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项目制学习,为升读A Level课程和未来进入心仪的大学打好稳定基础
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* 申请交换项目的学生,需在深圳前海国王国际学校入读满1年后,前往英国本部学习。
* PSHEC主题研讨课程包括:信息安全、文化多样性与包容性、反欺凌、急救、积极人际关系等
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The King's School, Canterbury was founded in 597 AD, making it the oldest school not just in the UK, but in all of Europe. Over the years, King's has produced numerous talented leaders and pioneers. The average admission rate to Oxford and Cambridge exceeds 20% each year, and over a hundred and thirty Old King's Scholars (OKS) are recorded in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
As the first overseas branch of this ancient institution, The King's School,Shenzhen has drawn the attention of many parents, eliciting questions such as:
"How do the Chinese and the British campuses share resources?"
"What kind of cooperation is there between the two campuses?"
"Can students go to the UK campus to study?"
"Aside from this year's summer programme, are there any other joint programmes between the two campuses?"
The two campuses of The King's School are inheritors of the same tradition, sharere sources, and work together closely on a wide range of issues. In the coming academic year we will launch an exchange programme, giving Chinese students the opportunity to stay at the UK campus and experience the best of British education first-hand!
Introduction to the International College of The King's School, Canterbury
Unique Learning Experience
The King's School, Canterbury and The King's School, Shenzhen are joining forces to boost world-class education. King's Shenzhen will select a number of outstanding students to go to the UK main campus for a one-year exchange programme, where they will gain a unique learning experience at the oldest school in Europe.
By participating in the Exchange Programme students will experience:
Studying at a prestigious school in the UK and immersing themselves in the best of British education.
The distinctive UK curriculum and in-depth study of the one-year or two-year IGCSE courses.
Discussion and research based learning, helping them to lay a solid foundation for their A-Level courses and university applications.
Receiving an exchange certificate issued by the British and Chinese campuses, to strengthen their future applications to world-renowned universities.
Cultivating various abilities such as independent thinking, creative thinking, and English academic writing in an immersive English environment, that will prepare them for life abroad and interactions with their future peers.
Campus environment and dormitories of The King's School, Canterbury
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Eligible Applicants: students in grades 7-9 at The King's School, Shenzhen
Number of Available Places: 2 students per academic year
Exchange Period: 2024-2025 academic year (1 year)
Application Deadline: October 31st, 2023
Application Method: Register with the academic team
Note: students need to study at The King's School, Shenzhen for at least one year before going to the UK main campus for study.
Curriculum Summary for Grade 8
English; Mathematics; Geography; Music; Sport;Global Perspectives; Business; Computer Science; Art and Design; Humanities Carousel: History, Economics; Sciences:Biology, Chemistry, Physics; PSHEC*
Debates and talks; Games; Activities
*PSHEC:Topics include E-Safety, diversity and inclusion, anti-bullying, first aid, and positive relationships.
Curriculum Summary for Grade 9
(I)GCSE courses started in G9 and taught over two years:Mathematics; Double Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry); English; Global Perspectives
Broad curriculum subjects: Art and Design; Music; Computer Science; Business; Humanities Carousel (History,Philosophy, Economics); Geography; Sport; PSHEC
Academic extension; Debates and talks; Games; Activities
Curriculum Summary for Grade 10
Core subjects: English First Language or English as a Second Language; Mathematics IGCSEE dexcel and if appropriate Level 2 Further Mathematics AQA; Single or Double Science; Global Perspectives
Options:Art and Design; Computer Science; Business Studies; Economics; Music
Non-examined subjects: PSHEC
Academic extension; Science; Debates and talks; Games; Activities
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