




 章俊栋 Tony Zhang 老师在国旗下的演讲 


经历了八月开学的“新起点(New Beginning)”,九月也是一个全新的开始,开始正式进入为新学年不断努力追梦的阶段。九月,我们的主题是“Moonshot(Dream Big)”,在九月的国旗下演讲,章俊栋 Tony Zhang 老师和大家一起分享了他关于“Moonshot(登月计划)”的看法,他说“moonshots are not about reaching the moon alone; they are about discovering the stars within ourselves. They are about the journey, the growth, and the transformation that happens when we dare to reach for something greater.(登月的目标不仅仅只是登月,而是为了发现自己内心的星辰。当我们敢于追求更伟大的东西时,就会经历旅程、成长和蜕变。)



Good morning, colleagues and students. Thank you for gathering here on this beautiful Monday morning for our whole school flag raising ceremony. Today, I want to share with you a concept that has the potential to change our lives, the world, and even the universe itself: the idea of a "moonshot."


Now "What exactly is a moonshot?" In 1969, Apollo 11 mission that successfully landed the first humans on the moon. A moonshot is an ambitious goal or project with high risk, long-term vision, teamwork, and innovation. It's about reaching for the stars, pushing the boundaries of what's possible, and daring to dream big, just like the movie "The Wandering Earth" or the ongoing China Lunar Exploration Project, which aims to send Chinese people to the moon by 2030, just seven years from now.

"究竟什么是登月计划?" 1969 年,"阿波罗 11 号 "成功地让人类首次登上月球。“登月计划是一个雄心勃勃的目标或项目,具有高风险,需要长期主义、团队合作和创新精神。就像电影《流浪地球》或正在进行的中国探月工程一样,探月工程的目标是在 2030 年(距今只有 7 年时间)将中国人送上月球。


Let me share a personal story. It's a story about my own journey, a journey that brought me here to SAIE, and how I learned about the power of moonshots. Several years ago, back at university, I had the opportunity to go to Lloyds Bank in London for a financial internship. It was an exciting opportunity, one that had the potential to open doors and shape my future.

请允许我分享一个个人故事。这个故事讲述了我自己的心路历程,是这段旅程把我带到了 SAIE,让我了解到了 "登月计划 "的力量。几年前,还在上大学的时候,我有机会去伦敦劳埃德银行进行金融实习。这是一个令人兴奋的机会,它有可能为我打开大门,创造我的未来。

However, I hesitated. I hesitated because it felt risky. I hesitated because I didn't have the self-confidence to believe that I could succeed. I hesitated because I had a very short-term vision, focusing only on the immediate challenges rather than the long-term possibilities. In short, I hesitated because I wasn't ambitious enough. 


I let this incredible opportunity to slip through my fingers because I was afraid of failure. I was afraid of taking a leap into the unknown. Later in my career, I decided to become a teacher. However, at the very beginning, I was scared to stand in front of students to teach. I am an introvert person, and I still felt nervous. But then, I realized something crucial: I didn't want to be the same person I was a few years ago. I wanted to be the moonshot this time, to be inspired by my dreams, and not held back by fear or self-doubt. 


Through my teaching career, despite my doubts and fears, discovered that it was one of the best decisions of my life. It challenged me, pushed me out of my comfort zone, and it taught me the importance of embracing moonshots in our own lives. Students like you were no longer scary to me.

在我的教学生涯中,尽管我充满了疑虑和恐惧,但我发现这是我一生中最正确的决定之一。它对我提出了挑战,把我从舒适区推了出来,让我懂得了在我们自己的生活中拥抱 "登月计划 "的重要性。在像你们这样的学生面前,我再也不会感到害怕。

Today, I stand in front of you as someone who has learned the value of aiming high, of setting ambitious goals, and of believing in myself. I want you all to understand that you also have the power to pursue your moonshots. Whether it's academic, artistic, athletic, or personal goals – whatever it is, don't be afraid to dream big, to take risks, and to push the boundaries of what you think is possible.


来到 SAIE,你已经开始了你的旅程 

Remember, moonshots are not about reaching the moon alone; they are about discovering the stars within ourselves. They are about the journey, the growth, and the transformation that happens when we dare to reach for something greater. You have already started your journey by coming to SAIE. 

请记住,"登月计划 "并不仅仅只是“登月”本身,而是为了发现自己内心的星空。当我们敢于追求更远大的目标时,我们的旅程、成长和蜕变就会发生。来到 SAIE,你已经开始了你的旅程。

So, my challenge to each and every one of you today is this: embrace your moonshot. Identify your ambitious goals, pursue them with unwavering determination, and most importantly never let fear or self-doubt hold you back. Believing in yourself will give you power. Because when we aim for the moon, even if we fall short, we would land among the stars. You are the stars already.

因此,我今天向你们每一个人提出的挑战是:拥抱你的 "登月计划"。确定你的远大目标,坚定不移地追求它们,最重要的是,永远不要让恐惧或自我怀疑阻碍你。相信自己会给你力量.因为当我们追逐月亮时,即使我们没有到达,我们也将落入群星中,而此时你已经星光闪耀。

Thank you, and have a fantastic week filled with moonshots!











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