Sept 20, 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are delighted to welcome you to the September edition of the Shenzhen AmericanInternational School Newsletter. As we embark on another exciting academic year, we arefilled with enthusiasm and optimism for the months ahead. Our dedicated staff and eagerstudents have been hard at work, and we have some exciting updates to share with you.
At our school, the artistic spirit thrives through a vibrant trio of disciplines: Art, Music, and Drama. These creative realms provide our students with the opportunity to explore theirpassions and talents while nurturing their artistic sensibilities. In our Art and Performanceclasses, students are passionately refining their skills while also unveiling their remarkabletalents, fostering a dynamic synergy of learning and artistic self-expression within our vibrantsetting."
In the realm of our AP Art & Design class, students are deeply engaged in portfolio analysisand comprehensive research into the class's scoring system. They've taken the initiative tocreate their AP accounts and are eagerly immersing themselves in the course throughintroductory videos on AP Classroom.
Meanwhile, our enthusiastic Grade 8 students are finally catching up with their Visual Artsclass after two missed lessons due to typhoons. Their current project involves designing theletters of their names, which will beautifully adorn the covers of their sketchbooks,showcasing their creativity and dedication."
We are thrilled to share an exciting musical journey taking place in our Music Class. Your childis currently immersed in the captivating world of violin playing, where they are exploring theintricate melodies and harmonies of this exquisite instrument.
In our Music Class, students are not only learning to play the violin but also discovering themagic it brings to their lives. This experience goes beyond music—it nurtures creativity,patience, and self-expression, and it instills the confidence to shine on and off the stage.
In our Elective Drama for Grade 11, students engage in a comprehensive exploration thatinvolves research, teamwork, on-stage action, and reflective analysis. This holistic approachnurtures their creative and analytical abilities, fostering a well-rounded theatrical education."
在 AP 艺术与设计课上,学生们深入参与作品集分析,并对该课程的评分系统进行全面研究。他们已经主动创建了自己的 AP 账户,并通过 AP Classroom 上的介绍视频迫不及待地沉浸在课程中。
在 11 年级的戏剧选修课中,学生们将进行全面的探索,包括研究、团队合作、舞台表演和反思分析。这种全面的方法培养了他们的创造力和分析能力,促进了全面的戏剧教育"。
In our Physical Education classes, Our students have been actively engaged in learning andmastering the game of dodgeball. They have not only acquired the necessary skills but havealso demonstrated their physical abilities in competitive matches. Dodgeball has proven to bea fun and dynamic way for our students to stay active and develop valuable physical andteamwork skills. Students engage in a diverse range of activities, including stretching exercises,running drills, push-ups, and more. These activities not only promote physical fitness but alsoinstil discipline and a sense of well-being among our students.
In our Grade 6 Science Class, students are embarking on a delightful journey with the Gummy Bear Experiment. They're not just conducting experiments; they're also engaging in interactivegames to explore questions, making learning an engaging and enjoyable experience.
Meanwhile, in Grade 9, our students are diving headfirst into the captivating world of scientificexploration. In their Chemistry studies, they're actively exploring experimental techniques likefiltration, distillation, and fractional distillation. This hands-on approach allows them to gaininvaluable experience in the laboratory, bringing their textbook knowledge to life.
Simultaneously, our Biology students in Grade 9 are delving into the intricate realm ofmolecular biology. They are actively immersing themselves in understanding how moleculescan be modelled and dissected, enabling them to unravel the mysteries of molecular structures and interactions. These dedicated students are on a quest to unlock the secrets oflife at the molecular level, fueling their passion for the natural world.
Our students are engaging with various methodologies to explore the fascinating world ofscience. establish connections to the real world, making their learning experiences bothenriching and applicable.
在我们的六年级科学课上,学生们正通过 "小熊软糖实验 "开始一段愉快的旅程。他们不仅进行实验,还参与互动游戏来探索问题,使学习成为一种引人入胜的愉快体验。
ASA (After-School Activities): Our school proudly hosts a Chess Club, providing students witha platform to delve into the intricate world of chess, sharpen their strategic thinking, andengage in friendly competitions. Chess Club is not just about playing a game; it's aboutfostering intellectual growth, social connections, and life skills that will benefit our studentsboth inside and outside the classroom.
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