zhang,角色内心的澎湃激情似乎在他的心里扎了根,一时间难以抽离:“演出结束的这一天终究是来了,我们一年以来的努力终于有了回报,面对着台下雷动的掌声,心里五味杂陈:一切都结束了,我感到不舍,也有对团队新篇章的期待与激动,但更多的还是我对演出圆满成功的自豪与狂喜。”

Hamilton's role-player is Julian Zhang of G10, "The day of the show has finally come. Our efforts over the past year have finally paid off. Facing the thunderous applause from the audience, I feel reluctant to part and look forward to the team. I am proud and ecstatic about the success of the show.”

当天的惊喜无疑是美国辛辛那提大学音乐学院招生官的到访。辛辛那提大学的音乐剧专业全美排名第二,是众多音乐生的梦校。招生官在观看完演出后对出演《汉密尔顿》的学生演员表达了高度的赞赏:“深国预的表演者们非常出色,他们具有深厚的音乐功底和能力,我很欣赏他们。” 无疑,招生官此行为同学们申请辛辛那提大学音乐剧专业奠定了良好的基础,让我们一起为同学们加油!

The surprise of the day was the visit of the admissions officer of the University of Cincinnati School of Music. The University of Cincinnati's musical theater program ranks second in the United States and is a dream school for many music students. After watching the performance, the admissions officer expressed high appreciation to the student actors who appeared in Hamilton: "SIFC's performers are great success. They have profound musical skills and abilities, and I appreciate them very much." The great experience of watching this show for the admissions officers laid a good foundation for students to apply to the University of Cincinnati Musical Theatre program.



The warmth behind the scenes


The rehearsal of the musical just caught up with the worst of the epidemic in Shenzhen this year, and encountered many challenges. Such a special experience has also created a deep friendship between teachers and students.


Online meeting during the epidemic

据Winson Gu老师介绍,居家上网课的这段时期,老师和同学们想尽办法实现远程排练并坚持了下来,虽然是远程排练却从未有人迟到早退。为了实现在居家期间完成合唱,他们采用了独立任务分配式录制、一对一培训以及团体练习等方法让同学们保证排练进度。过程中,同学们可以通过音频成品获得团队各成员的反馈,反复推敲自己在角色表演以及演唱方面的优劣。团队的舞蹈练习像极了一场小型的线上运动会,大家努力跟随Winson老师和舞蹈小队长Charlotte Ni同学的步伐,努力演练。

According to Mr. Winson Gu, during this period of online classes at home, teachers and students tried their best to achieve remote rehearsal. In order to realize the remote chorus, they adopted methods such as task assignment recording, one-on-one training and group practice to ensure the students' progress in rehearsal. The dance practice of the team was like a small online sports meeting. Everyone worked hard to follow Mr. Winson and the dance team leader Charlotte Ni.


Different aria assignments for each role

Wendy Moss博士说:“我相信 SIFC 学生最能与《汉密尔顿》产生共鸣的是——他们敢于迎接挑战和热爱说唱。SIFC 的学生从不会从挑战中退缩,我知道是音乐剧俱乐部的每个学生的工作、动力和纯粹的力量使这场表演成为可能!”

Dr.Wendy Moss said: "I believe that what resonates with the SIFC students the most about performing Hamilton is that they know it is the most difficult work out there to perform, and besides loving all the “rapping” vocal styles—they love the challenge of learning and delivering this very intricate and vocally demanding work! The SIFC student does not back away from a challenge and I know that it was the work, drive and sheer power of each student in the Musical Theatre Club that made THIS performance possible!"

“我认为学生们给我最大的惊喜是大家的团结和坚毅的精神!面对疫情管控,学生毕业、学科压力、时间冲突等各类问题,同学们很好地协调了自己的时间表。无论面对多难的舞蹈,多复杂的旋律,多绕口的台词,他们总是能迎难而上。对于我们制作组的老师们来说,这是非常难得的,因为我们从这个学生团体中获得了团结的力量,建立了远大的目标与信念。” Winson Gu老师说到。

"I think the biggest surprise to me from the students is their solidarity and perseverance! Faced with various issues such as epidemic control, student graduation, academic pressure, and time conflicts, the students have coordinated their timetables very well. Faced with how difficult the dance, how complicated the melody, and how many twisted lines, the students can always rise to the challenge. For the teachers of our production team, this is very rare, because we have learned from this student group. Gained the strength of unity and established lofty goals and beliefs.” said Mr. Winson Gu.

无论是演出还是排练的过程,都给同学们带来了极大的启发。Aaron Burr的饰演者Rich Zheng回忆起这段经历时谈到:“每天我都是怀着期待的心情走进排练室的。特别是能见到我的这些朋友们,Christina的一个眼神,Julian和Justin的一句玩笑,Jerry的一句夸赞,Wendy老师的指导等等都能使我非常开心。他们一路激励着我,提醒着我:我们在做一件多么伟大的事业。我们整个剧组的存在就是最有趣的事。”

Both the performance and the rehearsal process have brought great inspiration to the students. Rich Zheng, who played Aaron Burr, recalled the experience: "Every day I walked into the rehearsal room with anticipation. Especially the friends who were able to see me, a look from Christina, Julian and Justin's joke, Jerry's compliment, Dr.Wendy Moss's guidance, etc. can make me very happy. They inspire me along the way and remind me of what a great thing we are doing. Our entire crew is the most important thing. Interesting thing."


They became friends and family because of the show. After the show, Dr.Wendy Moss and Winson Gu organized the cast party for all the students of the crew, they were also celebrating the birthdays of the member whose birthdays are in June. These beautiful memories are worth cherishing.



The birthday surprise prepared for Mr. Winson &

The special cake prepared for the cast party



Inspiration from musicals to career planning


The SIFC version of "Hamilton" reflects the comprehensive quality and professional level of teachers and students, and realizes the perfect integration of music, dance, stage performance, music production and art design.

深国预国际音乐中心的Roderick Li老师为本场演出提供了技术支持,他说:“最打动我的是,同学们可以完全融入到自己的角色里向观众们呈现精彩绝伦的演出。在舞台、道具、灯光、音响效果的配合下,给观众带来了身临其境的绝佳艺术体验。音乐教育是一个综合体,涉及到的领域非常多,但是音乐教育出发点还是学生本身,深国预的音乐教育始终坚持着国际教育理念,鼓励、开放、包容、多元化,坚持鼓励学生朝着自己喜欢的方向去努力。”

Roderick Li from the SIFC International Music Center provided technical support for the performance. He said: "What impresses me the most is that the students can fully integrate into their roles and present a wonderful performance to the audience. On the stage, props, With the combination of lighting and sound effects, it brings the audience an immersive and excellent artistic experience. Music education is a complex, involving many fields, but the starting point of music education is the students themselves, sifc's music education has always been Adhere to the concept of international education, encourage, open, inclusive, and diverse, and insist on encouraging students to work hard in the direction they like."

这样的演出机会,对于现在和将来希望选读音乐专业方向的同学而言,大有裨益。Peggy Schuylar角色的扮演者是G11的Christina Su,谈及这场音乐剧带给她的成长,她说:“我很开心能够参演这部音乐剧,不仅让我享受音乐,也为我自己提前适应了这个行业的情况,为我的舞台表现力和临场发挥能力打下基础。音乐剧让我们走到了一起,也证明了我对音乐剧的热爱永不停息。”

Such performance opportunities are of great benefit to students who want to study music majors now and in the future.The role of Peggy Schuylar is performed by Christina Su of G11. Talking about the growth this musical has brought her, she said: "I am very happy to be part of this musical, not only for me to enjoy the music, but also for myself. Adapting to the conditions of the industry laid the foundation for my stage presence and presence. Musicals brought us together and proved that my love for musicals never stops."


Fantastic moments during rehearsal


For the SIFC students, the rehearsal process was hard but also joyful. Every practice is a process and opportunity for them to learn and grow, and it is also a way for them to expand their artistic understanding. These experiences will shape their different feelings about music and art.


We believe that there are many lovely students out there in SIFC. They work hard, stay diligent, and are on the path of chasing their dreams. … Dedicating time and energy and overcoming difficulties together with like-minded friends is a valuable experience on the way to growth. It is perhaps the best thing in life for students to be able to give their all at school and enjoy the process of creating and performing as a team.This is also the core value and educational mission that we hope to emphasize through the SIFC edition of Hamilton.










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