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采访过程中,我们听到许女士分享了许多令人印象深刻的细节,例如为什么选择从苏州举家全迁来到深圳入读我校?孩子入读哈罗深圳之后有什么改变? ——相信这也是绝大多数家长们想要深入了解的信息。

与此同时,Cathy也与我们分享了她的感受: “加入哈罗之后,我的自信心明显增强了。我今天在镜头前表达自己的感受,这在两年前是不可想象的。在我看来,哈罗的特别之处在于老师。这里的老师让每个学生都觉得自己是独特的;与此同时,老师们还会根据不同情况为我们提供最具逻辑性的建议。”

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There are so many options available for the education of a child. As the world moves closer to being a global community more and more parents consider an international education. Here are 5 reasons why international education may benefit your children. We’ve invited one of our current parents Ms Xu, mum of Archi (Pre-Nursery), Cathy (Y7), and Jenny (Y9), to share with us the experience witnessing her children’s changes and growth at Harrow Shenzhen during past three years from founding year to now.

Ms Xu and her children

There are a couple of key messages mentioned during the interview - What made Ms Xu choose Harrow from so many international schools? And how Harrow has changed her children in the past 3 years?

In addition, shared by Cathy: “Since attending Harrow, my confidence has grown noticeably. The fact that I am presenting a speech to you today would not have been possible two years ago. From my own perspective, what makes Harrow special is the teachers. They make every student feel special and offer logical suggestions for every situation. “

click to watch 

the full story shared by Ms Xu and Cathy




1. 从学龄早期就让孩子接触不同文化

孩子们的同学和老师来自不同的国家和地区, 学生可以亲身体验和学习这些不同的文化。孩子将有独特的机会去发现其他文化与自己文化的异同。



Upcoming Events


上午9:30-11:30, 小学部开放日

2. 国际化标准课程和课外课程

哈罗国际学校采用IGCSE和A - Level课程的模式。这意味着学生们更有能力与世界各地的其他学生竞争。这对于那些从国际学校毕业后打算送孩子去国外上学的家长来说是理想的选择。


3. 英语为主要语言



4. 全人教育和人文关怀



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Why choose Harrow International School?

We proudly look to the 450-year -old Harrow School in the UK for guiding principles, placing our four long-held Values at the very heart of our own educational ethos.

1. Early exposure to different cultures

Children will often have schoolmates and teachers that come from diverse countries or regions. Students can experience and learn about these different cultures firsthand. Child will have the unique opportunity to discover the differences and similarities in other cultures compared to his or her own culture.

Children that attend international schools can gain insight and confidence now to deal with other cultures and people in the future. Many students in international schools shared that studying with peers from different cultures helped them better appreciate the world around them.

2. International standards curriculums & LSA

Harrow international school adopts the patterns of IGCSE & A Level Curriculum. This implies that students are better equipped to compete alongside other students around the world. This is ideal for parents who plan to send their kids to schools abroad once they’ve graduated from an international school.

When children excel in new activities, they gain confidence in newfound talents. Children who participate in extracurricular activities are also less likely to exhibit behavior problems. Extracurricular activities are a great way for children to learn how to focus and cooperate with other children. Children can even develop leadership skills as they participate in new activities.

3. English as the primary language

One of the main reasons why parents choose Harrow international schools is because they use English as their main language during classes. This helps make students more capable of speaking and understanding the language to allow them to settle comfortably into global colleges and work opportunities.

This is not just all about the skills they can get from speaking different languages but also about the skill in communicating effectively with other nationalities. The students have to ensure that they learn efficiently and grow to be better people.

4. Holistic Education & Pastoral Care

Harrow advocates pastoral care, respects the development of each individual child and aims to cultivate a developing child's physical, emotional, moral, psychological, and spiritual attributes.Harrow promotes an environment where individuality, inventiveness, and original thinking are valued.

At last, Ms Xu wants to share with all the parents that “when choosing the right school for your children, there is no settling for the second best. Be sure to give your child the best future by providing them the right education today.”

2023.3.31 星期五





Friends of Harrow (FoH)

New Chairperson

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恭喜许卿女士当选为2022-23 学年的哈罗之友新任主席。让我们再次衷心地祝贺许卿女士!相信她将与哈罗之友委员会联动,发挥桥梁作用,家长们将有更多机会为孩子们的校园生活做出积极的贡献。我们坚信,依托这份热情和服务精神,通过各色的校园活动和项目,家校共育将得以实现。




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Ms Xu has been recently elected as Chairperson of Friends of Harrow International School Shenzhen Qianhai in Academic Year 2022-23. Our heartfelt congratulations to Ms Xu! We trust that through her and the Friends of Harrow Committee’s bridging liaison, our parents will have ample opportunity to contribute positively to our students’ school life. We firmly believe with this passion and spirit of service, that home-school partnership, through a variety of campus activities and programs, will be attained.

Continued support from the Friends of Harrow will strengthen the linkage between the home and the School. Let us join hands in realizing the vision of Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership! Stet fortuna domus


Ms Xu










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