

The Power of SIS Alumni Visits

01-22 09:28发布于广东


The Power of Alumni: Sharing Unique Paths and Empowering Future Graduates

There is an undeniable power in the connection between alumni and current students. At SIS, we create opportunities for alumni to share their unique paths with secondary students at interactive events hosted on campus. 

As former geckos return to visit family and friends, they are also invited to bring back valuable insights and experiences that can inform the decisions of current students. Whatever the paths that SIS students take upon graduation, including moving directly to further study or taking a gap year, alumni guidance holds special importance as students can see relate to these personal examples.

In December, three alum shared with our IBDP students and demonstrated how personalized the decision making process is to selecting the best fit moving forward.

Upon graduation, SIS students are presented with a plethora of excellent options. Many choose to pursue higher education, diving deeper into their chosen fields. However, the decision of which offer to accept becomes a crucial one. Factors such as financial considerations, scholarships, proximity to family, lifestyle preferences, and access to specialized programs all come into play. Each student must carefully evaluate these elements and determine the best fit for their aspirations. 

Noah shared how he weighed up several options in his passport country of the US and decided on a state university to be near family and benefit financially, money he can put into a car, travel and perhaps a graduate degree when the time comes. 

Iris chose to study in Singapore, a new destination for her and not her home country. The draw for her included the availability of a unique track in Real Estate as part of her Business degree. 

Taking a gap year is also a popular choice among SIS graduates, for various reasons. For Morgan, utilizing this time to upgrade skills, enhance test scores, and deepen her Chinese language proficiency, she is gaining a broader perspective and a chance to explore various options before committing to a specific path. 

We celebrate the stories and experiences shared by SIS alumni who demonstrate skill at navigating new challenges, pivoting to pursue goals, and connecting with family and friends for support. The interaction between alumni and current students is a powerful bond that fosters growth and empowers the next generation of graduates. SIS students have a range of exceptional paths available to them upon graduation. Hearing the diverse stories and experiences of alumni helps current students make informed decisions and prepares them for the challenges and choices they will face. By embracing the wisdom and guidance of those who have come before them, students can confidently shape their own unique paths towards success.

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在校友返回深圳探望亲友期间,SIS邀请了他们回到母校分享宝贵的见解和经验,这些经验为在校生申学决策提供有益的参考。无论 SIS 学生在毕业后选择何种道路,直接升学或者选择间隔年,校友的引导都非常重要,这让学生们对不同道路的选择有了更深的理解。


毕业后,SIS 学生面对着众多优秀的选择。很多学生选择深入研究他们选择的领域。然而,选择接受哪所大学录取通知成为至关重要的决定。诸如财务考虑、奖学金、与家人的距离、生活方式偏好和专业计划的可及性等因素都需要考虑。每位学生都需要仔细权衡这些元素,并确定最符合他们志向的最佳选择。

Noah 分享了他在美国境内的多个选择,最终选择了一所州立大学,这样他可以与家人距离更近,并从经济上受益,节省出的这笔钱可以用于购车、旅行,甚至可用于攻读研究生学位。

Iris 选择在新加坡学习,这里不是她的家乡,而是她新的目的地。她之所以被吸引,是因为这里的商业学位中包含了房地产领域的独特课程。

毕业后开启间隔年也是 SIS 毕业生中常见的选择,原因各有不同。对于 Morgan 来说,她利用这段时间提升了技能、提高了考试成绩,并深化了她的中文水平。她正通过这段经历获得更广泛的视野,有机会在开启特定道路之前探索各种选择。

我们感谢 SIS 校友分享故事与经验,他们展示了应对新挑战、调整目标并于家人朋友建立联系获得支持的能力。校友与当前学生之间的互动是一种强大纽带,促进了成长,赋予了下一代毕业生力量。SIS 学生在毕业后有多条卓越的路径可选。倾听校友的丰富故事和经验有助于当前学生做出明智的决策,为他们将来面对的挑战和选择做好准备。通过吸收前人的智慧和引导,学生可以自信地打造自己独特的成功之路。

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Best wishes, 

SIS Alumni Relations

 About Us

Shekou International School (SIS) is a private, not-for-profit school established in 1988, located in Shekou, Nanshan District in Shenzhen, China. 

SIS has long been at the forefront of international education for expatriate children in the region. It's the international school and the caring community you would like to join. 










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