


02-02 08:26发布于广东






在过去的一年,我们的老师和同学们就众多和学校、教育、我们所处的社会相关的话题,如:Moonshot - Dream Big(登月—一个大的梦想)、 Harvest (收获)、 Gratitude (感恩)  、Celebrate (庆祝)、 Mindfulness for Performance(正念教育)等等话题进行了精彩的分享。我们精选了部分老师和同学们的分享,带大家一起回顾我们过去一年的国旗下的演讲的同时,也一起分享老师和同学们的独特经历,发人深省和鼓舞人心的真知灼见和深度思考。


演讲者刘旭晗 Ron老师

As students of an international school, it is important for us to understand and respect the cultural traditions of the countries where we live and study. By learning about Chinese culture and history, we can gain a greater appreciation of the country and its people. We can also use this konwledge to build bridges between cultures and promote understanding and respect. Commemoration is not only about looking back on the past, but also about celebrating the present and building a better future. By learning from our ancestors, we can gain a greater appreciation for the values and traditions that have shaped our world. We can also use these lessons to build a better future,one that is based on respect, understanding and cooperation.



演讲者:章俊栋 Tony Zhang

Today, I stand in front of you as someone who has learned the value of aiming high, of setting ambitious goals, and of believing in myself. I want you all to understand that you also have the power to pursue your moonshots. Whether it's academic, artistic, athletic, or personal goals – whatever it is, don't be afraid to dream big, to take risks, and to push the boundaries of what you think is possible.Remember, moonshots are not about reaching the moon alone; they are about discovering the stars within ourselves. They are about the journey, the growth, and the transformation that happens when we dare to reach for something greater. 
今天,我站在你们面前,我已经懂得了志存高远、树立远大目标和相信自己的价值。我希望你们都能明白,你们也有能力追求自己的梦想。无论是学术目标、艺术目标、体育目标还是个人目标,不管是什么,都不要害怕梦想远大,要勇于去冒险,突破自己认为可能的极限。请记住,"登月计划 "并不仅仅只是“登月”本身,而是为了发现自己内心的星空。当我们敢于追求更远大的目标时,我们的旅程、成长和蜕变就会发生。

演讲者:G10 Fire班 张浩钰 Selina

The most important thing in communicating with others is to be fully present. This means that we should not let other things distract us when listening to someone else. We should not be halfhearted in our communication. When we talk to someone, we should focus on what they are saying and respond appropriately. Moreover, when we communicate, especially when discussing something, hitting the main point is the best way. No one wants to spend time listening to a bunch of useless things from others.

In conclusion, the rope of communication is constantly intertwined around us. It can be a tool or a weapon, depending on how we use it. Therefore, we should communicate clearly and properly, be fully present, and hit the main point to maintain healthy relationships and solve problems quickly.



演讲者:G11 Water班 薛子腾Thompson

Celebration is an essential component of our academic institutions. It builds community, inspires motivation, enhances emotional well-being, and cultivates unity. As we move forward, let us not forget the importance of celebration and strive to incorporate it into our daily lives. Let us celebrate our achievements, both large and small, and acknowledge the accomplishments of others. Let us do so not only to recognize hard work and dedication but also to inspire a brighter future for ourselves and those who come after us.



演讲者:G10 Metal 班 柳承宪Theo

Growth is not only a process of maturing physically and becoming more outwardly confident and experienced,but it is also inwardly stepping nearly to completion,by discovering your purposes and dreams.Growth not only presents to us freedom and access,but also responsibilities and expectations from other which were perhaps unwanted by ourselves.

Growing up is an unstable process because of how it affects each and everyone of us differently.It is a process of standing up firmly in the  society.And  most  importantly,growing  up makes us realize the realization that we are becoming strong enough to stand on our own as individuals,but at the same time,being parts of  a social race,we are still interconnected with others in many ways.

But don't you be letdown by what people who have spent longer time growing up than you tell you,about how life just keeps getting harder,or how the society keeps getting colder.Whatever hardships that come,we will all be prepared for them by the time we reach that stage,the way we are doing quite well as middle and high schoolers,even when we have all vainly worried about this very stage as primary schoolers.Just live every day with an urge to develop,and one day,we would all be standing in places higher than what we have ever dreamed.





演讲者:孙昊 Peter 老师

I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day, you will celebrate. Celebrate being born in this peaceful and powerful country. Remember, no one should or could talk to Chinese people from the position of strength. The moment you leave the country, you become a bridge of understanding across cultures. Treat others with respect and when you hear a different view about your motherland, try your best to tell our Chinese story well.
I have a dream that one day, you will celebrate. Celebrate with your teachers, who are not only striving to prepare you for every adventure but also serve as a safe harbor when you need support. Under the guidance of our school motto, 'Wisdom, Honor, and Nation,' and with the meticulous cultivation of our hardworking teachers, you, the students of SAIE, are destined to harbor grand ambitions and strive with vigor. On your journey of learning and reflection, you will forge ahead through challenges and climb the summits of knowledge to fulfill your dreams!



我有一个梦想,有一天,你们会庆祝。你们的老师不仅努力为你们的每一次冒险做好准备,还在你们需要支持时充当你们的安全港湾。在 "睿智、荣耀、民族 "校训的指引下,在辛勤耕耘的老师们的精心培育下,我们博纳的学生,注定要胸怀大志,奋发图强。在学习和反思的旅途中,你们将勇往直前,迎接挑战,攀登知识的高峰,实现自己的梦想!


演讲者:G10 Fire 班 柳知宪Leo

If you haven't been through such a process of orienting yourself with the use of higher goals,you can reach out to those around you.Just yesterday we have celebrated Teacher's Day,in honor of the staff members here at SAIE and all around the globe who guide us to a more sophisticated,more educated level of life.We appreciate the guidance of the teachers and staff here at school because they give us a safe environment to grow and choose to aim   for,develop,and  accomplish  higher  goals.

Concluding.Choosing and completing goals help us acquire a sense of direction and purpose in our academic courses. The staff and friends here at school allow us to stay sharp and get motivated as we push ourselves to finish the goals. As goals are completed,we should set higher ones to keep the pace and sense of accomplishment going.Don't be afraid to set goals,and start with small paces ahead.It's OK if you have had a slow academic pace of life before.In fact, it's fine even if you had not even started in the road of learning.It's safe to start now,and it'll be something you've never experienced before,with sense of satisfaction and purpose guaranteed.

如果你还没有通过设定更高目标来找到自己的方向,你可以与身边的人交流。就在昨天,我们庆祝了教师节, 表彰博纳来自全球各地的老师们,因为他们指导我们走向更高水平,更有教养的生活。我们感激学校的老师和工作人员,因为他们给了我们一个安全的成长环境,让我们选择了更高的目标,努力发展并实现这些目标。



演讲者:G11 Metal 班 郝轩卿Gabrielle

As we navigate the demands of our academic and professional lives, the concept of mindfulness for performance becomes a valuable ally. It empowers us to navigate challenges with grace, to learn from setbacks without dwelling on them, and to savor saiver moments of success without being consumed by future expectations. In conclusion, let us embrace the power of mindfulness as a guiding principle for performance. Whether on stage or in the everyday scenarios of our lives, let us approach each moment with a heightened sense of awareness and a commitment to being fully present. In doing so, we unlock our true potential, creating performances that are not only impressive but deeply authentic.



Mindfulness is the equivalent to training your physical muscle to be able to hold up weights of action. Mindfulness is the training of your mental muscle to hold up mental challenges in your head. Yes, as much as you have muscle power to accomplished physical task, you must also grow your mental muscle to overcome mental challenge. How do you grow your mental muscle?

How do you grow your mental muscle? The practice of mindfulness offers us a way. It's a method of being fully present and engaged in the moment, aware of your thoughts and feelings without distraction or judgment. With mindfulness, you can learn to sit with the discomfort of an unsolved problem or an unmet challenge, acknowledging its presence but not allowing it to overwhelm you. This mental discipline is like lifting weights with your brain; with each challenge faced mindfully, your mental resilience grows.












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