

Primary News Issue 13




Dear SIS Families,

Cultural celebrations in schools are essential for promoting diversity, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging. They expose students to different cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation. These celebrations also validate students' cultural identities, boost self-esteem, and encourage mutual respect among peers. 

Last week, Grade 1 students continued to explore patterns in nature and their connections to human activities. They focused on moon cycles and their influence on certain festivals like Diwali. To integrate their learning and artistic skills, students enthusiastically participated in a hands-on activity where they used sand colors to create ‘rangoli patterns’, a traditional Indian art form consisting of intricate designs made on the floor. The children exercised their creativity by drawing rangolis of their choice, incorporating patterns inspired by the moon and its cycles. They have discovered that the phases of the moon play a significant role in determining ‘the date and day’ of Diwali. By engaging in this transdisciplinary approach, the students have not only deepened their understanding of patterns but also learned about the cultural significance of festivals and the interconnectedness of nature and human traditions. 




Music in the Early Years: 

Tuneful, Beatful, Artful


The First Steps in Music program cultivates children's musical aptitude in three ways: tunefulness, beatfulness, and artfulness. Tuneful adults can sing traditional songs or lullabies, beatful ones can dance and clap rhythmically, while artful ones are moved emotionally by music, engaging in musical activities within their communities. Encouraging children to become tuneful, beatful, and artful creates adults who can equally enjoy and appreciate music in their lives, whether they choose to play an instrument or simply enjoy music as part of their lives. Here's a glimpse of our early years' students in music class with Ms. Jeannie Wyse.

《音乐的第一步》课程通过三个方面培养孩子的音乐才能:韵律感、打击感和艺术性。具备韵律感的成年人可以唱传统歌曲或催眠曲,具备打击感的人可以跳舞和有节奏地鼓掌,而具备艺术感的人则能通过音乐在社区中参与情感表达的活动。鼓励孩子成为具备韵律感、打击感和艺术感的人,培养他们成为在生活中能够享受和欣赏音乐的成年人,无论他们选择演奏乐器还是仅仅将音乐作为生活的一部分享受。以下是我们幼儿阶段孩子和Ms. Jeannie Wyse一起在音乐课堂上的一瞥。

Kg Unit of Inquiry: What stories live in our personal artifacts?


Over the last few weeks, Kindergarten students have been exploring the world of personal artifacts through their unit: Where we are in place and time. Our provocations aimed to help the children define the concept of "artifacts' using their own words. We began with teachers’ personal artifact displayed, followed by their own, and we hope for parents to show theirs in the coming weeks.

The children explore the artifacts through a visible thinking routine known as ‘ I see, I think, I wonder’. Through this prompt, the children were encouraged to identify the similarities within the items displayed. At this time, some students define artifacts as: ‘something that is old, something that is special to me, and something that has a story.’

Please come to our Kg Museum in Jingshan! Our students' artifacts are displayed which include baby blankets, baby photos, first pacifiers, and favorite baby toys, among others. At home, find artifacts that represent something about your family. What stories do they tell?




Prek1 Family Celebration

PreK1 家庭庆祝活动

This Tuesday, PreK1 families had a fabulous gathering to celebrate Halloween together. Parents were invited to participate in the activities including greeting/story/songs, pumpkin carving to make Jack-O-Lantern, and trick-or-treating around the campus. Students and parents dressed in their favourite costumes and afterward enjoyed a shared potluck in our beautiful secret garden. It was heartwarming to see many parents visiting the classrooms and enjoying this experience with their children. We hope to see you at our next family gathering!

上周二,PreK1 的家庭们一起举办了难忘的万圣节庆祝活动。家长们受邀参与各种活动,包括问候/故事/歌曲,雕刻南瓜来制作“Jack-O-Lantern”南瓜灯,以及在校园中进行“不给糖就捣蛋”活动。学生和家长们身着自己最喜欢的服装,并在活动结束后在我们美丽的秘密花园中共享了一顿聚餐。看到许多家长来到教室,与孩子们一起享受这次活动,真是令人感到暖心。我们期待在下一次的家庭聚会中再次见到您!

SIS Professional Learning Continues


This past weekend 20 members of the SIS staff joined a group of teachers from around China to engage in an interactive workshop about concept-based inquiry. The workshop was led by Rachel French, a certified Concept Based Consultant, workshop facilitator, trainer, and author. Throughout the weekend teachers engaged in practical sessions to embed conceptual understandings their daily teaching practice in classrooms. Teachers were given the opportunity to enhance their planning of the units of inquiry. The highlight of the weekend was meeting other teachers, engaging in professional and meaningful conversations, and walking away with a toolkit of strategies that can immediately be implemented in the classroom.

上个周末,SIS的20名员工与来自全国各地的教师一起参加了一个关于概念为基础的探究的互动研讨会。此次研讨会由获得概念为基础认证的顾问、研讨会组织者、培训师和作者Rachel French主持。在整个周末,教师们参与了实践性的课程,将概念理解融入到他们日常的教学实践中。教师们有机会提升他们的探究单元的规划能力。周末的亮点是与其他教师见面,进行专业而有意义的对话,并带走一套可以立即在课堂上实施的策略工具包。

Thank You, PSA!


What a fantastic Harvest Festival last Friday at The Bay! This event remains to be a highlight of the year. Many thanks to our parents who worked hard to make this day memorable!




SIS International Winter Bazaar

We will again host our crowd favorite, the International Winter Bazaar. Please sign up to run a booth. Last year, we had fifteen countries represented. We hope to have more this year.


STUCO Harvest Food Drive

Many thanks for supporting our Harvest Drive Collection. The Primary STUCO will hand over our collection to Sunshine Love Promotion Association. These collections will help many people who do not have enough resources, especially during the wintertime. 


Trimester 2 ASA Sign-Ups are LIVE! 


Scan the QR codes to review the information and access SchoolsBuddy to sign up. As a reminder, allocations will happen on November 6 when you will receive a confirmation email with the ASAs that your child has been allocated to for T2. 


GBA Cup School Golf Tournament 


Interested in playing? Scan the QR code to register and represent SIS at this event! 


SIS Chinese Recitation Competition


We are glad to announce the beginning of the Third SIS Chinese Recitation Competition, which is organized by SIS Primary Mandarin Team. It aims to foster students’ interest in reading while promoting creative expression. The winners will be announced at Chinese New Year Assembly and awarded with prizes. We encourage G1-G5 students in IP, CBP and FIP to participate.


Dates to Remember


  • 6th Nov Monday to 8th Nov Wednesday – G5 Camp

  • 8th Nov Wednesday: G12 Service Project with G2+G3 classes

  • 8th Nov Wednesday to 10th Nov Friday – G4 Camp

  • 10th Nov Friday – G1-2 Assembly (1B hosting) + Gecko Junior Strings A Performance TB Theater

  • 10th Nov Friday – EP Assembly (KD hosting)

  • 10th Nov Friday – Pearl River Delta Librarians Meeting Level 5

  • 10th Nov Friday – 3:40 pm start Gecko Junior Strings A informal performance TB Theater

  • 13th Nov Monday to 16th Nov Thursday – Kg-5 Teacher Training: Science of Reading

  • 14th Nov Tuesday – 3:40 pm start Gecko Junior Strings B informal performance TB Theater

  • 17th Nov Friday to 19th Nov Sunday – IB face-to-face workshops TB

  • 20th Nov Monday to 21st Nov Tuesday – NO SCHOOL

  • 22nd Nov Wednesday to 1st Dec Friday – G2-5 MAP testing  

  • 24th Nov Friday – G3-5 Assembly (4A hosting)

  • 11月6日(周一)至11月8日(周三):五年级露营活动

  • 11月8日(周三):十二年级服务项目与二年级+三年级班级合作

  • 11月8日(周三)至11月10日(周五):四年级露营活动

  • 11月10日(周五):一、二年级集会(1B班主持+壁虎少儿弦乐团A组表演 太子湾剧院

  • 11月10日(周五):EP集会(KD班主持)

  • 11月10日(周五):珠江三角洲图书馆员会议 太子湾校区Level5

  • 11月10日(周五):下午3:40开始 壁虎少儿弦乐团 A组非正式表演 太子湾剧院

  • 11月13日(周一)至11月16日(周四):幼儿园至五年级教师培训:阅读科学

  • 11月14日(周二):下午3:40开始 壁虎少儿弦乐团 B组非正式表演 太子湾剧院

  • 11月17日(周五)至11月19日(周日):IB面对面研讨会 太子湾校区

  • 11月20日(周一)至11月21日(周二):不上课

  • 11月22日(周三)至12月1日(周五):二至五年级MAP测试

  • 11月24日(周五):三至五年级集会(4A班主持)











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