

致敬时代楷模,汲取榜样力量 | Pay Tribute To The Role Models



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四年级一中队 毛元贞



四年级一中队 邓歆钥


五年级一中队 旎旎


四年级一中队 梁雅蕊





党员教师周霞艳老师给一年级二班的小朋友上了一堂别开生面的党课——中国梦 航天梦。周老师从中国古代的嫦娥奔月,飞天壁画,明代万户利用火箭飞行等故事讲到现代神州十三号、十四号载人航天飞船,航天英雄,学生们一个个听得十分入神。希望这节课可以给我们博观的小小少年们的心中埋下一棵航天的种子,来年生根发芽,长成苍天大树。

Along with the hot screening of the movie “ King of the Sky”, the wave of the “spaceflight” hits BMH campus once again. In response to this upsurge, First Secretary Ms. Xiong Bo and Ms. Jessie Zhou, the party member teacher, carried out morality lessons under the theme of “aerospace”. Meanwhile, BMH Party Branch, Youth League Branch and Young Pioneers also organized a meaningful family-school film-watching activity.

At 5:00 pm on Friday May 12th, nearly one hundred parents, students and teachers gradually arrived at the cinema, getting their tickets from the party member teachers who had already been waiting in the ticket hall, and took group photos before entering the theatre.

The film started at 5:50 as planned. The opening scene was reaching to climax, the super-burning and super-cool plot caused the audience to burst into exclamation, then also burst into relaxed and joyful laughter from time to time. Every audience was deeply attracted and enjoyed the film without taking their eyes off. The 128-minute movie came to an end soon, and not only the students, but also the parents and teachers still expected more.

What makes this movie full of magic? Besides of the plot, what is more important is the heroic and fearless patriotism and sacrifice shown in the movie! Our students have all felt it! Let’s take a look:

 Jane Mao, P4 Young Pioneer

Test pilots are such a group of people, they go forward bravely, break through the dust to the blue sky, even if they finally sacrifice themselves, they still push the envelope to freely fly in the sky. They devote their efforts in the desert to study every loophole. They are not afraid of risks, they rush to the greatest challenge and obey the mission of safeguarding our country with their lives.

 Xinyue Deng, P4 Young Pioneer

“The King of the Sky” is a very outstanding movie. Not only can we feel the scenes of exciting actions and fierce battles, but also we saw the bravery, wisdom and the responsibility of the Chinese test pilots. It was this movie that I better understood the development of Chinese aviation industry as well as the professionalism and dedication of the test pilots made to the national defense cause. I believe it will inspire more people to study Chinese history and to make contribution to the prosperity and development of our motherland.

Nini, P5 Young Pioneer

Through this activity, I have a deeper understanding of the importance of the high-risk profession of test pilots. They undertake costly test flight missions and contribute themselves to the motherland. By showing the difficulties faced by test pilots and comparing before and after, the film highlights that a hundred years later, China has overcome the technological blockade, and the research and production level of fighter planes is already in a leading position in the world. Meanwhile, the film also pays high tribute to those predecessors who struggled hard and made great sacrifice. When the fighter planes passed through the cloud and continued to mount into the sky, my heart surged with the flames soaring into the sky.

Chole Leung, P4 Young Pioneer

“The King of the Sky” taught everyone a lesson and let me realize how our motherland became from a technologically weak country to powerful one. When I saw our test pilots successfully expel enemy planes, I couldn’t help admiring! The film showed me the greatness of our country.

Bonnie Deng, a math teacher and also a Banzhuren in P6 wrote in her impression:

How can there be any peaceful years, because there is always someone carrying the burden for us. Test pilots are the dancers on the tip of knife, the important behind-the-scenes workers in military development, and the heroes of the country and nation. Knowing that there was a narrow escape, they still chose not to turn back. Our motherland will always remember those who sacrificed their lives for the country, and she will eventually choose those who are loyal to the country.

On campus, Ms.Xiong, the BMH First Secretary, delivered a wonderful morality lesson to P4A students, the theme is “pay tribute to the role models of the times and learn from them”. She started her lessons from three aspects: the achievements of Chinese aerospace industry, the significance of manned spaceflight and the spiritual content of manned spaceflight. For the spiritual content of manned spaceflight, Ms. Xiong, represented by aerospace craftsman Mr. Wang Shuqun, summed up the five spiritual connotations of spaceflight, which are: love for the motherland and firm belief in winning glory for the country; the courage to climb and dare to surpass the enterprising consciousness; the serious working style towards science and truth-seeking; the big picture of solidarity and cooperation in times of difficulties; the noble quality to dedicate without any complaint, be indifferent to fame and wealth. All the students listened carefully and I believe they will be able to appreciate the greatness and values of the aerospace spirit from Mr. Wang Shuqun, a model of the times and a craftsman of a great country.  

Ms. Jessie Zhou, a party member teacher, delivered a unique lesson in regard of the party to P1B students -- the Chinese Dream, the Aerospace Dream. She told stories from Chang’e flying to the moon in ancient China, the fresco of flying to sky, and Wanhu using rocket to fly in Ming Dynasty, to modern stories about space heroes and manned spaceships Shenzhou 13 and 14. The students were fully concentrated. Hope that this lesson can plant a seed of spaceflight in the hearts of our broad-minded youngsters which will take root and sprout in the coming year and finally grow into a big tree.










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