





2025-2026 Vanke Meisha Arts Academy 

Admissions Activity Description

I. 我们目前接受视觉艺术及表演艺术(钢琴、声乐、小提琴、中提琴、大提琴)的艺术生。

II. 艺术生需先提交作品集进行专业预选,同时参加书院的未来领袖训练营学术评估及艺术专业评估。最终综合各项表现,择优录取。

III. 艺术生专业作品集未通过预选时,不影响其作为学术生录取。

Ⅳ. 如因作品集预选不通过而放弃参与未来领袖训练营学术评估环节,500元报名费不予退回。

I. We currently accept art students in visual arts and performing arts (piano, vocal, violin, viola, cello).

II. Art students are required to submit a portfolio of works for professional pre-selection and participate in the academic assessment and art professional assessment in the VMA Future Leadership Camp. Those with best comprehensive performance will be admitted.

III. If an art student's professional portfolio fails to pass the pre-selection, it will not affect his/her admission as an academic student.

IV. The 500 RMB application fee will not be refunded if students give up participating in the academic evaluation session of the Future Leadership Camp due to the failure of the portfolio pre-selection.

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01 视觉艺术 VA. 



Visual Arts Evaluation Procedures



有意报读本校视觉艺术的学生,需在每次作品集截止日期(未来领袖训练营开始的前十五天)前将作品集电子版上传至艺术招生邮箱:arts.admissionvma.edu.cn ,邮件名称格式:“学生姓名+申请视觉艺术作品集”,逾期提交视为无效。视觉艺术作品集要求,请查看下文。









Step 1

Submit Portfolio

Students who wish to apply for the Visual Arts program in our school are required to upload their electronic edition of portfolios to arts.admissionvma.edu.cn ( the deadline is 15 days before the start of the Future Leadership Camp). The email format is "Student name + Portfolio for Application for Visual Arts". Late submissions will be deemed invalid. For Visual Art portfolio requirements, please see below.

Portfolio selection results will be sent via Art Admissions email. Applicants will receive the selection results no later than nine days before the start of each Future Leadership Camp, and qualified candidates will be allowed to move on to the next step.


On-site creation, professional art interview

*On-site creation and professional art interview will be held on the same day.

(1) On-site Creation Session:

It runs for 80 minutes. Students are not required to bring related materials and tools, and all exam supplies will be provided by the school. On the day of the exam, examiners will publish the exam questions, and students will be required to create work based on the combination of self-portraits and themes.

(2) Art Interview Session:

Each student will participate individually and will only be able to communicate in English for 10 minutes. The interviewer will ask questions about the student's portfolio creation, including but not limited to explaining the idea, creative process, or source of inspiration for a particular work.

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Visual Arts Portfolio Requirements


1. 3张写生作品(例如人物,场景,风景写生等),体现申请人的基础绘画能力;

2. 5份创作作品(媒介和材料不限),每个作品需要附上一段英文的解释说明,简要概括作品背后的想法和你觉得最有意思的地方。创作作品需要体现申请人的主题性作品创作能力。


作品集中作品的创作时间不应早于申请日期前 6个月。 


1. 鼓励申请人在作品集中提供创作草图或制作过程的照片,让面试官能看到你的创意构思和过程。过程图片不能算作“作品”;

2. 请勿提供任何临摹作品,否则将视为抄袭,抄袭将会面临取消申请资格的风险;

3. 面试官对创作作品没有形式或媒介的偏好,但作品需要体现申请人的创意思维、创作技能、及兴趣。


1. 作品集要以pdf文件提交,请将所有作品(包括草图和过程图)合并成单个pdf文件并发送到指定邮箱。作品集的文件大小必须小于20M。

2. 如果作品集能含有影像作品(包括动画作品),请将视频文件上传到Bilibili网站,并提供视频链接。影像作品的长度不应长于5分钟。

3. 第一环节仅接受作品集的电子版,请勿寄送作品原件!

4. 申请人要在面试当天给招生官提供作品原件。

The visual arts portfolio must contain at least 8 works. The artworks should include:

1. 3 Sketch works (such as figures, scenes, landscape sketches, etc.), reflecting the applicant's basic painting ability;

2. 5 Creative works (artistic medium and materials are not limited), each work should be accompanied by a paragraph of English explanation, a brief summary of the idea behind the work and what you find most interesting. The creative work should reflect the applicant's thematic creative ability.

Time requirement: 

The creation time of the works in the portfolio should not be earlier than 6 months before the application date.


1. VMA encourage applicants to provide creative sketches or photos of the creating process in the portfolio, so that the interviewer can see your creative ideas and creating process. However, process pictures do not count as "works";

2. Please do not provide any copied works, otherwise it will be regarded as plagiarism, and the candidate will face the risk of disqualification;

3. The interviewer has no preference for form or artistic medium of the work, but it should reflect the applicant's creative thinking, creative skills, and interests.


1. To submit your portfolio as a pdf file, please combine all works (including sketches and process drawings) into a completely single pdf file and send it to the designated email address. The file size of the portfolio must be less than 20M.

2. If the portfolio contains video works (including animation works), please upload the video file to the Bilibili website and provide the video link. Video work should not be longer than 5 minutes.

3. We only accept the electronic version of the portfolio in the first session, please do not send the original works.

4. Applicants should provide the original works to the admissions officer on the day of the interview.

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02 表演艺术 PA. 



Performing Arts Evaluation Procedures







1. 专业面试。需要背谱,请尽可能的去展现对于音乐的理解。学生需携带个人乐器(键盘乐除外),声乐需带钢琴伴奏,器乐类学生评估现场或有试奏环节。

2. 音乐知识的面试。面试内容含括作曲家、乐器、音乐概念等。

3. 音乐理论能力笔试。评估范围包括谱号,节拍,⾳程,和弦,⾳阶,和乐谱分析。具体请参考文末《音乐理论能力评估大纲》。




❑ Students who wish to apply for performing arts in our school are required to record their own videos and post them to online platforms (such as Bilibili, Tencent Video, etc.), and submit the video link to the art admissions email: arts.admissionvma.edu.cn 15 days before the Art assessment date of the Future Leadership Camp , late submissions will be deemed invalid.

❑ Applicants will receive portfolio selection results via Art Admissions email no later than nine days prior to the Art Assessment date of each Future Leadership Camp.

❑ Applicants are limited to take a maximum of two art assessments each academic year.

❑ Students who passed the portfolio assessment will proceed to the Art Assessment process, which consists of two steps: the first step is the admission application assessment, and the second step is the Art scholarship application assessment. Art assessment will be conducted offline, and in exceptional cases, online assessment will be arranged as appropriate. An average score of 11 is considered to be a successful application, and an average score of over 22 is considered to be eligible for the scholarship application round. Students are advised to read the procedures carefully and prepare for the interview according to the procedures.


Art Admissions 

Application Evaluation

1. Professional interviews. Applicants need to recite music score, please do your best to show your understanding of the music. Students are required to bring personal instruments (except keyboards). Vocal music performance is required to be accompanied by piano. Instrumental music students are assessed on site may have an audition part .

2. For music knowledge interview, topics will cover composers, instruments, musical concepts, etc.

3. Written examination of music theory ability include clef, beat, interval, chord, scale, and score analysis. For details, please refer to "Music Theory Ability Assessment Outline" at the end of the article.


Art Scholarship

Application Evaluation

Students who have passed the Art Admissions Assessment with an average of over 22 points will be notified by the Admissions Office to apply for the Art Scholarship. The assessment requirements for this div will be announced separately.

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Performing Arts Portfolio Requirements


1. 时效:学生提供的作品视频必须是3个月内(参考未来领袖训练营日期)的录制。

2. 背谱演奏,严格按照乐谱进行演奏,不得进行任何改动或个人创作。

3. 不可编辑或处理原视频的声音及图像。



 1. 自选一组音阶与琶音:包括自然大调音阶、关系小调音阶(和声小调或者旋律小调)以及其琶音(四个八度)一套。 

2. 巴赫复调作品:选自平均律The Well-Tempered Clavier钢琴曲集<<前奏曲和赋格>>。 

3. 技巧性练习曲:需达到<<车尔尼钢琴练习曲Op.740>>程度以上,例:车尔尼Op.740,莫什科夫斯基练习曲Op.72,肖邦练习曲,李斯特练习曲等)。 

4. 奏鸣曲(一个乐章):选自古典奏鸣曲快板乐章(如海顿、莫扎特或贝多芬等作品) 

5. 乐曲:中外乐曲不限。


1. 两个或三个八度的大、小调单音音阶和琶音(每弓段两个或四个音符);三度,六度,或八度双音音阶的位置变化(一个或两个音符每弓段)。 

2. 两首练习曲或乐曲。 





1. 三个或四个八度的大、小调音阶和琶音,以及两个八度的双音音阶(三度、六度、八度)。

2. 两首练习曲或乐曲。



1. 美声演唱专业申请者须演唱三首歌曲,其中一首可为中文曲目。

2. 歌曲可包括欧洲及中国的艺术歌曲或歌剧咏叹调。

3. 外语歌曲必须用原语言演唱。外语歌剧咏叹调必须用原调演唱。

4. 演唱时应有钢琴伴奏,并应背谱表演。


1. 流行歌曲专业申请者必须演唱一首古典声乐作品(美声唱法)。另外两首作品应为不同流派的歌曲,其中一首可以是中文歌曲。

2. 音乐剧专业申请者须准备两首不同时期、不同风格的音乐剧作品。

Overall requirements:

1. Time Requirement: The video of the work provided by the student must be recorded within 3 months (refer to the date of the Future Leadership Camp).

2. Students need to recite the music score and perform strictly in accordance with the score, without any modification or personal creation.

3. Do not edit or process the sound and image of the original video.

Instrument students must submit works according to the following requirements:

 Piano (4 out of 5 items, with the first one being mandatory) 

1. Choose a set of scales and arpeggios: including natural major scale, relative minor scale (harmonic or melodic minor), and their arpeggios (four octaves). 

2. Bach's fugal work: selected from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Preludes and Fugues. 

3. Virtuosic etude: should reach the level of Czerny’s Piano Etudes Op. 740 or above, e.g., Czerny Op. 740, Moszkowski Etudes Op. 72, Chopin Etudes, Liszt Etudes, etc. 

4. Sonata (one movement): selected from the allegro movements of Classical sonatas (e.g., works by Haydn, Mozart, or Beethoven). 

5. Musical work: a piece from both Chinese and Western music is acceptable.


1. Major and minor single-note scales and arpeggios in two or three octaves (two or four notes per bow); three, six, or eight-degree double-stop scales with position changes (one or two notes per bow).

2. Two Etudes or pieces.


1. Major and minor single-note scales and arpeggios in two or three octaves (two or four notes per bow); three, six, or eight-degree double-stop scales with position changes (one or two notes per bow).

2. Two Etudes or pieces.


1. Major and minor scales and arpeggios in three or four octaves, and double-stop scales (thirds, sixths, octaves) in two octaves.

2. Two Etudes or pieces .

Vocal Music students must submit works according to the following requirements:

 For Bel canto applicants 

1. Sing three songs, one of which can be in Chinese.

2. Songs may include art songs or opera arias from both European and Chinese repertoire.

3.  Foreign language songs must be sung in the original language. Opera arias in foreign languages must be performed in the original key.

4. Performance should include piano accompaniment and should be performed from memory.

 For Pop Singing and Musical Theatre Singing applicants 

1. Pop Singing applicants must include one classical vocal piece (bel canto). The other two pieces should be in different pop styles, with one song allowed to be in Chinese.

2. Musical Theatre applicants must prepare two musical theatre pieces from different periods and in different styles.

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Music Theory Assessment Guideline

The Vanke Meisha Academy music theory entrance exam serves a dual purpose in the audition process. First, the entrance acts as a barrier for students whom have received no theoretical training on their instrument, as the burden of catching up would place unnecessary strain on the students academic and instrumental development. Second, it serves to stratify students’ in order to accurately place them into the relevant theory and aural skills classes. 

The test contains a range of skill assessments regarding clefs, rhythms, intervals, chords and scales. 


 1. Identifying notes on different Clefs 


• Treble clef 高音谱号

• Bass clef 低音谱号

• Alto clef 中音谱号

• Tenor clef 次中音谱号

 2. Identifying and naming Intervals 


• Major 大音程

• Minor 小音程

• Perfect 纯音程

• Augmented 增音程

• Diminished 减音程

 3. Rhythm 节奏 

• Filling in missing rests 为空拍填补合适的休止符

• Comparing note values 不同拍号时值对比

• Converting a melody from simple to compound time 单复拍转换

 4. Harmonizing a melody with chords 


• Major 大和弦

• Minor 小和弦

• Augmented 增和弦

• Diminished 减和弦

• Dominant 7 属七和弦

• Cadence types 终止式 (PAC完全终止式, IAC不完全终止式, Plagal变革终止式, Deceptive阻碍终止式, Half半终止式) 

 5. Identifying Scales 音阶认别 

• Major 大调音阶

• Minor 小调音阶

• Natural 自然音阶

• Harmonic 和声音阶

• Melodic 旋律音阶

• Chromatic 半音音阶

• Whole tone 全音音阶

• Pentatonic 五音音阶

 6. Additional assessments 另外内容 

• Students will be asked to complete missing parts of a piano piece based on their understanding of period specific tendencies 根据前后音乐的规律与特点,按照作品时期风格填空

• A figured bass example will be given to complete a 4-part harmonic exercise 根据给出的低音完成四部和声练习

• Score analysis of a melody, or parts of a short piece of music dealing with questions regarding key, scale degree, cadences, and time signature 根据调号,音级,终止式,与拍号对乐谱进行分析


Schedule for the Future Leadership Camp

* 以上日期最终以万科梅沙书院官方微信公布结果为准,敬请留意!艺术生可参与3月与4月场次的未来领袖训练营。

The final dates will be based on the official announcement from VMA WeChat public platform, please stay tuned! Art students can participate in the Future Leadership Camp in March and April.





Vanke Meisha Arts Academy (VMAA) was officially established in 2018, and is committed to becoming a unique high-end art education program in China, exporting top Chinese artists and top talents with international reputation to the world.

VMAA offers two major programs: Visual Arts and Performing Arts. Performing Arts students will receive professional guidance (professional courses, master classes, etc.) from teachers who have graduated from world-class music schools, musicians active in the international music scene, and university professors. For Visual arts students, in addition to a wealth of art media and technology courses, a unique interdisciplinary program is offered where students apply art to real life situations and have the opportunity to participate in workshops and master classes with world-class artists and university professors.

In recent years, the students have successfully applied to Dartmouth College, the top music schools Juilliard School, the Royal College of Music, Eastman School of Music, Peabody College of Johns Hopkins University, and the world's top 3 design universities such as the University of the Arts London, Parsons School of Design, Rhode Island School of Design and so on.

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