

10月活动大盘点,首场春季招生开放日约定你 | OCTOBER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES



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美好的10月开端,莫过于一场别开生面的学生才艺秀!不同于每学年一次的茱莉亚戏剧节以及音乐盛典,在“自由组合、形式不限”的零束缚规则下,我们的学生表演可谓是天马行空,惊艳旁人。例如原本在校园里正经得跟小大人一样的高年级学生,会穿着背带裤,一边打篮球一边热舞,逗乐了在场的所有观众;原本在学校里呆萌安静的低年级小男孩,在拿起鼓槌的瞬间,摇身一变成节奏大师,游刃有余地处理着面前比他个人大好几倍的架子鼓……节目回顾欢迎点击下方的视频 ↓



10月14日,学生被分成4个年龄组,通过1V1 PK、车轮战等方式,进行了一场惊心动魄的经典诵读比赛。活动让每个孩子都积极参与进来,背诵诗歌,感受诗歌的魅力!


本次英语配音大赛的组织者是我们的小学英语老师及外方班主任 Ms. Aoife. 在谈及组织配音大赛的意义以及如何帮孩子们选择适合的配音片段的时候,Aoife老师颇有深刻体会:

Aoife Corcoran



除了在文学及艺术领域,在这个丰富的10月,也同时是孩子们参加国际学校联盟举办的校际体育联赛的焦点时刻。10月中旬,我们的中学男、女排球队参加了珠江国际学校协会(PEARL RIVER CONFERENCE)的排球比赛,与蛇口国际学校(SIS)、荟同国际学校(Whittle)等多所国际学校的队伍交手比拼。孩子们勇敢出赛,毫不怯场,学到了许多宝贵的经验。



为了让我们的学生有机会与遍布全球的诺德安达学校的同龄人交流,诺德安达笔友活动正在热烈进行中。每个学生需要准备一张明信片,包含内容可以 是一幅中国风景画、素描或拼贴画,以及一个简短的自我介绍。完成后的明信 片将会寄往另外一所学校,以庆祝11月17日的世界学生节。同时,作为诺德安达全球校园计划的一部分,每个班级都将与来自另一个国家的一群同龄人联系起来,让他们有机会就日常生活及其他话题进行提问并回答。





Literature, art, and sports all blossomed in October. Let's have a look!

The beginning of October is our wonderful Student Talent Show! Different from the Juilliard Drama Festival and Music Festival, which are held every school year, our students' performances are unrestrained and amazing under the rules of "free combination and free form". For example, the senior student who used to behave maturely on campus would wear suspenders and dance while playing basketball, which amused all the audience present; not to mention the lovely and quiet little boy we are familiar with, now picking up the drumsticks, suddenly became a rhythm master! Please click the link below to review the video.  ↓

Such a novel talent show, on the one hand, is to let students show their talent and creativity through performances, and actively integrate into the collective; On the other hand, we also hope in this way can help students feel relaxed and happy in the daily homework.

As early as September, under the careful planning of the Chinese teachers, we started our classic reading activities. Students are allowed to use the morning reading time and spare time to recite classic Chinese poems and songs. Therefore, the students can improve their humanistic quality, enhance their sense of language, and accumulate language materials. 

On October 14th, students were divided into four age groups and had a thrilling classic reading competition. The competition lets every child actively participate in and feel the charm of poetry!

If it wasn't for the English dubbing competition, you might not have noticed that there are so many brilliant bilingual students at school. Classic scenes from "Zootopia", "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "The Little Prince" were reproduced by the students vividly. Our students spoke English fluently with a rich accent, just like turning the original sound on, which gives us a feast for the ears.

This English Dubbing Competition organizer is Ms. Aoife, our primary school English teacher, and foreign homeroom teacher. When talking about the significance of organizing dubbing competitions and how to help children choose suitable dubbing segments, Aoife has a deep understanding:

Aoife Corcoran

Dubbing is the best way to get students to listen and speak. The English Dubbing Competition is not just an activity, but a continuous imitation exercise. In the classroom, we found that, especially for the younger children, the student’s concentration and participation improved through the interesting plot and pronunciation imitation, and the interpretation method made them relax their nerves and dare to speak English.

If you are interested in Ms. Aoife's teaching, please scan the poster at the end of the poster and attend our first spring enrollment Open Day in 2023 to experience our wonderful English class.

In addition to literature and the arts, this rich month of October is also a spotlight for children to participate in the sports activities organized by the international school league. In mid-October, our middle school boys' and girls' volleyball teams took part in the PEARL RIVER CONFERENCE volleyball competition, competing against teams from many international schools, such as Shekou International School (SIS) and Whittle. 

Besides, last Saturday, our middle school football team represented our school in the PRC football match, and our parents are also invited to participate in the scene. We hope that through this large-scale inter-school competition, students can get out of their comfort zone, bravely face the outside competition, guard against arrogance and impatience, and gain an all-around self.

Today, students dress up in their favorite character clothes and act as their favorite movie or cartoon characters. Everyone will fill out an introduction card for his character role and introduce himself in English. There are also different games between different grades.

To allow our students to engage with peers across the Nord Anglia family of schools located around the globe, each student in the school is asked to prepare a postcard containing a painting, drawing, or a collage of scenery in China and a short self-introduction. This postcard will then be sent to a school of choice to celebrate international students’ day taking place on the 17th of November. At the same time, as a part of the Nord Anglia Global Campus program, each class is going to relate to a group of peers from another country giving them a chance to ask and answer questions about their daily life and other topics of choice.

In addition to the above activities and competitions, we are also holding handwriting competitions, the Nord Anglia Pen Pals, and auditions for roles in the Juilliard Drama Festival. This Sunday is our first Open Day for Spring 2023. Please scan to register.










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