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The King's School Shenzhen





The King's School Shenzhen





The King's School Shenzhen



新学年,拥有20余年教育经验Mrs. Cameron担任中小学校长。Mrs. Cameron拥有多项荣誉,曾被英国权威机构认证为杰出的教育实践者,她的S.T.E.M.(科学、技术、工程和数学)课程还被苏格兰教育部认证为“最佳课程”。在担任国王中小学副校长期间,她领导着院舍制以及学业支持与人文关怀中心,与班主任和导师一起确保每位学生在得到充分尊重的基础上开展课程学习和课外活动,助力学生蓬勃发展。Mrs. Cameron及团队在人文关怀方面的重视与投入,也使得深圳国王学校最终获得2022 China School Awards Finalists: Pastoral Care(中英商会院校奖:人文关怀)的荣誉称号!

Mrs. Cameron

拥有专业资质且在国际知名学术期刊发表多篇研究的Mr. Kenney担任中小学副校长,拥有丰富教学经验并充满教育热忱的Mr. Pearce和Ms. Hall担任助理校长,分别负责1-3年级与4-7年级的教学管理工作。以Mrs. Cameron、Mr. Kenney、Mr. Pearce和Ms. Hall为领导的国王中小学教学团队,通过不断奋斗与通力合作,进一步优化了中小学教学大纲,每门学科的教学计划细化到了每个年级的每节课堂上。国王将采用最科学的方法、最适合的素材帮助学生牢牢掌握知识,让学生成为卓有成效的学习者。

Mr. Kenney

Mr. Pearce

Ms. Hall



新学年,新启航,国王教师团队也迎来多位优质师资加盟。例如,拥有丰富教学经验,并创作了两本儿童读物的Mr. Wharton将担任1年级A班的班主任,用独特方法全面赋能学生。

拥有博士学位,并曾担任大学讲师的Mr. Hyde将担任5年A班的班主任,他将通过项目式学习、研究和解决问题将工程元素融入课堂,为学生们提供积极主动的学习体验;来自英国坎特伯雷国王学校的Ms. Cookson将担任体育及心理学老师,融合专业背景与英国国王本部教学经验,培养并赋予每位学生自信及必备技能。


拥有医学硕士学位,并与众多科学家共同攻克过神经疾病中的难题的Mrs. Mustapha将担任高中生物及心理学老师;在世界各地的国际学校拥有25年教学经验,并曾教授过大学教育和数学教学课程Mr. Mustapha将加入高中数学教学团队,以科学、高效的教学提高学生数学成绩。

拥有香港大学理学硕士学位,并担任剑桥国际考试考官的Ms. He将教授高中计算机科学,丰富的教学背景加上深厚的教育理论基础,她将以启发式教学方法激励学生释放潜力,帮助他们在大学申请中脱颖而出。



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With the new school year about to start, and many new families joining our school, now is a good time to tell the story of King's Shenzhen since its founding back in 2019.


Founding Principles

The King's School Shenzhen

One of the many things that makes The King's School Shenzhen unique is its extremely close connection to its sister school in the UK, The King's School Canterbury. While some other international school groups have chosen to rapidly expand into new countries by opening multiple schools in quick succession, King's takes a more deliberate approach. By making sure that our new school is well-matched to its location, has ample funding to support its long-term growth and development without any external investment, and is able to offer the best possible education to students, we ensure that our school in Shenzhen is not just going to survive. It's going to thrive.

The King's School Shenzhen Official Video



The King's School Shenzhen

Our journey in Shenzhen began with the opening of our Pre-Prep campus in 2019. Next to Shenzhen's famous Evergreen Resort, our youngest students enjoy not only the first-rate indoor facilities that you would expect from a world-leading school, but also excellent outdoor facilities, including an artificial grass play area, a natural grass sports field, a shaded garden with a sandpit, and a rooftop garden. 

Our state-of-the-art main campus for Prep and Senior School opened last year, with a stunning range of facilities on offer, including various kinds of specialised classrooms, an auditorium, a black box theatre, workshops for robotics and AI, sports courts and pitches, catering and boarding facilities, and a swimming pool. Our school is built to scale, so we are able to accommodate our fast-growing body of students without compromising on the quality of their education.


The 2023-2024 School Year

The King's School Shenzhen

As a fast-growing school with many new students joining us each year, KSS naturally continues to recruit accomplished and talented teachers. For the 2023-2024 school year, we have several excellent new teachers joining us, including from King's Canterbury.

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After a careful selection process, Mrs. Carrie Cameron has been chosen to fill the position of Head of Prep at King's. Mrs. Cameron has over twenty years of experience in education, and has an impeccable reputation in her field. She has been recognised as an outstanding practitioner at authority level, been voted employee of the year by staff, pupils, and parents at her previous school, and has had her S.T.E.M. development work be recognised by Education Scotland for best practice. In her previous role at King's as Deputy Head – Pastoral Care, she was in charge of the House system, academic support, and Pastoral Care, working together with homeroom teachers and tutors to ensure that every student enjoyed the care and support they needed to excel in their curricular and co-curricular activities, thereby allowing them to flourish and become the best versions of themselves. Carrie and her team's dedication to Pastoral Care resulted in King's being awarded the title of '2022 China School Awards Finalists: Pastoral Care' by the British Chamber of Commerce in China. 

Mrs. Cameron

Our new Deputy Head of Prep is Mr. Matt Kenney, a qualified teacher who has published several articles in well-known academic journals. He will be supported in this role by our Assistant Heads of Prep, Mr. Stephen Pearce and Ms. Sarah Hall, who are both experienced and enthusiastic teachers, and who will be responsible for Grades 1-3 and Grades 4-7 respectively. The combined efforts of our fantastic new leadership team have enabled King's to further perfect our syllabus by creating detailed teaching plans for each subject and each grade. King's is committed to employing scientific teaching methods and appropriate teaching materials to ensure that our students gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and become highly-effective learners.

Mr. Kenney

Mr. Pearce

Ms. Hall

The quality of our core faculty has always been one of the key strengths of KSS. All of our teachers have professional qualifications and backgrounds in education, with an average of over 11 years of experience in the field, and over 80% of our foreign teachers are from the UK. Our Prep School faculty includes graduates from top universities in China and across the world, including from the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, University of London, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Southampton, University of the Arts London, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Sun Yat-sen University. 

King's Teacher's Alma Maters 

Many excellent new teachers are joining King's for the start of the new school year, and no doubt our students and parents will get to know them all very well in due course. 

Among our new teachers is Mr. Wharton, who has rich experience in education and is the author of two children's books. He will be using his distinctive style of teaching in class 1A this year. Class 5A's new homeroom teacher is Mr. Hyde, who holds a doctorate degree and used to be a university lecturer. Before teaching, he had a successful and exciting career in engineering. Now, he enjoys incorporating elements of engineering, through project-based learning, research and problem-solving into the classroom to help provide children with an engaging, active learning experience. A new yet familiar teacher is Ms. Cookson, who is joining us from The King's School Canterbury, and who will teach PE and psychology. With her diverse professional background and experience at King's Canterbury, she is well placed to support each and every one of our students, and to help them develop their confidence and the skills that they will require in their lives.

King's teacher induction session

Our new Senior School biology and psychology teacher, Mrs. Mustapha, has a master's degree in medicine, and while she was working as a research associate in neuroscience, she collaborated with a great number of scientists to answer difficult questions about neurological diseases. She joins King's with her husband, Mr. Mustapha, a teacher with over 25 years of experience at international schools around the world, who has also taught university education and mathematics pedagogical courses. Mr. Mustapha will teach mathematics at King's, where his scientific and effective teaching methods will no doubt greatly improve our students' mathematical abilities.

Our new Senior School computer science teacher, Ms. He, has a master's degree from the University of Hong Kong, and has previously been an examiner for the Cambridge International Examinations. Building on her extensive knowledge of educational theory and her rich background in education, she is able to use heuristic teaching methods to encourage her students and unlock their full potential, helping them to stand out amongst their peers in their university applications. 

Now, with the foundations for our school firmly in place, and with our student body and faculty growing rapidly, we are ready to take the next step on our journey. We'll see you there!


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