

MIS Dragon Boat Festival | 香草不觉夏已至 曼校龙舟竞渡时





Dragon Boat Festival

Qing Mountain is shrouded in mist and rain, while the bright moon extends to the end of the sky. The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is one of the four traditional Chinese festivals. It is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a poet named Qu Yuan from the State of Chu jumped into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and ended his life. Later, the Dragon Boat Festival became a holiday to commemorate Qu Yuan.

As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, the Chinese language department at MIS has prepared exciting celebrations for teachers and students.

1. Traditional Festivals in the Classroom

From early years to primary and secondary school, traditional cultural lessons about the Dragon Boat Festival are integrated into Chinese language classes. Chinese language teachers have carefully prepared cultural lessons about the festival, allowing children to not only learn about the cultural knowledge related to the Dragon Boat Festival (such as its origin, customs, and traditions) but also engage in cultural activities. Through hands-on experiences like making dragon boats, sewing sachets, wrapping zongzi (sticky rice dumplings), and weaving colorful ropes, children not only gain an understanding of the rich cultural connotations and extensions of the Dragon Boat Festival but also form their own unique memories of the festival. MIS students have embraced this traditional cultural symbol as part of their national heritage, inheriting the excellence of Chinese folk culture.

2. Clan Activities and Competitions

During the clan competitions, students from primary and secondary school participate in knowledge quizzes, Kahoot quizzes, zongzi wrapping contests, and dragon boat races. Students demonstrate their knowledge and skills, and the clans compete fiercely against each other. The zongzi wrapping contest showcases the dexterity of the students' hands. The most exciting activity is the dragon boat race, where the four clans engage in intense competition. Even the foreign teachers join in this captivating event. Through the spirit of sportsmanship, the children experience the indomitable spirit of dragon boat racing and feel the power and enterprising spirit represented by the dragon, a cultural totem, during the Dragon Boat Festival. This combination of cultural and sports events establishes unique dragon boat memories for the children. By participating in these activities together and combining them with cultural traditions, emotional communication and cultural identity among the children are strengthened, while cultural confidence is enhanced.

3. Enjoying Delicious Food during the Dragon Boat Festival

Of course, delicious food is an essential part of the Dragon Boat Festival. Parents from the primary school div volunteered to participate in the production of festive food at the school. Parents and children had an unforgettable culinary day together. They washed bamboo leaves, soaked glutinous rice, tied zongzi strings, steamed zongzi, and enjoyed them together. Some even took the extra zongzi home. The school's logistics team brought these zongzi, which meet high-quality food standards, to the cafeteria, allowing all teachers and students to share in the zongzi feast.

The Dragon Boat Festival, carrying so many beautiful elements of Chinese culture, not only celebrates the traditional festival but also allows us to deeply feel the love of our ancestors and the inheritance of our culture. While leading international education, MIS also integrates the rich cultural heritage of China into the hearts of its students, enabling them to remember their unique cultural genes. No matter how far time goes, they can always look back to their roots. Wishing everyone a healthy and peaceful Dragon Boat Festival!

Victoria Liu

Chinese Language Teacher at MIS


Dragon Boat Festival




从early year到小学至中学,端午传统文化课走入了中文课堂,中文组老师们精心准备了端午文化课,孩子们不仅了解了端午节相关的文化知识(来历、习俗、传统等),还身体力行地进行了文化实践活动。端午丰富的文化内涵与外延,体察在曼校学子的周围,形成了孩子们独特的端午印象。在传统文化活动课堂上孩子们还自己动手做龙舟,缝香囊,包粽子,编五彩绳……在自己动手的过程中,孩子们体验到了传统佳节丰厚的民俗意蕴,形成了自己独特的端午记忆,曼校学子将这一传统文化符号纳入了自己的民族基因,传承着中华优秀民俗文化。



三、 食在端午



曼校中文组教师 Victoria Liu











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