

校园反欺凌 | 愿你们所到之处更加光明




 Anti-bullying work by SIFC students

*Made by Judy Huang, Patrick Zeng,

Sonny LV, Fluttershy Dai, Azizi Gu


In recent years, news of school violence and cyberbullying have occurred frequently. The perpetrators are very young, high school students or even junior high school students, which has aroused the attention of all in society.


"Bullying" is a heavy and unavoidable topic. With the popularity of the Internet, Cyberbullying quietly affects teenagers. Even in the period of online classes, it brings risks and harms to students. Today, we invited the Foreign Psychology teacher,Chinese Psychology teacher and a student from SIFC to discuss "anti-bullying" comprehensively, unveiling the mystery of bullying.


What is "school bullying"?


Poster of the SIFC anti-bullying week

“欺凌”是指人与人之间权力不平等的欺凌与压迫,它一直长期存在于社会中,包括肢体或言语的攻击、人际互动中的抗拒及排挤,也有可能是类似性骚扰般的谈论性或对身体部位的嘲讽、评论或讥笑。挪威学者Dan Olweus对“校园欺凌”的定义被广为接受——一个学生长时间并重复地暴露于一个或多个学生主导的负面行为之下。欺凌以多种形式存在,如暴力霸凌、言语霸凌、社交霸凌、网络霸凌。

School bullying, like bullying outside the school context, refers to one or more perpetrators who have greater physical or social power than their victim and act aggressively toward their victim by verbal or physical means.[2][3] Different types of school bullying including physical, emotional, verbal, cyberbullying, sexual, and education level. Norwegian professor Dan Olweus' definition of "school bullying" is accepted by most people: Bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior that is characterized by hostile intent (the harm caused is deliberate), imbalance of power (real or perceived power inequality between bully and victim), and repetition over a period of time.


Miss Rikki, a psychological counselor of SIFC, believes that as a teacher, we must rationally distinguish whether the bullying problem really exists, and foresee potential risks in a timely manner.


"The essence of bullying is an imbalance of power and resources, a deliberate and repetitive act of harm. It is important to understand how students define bullying. If we have a different definition, it will lead to differences and conflicts in our communication. When students are not being bullied, potential bullies need to be properly guided and improve their interpersonal communication patterns and empathy skills."



What should I do if I am being bullied?



"Keep calm, adjust your mentality, avoid conflict situations, resist, ask for help"


Miss Rikki, SIFC Psychological Counselor


SIFC Psychological Counselor 

Miss Rikki is teaching in Psychology Club


If you are being bullied, Miss Rikki has a few suggestions - stay calm, adjust your mentality, avoid conflict situations, resist, and seek help.


First, adjust your mentality and don't convince yourself you did something wrong. We condone bullying if we believe in "victim blaming". Those who are bullied are prone to fall into a feeling of inferiority. If they mistakenly believe that it is their own personal faults that led to the bullying, they are very likely to develop depression.


In the face of minor verbal or physical conflicts, avoidance should be adopted instead of aggravating the conflict; if it is a long-term and repeated bullying, it is necessary to resist. Resisting may lead to more serious bullying, but not resisting is allowing others to bully you. The principle of resistance is not to fight back in the same way, but to shock the bully and tell them that you are not weak.

深国预的每个人都对校园欺凌行为负责,每一位教育工作者都有义务和责任预防和干预校园欺凌行为,建立包容和共情的学习环境。家长作为监护人,也有义务和责任跟进了解孩子的在校状态, 积极引导孩子应对和解决问题,为孩子树立积极的榜样。

Everyone at SIFC is responsible for preventing school bullying, and every educator has the duty and responsibility to prevent and intervene in school bullying and to build an inclusive and empathetic learning environment. Parents, as guardians, also have the obligation and responsibility to follow up on their children's school status, actively guide their children to solve problems, and set a positive example for their children.



How to avoid school bullying?



 “Teachers and staff can provide long term solutions to these problems through the various forms of team orientated activities.”


SIFC Psychology Teacher Mr. Alistair


SIFC Psychology Teacher Mr. Alistair

is talking in Psychology Lecture


“While one single recommendation is impossible to make for ameliorating this issue, schools that have successfully dealt with this issue have employed similar strategies.” SIFC Psychology Teacher Mr. Alistair said.


Mr. Alistair believes that the most notable technique for alleviating issues related to bullying is by creating superordinate goals. This entails bringing in-groups and out-groups together-getting them to mingle- and giving them a shared goal that is greater than their individual conflicts with one-another.


At present, the House system, clubs, academic competitions, sports competitions, and various campus activities promoted by SIFC have proved that students of different age groups can work together to achieve higher goals. While individual problems that have already reached a crisis level should be dealt with through the leadership of our psychological counsellor, the teachers and staff can provide long term solutions to these problems through the various forms of team orientated activities that are available to all of us.


“Finally, including regulations and education on bullying within teacher’s classroom management agendas is something that may offer longer term benefits for the school in general. Simply being aware that the school takes a strong, yet caring position on issues related to bullying communicates to students that harming another individual in any way is not acceptable but also that there are resources and support available for those who feel that they are struggling with this issue.”



How to avoid bullying in the online world?



"Never use violence to overcome violence"


微电影导演Matt Zhang

Matt Zhang, film club leader

and director of campus anti-bullying film


Screenshot of the movie

on campus anti-bullying

深国预电影社与摄影社曾联合制作过一部校园反欺凌题材的微电影。深国预中文老师Elvis曾这样评价这部微电影:“这部以反欺凌为主题的微电影,立意深刻、表演真实,以贴近学生生活的视角,展现了多种校园欺凌可能出现的情况,是一部短而精的反欺凌宣传作品。” 为了写剧本、拍电影,Matt Zhang同学及社团成员们研究了不少反欺凌相关的知识与案例。

The SIFC Film Club and the Photography Club have co-produced a micro-movie on campus anti-bullying. SIFC Chinese teacher Elvis once commented on this micro-movie: "This micro-movie with the theme of anti-bullying has a profound conception and a real performance. This is a short and concise anti-bullying publicity work." In order to write the script and make the film, Matt Zhang and members of the club studied a lot of anti-bullying-related knowledge and cases.

谈及拍电影的初衷,电影社社长Matt Zhang说:“选反欺凌题材也是赶巧,当时正值校园反欺凌周,学校做了很多布置和科普。其实很多欺凌者,往往本性不恶,只是缺乏正确的教育,低估了欺凌行为给别人造成的伤害。对于欺凌者和潜在的欺凌者而言,最重要的不是惩罚,而是引导。电影一直是传播思想的重要媒介,我想把这些东西给拍出来,让大家在看的时候能代入自身,身临其境地去体会被欺凌者的那种感受,获得对校园欺凌的正确认知,从而抵制校园欺凌,或是在同伴遭遇欺凌时伸出援手。”

Talking about the original intention of making the film, film club leader Matt Zhang said: "At that time, it was the school anti-bullying week, and the school made a lot of arrangements and education. In fact, many bullies are not bad, but they lack proper education, underestimating the impact of bullying on others. For bullies and potential bullies, the most important thing is not punishment, but guidance. Movies have always been an important medium for disseminating ideas. I want to film these things so that everyone can substitute them when they watch them. Oneself, experience the feeling of being bullied by yourself, and gain a correct understanding of school bullying, so as to resist school bullying, or lend a helping hand when peers encounter bullying."


As described in "Children in the Digital Age" - in the past, bullied children could escape such abuse and harassment by going home and being alone, but today, the digital world does not provide such a safe haven for children. Cyberbullying is often accompanied by rumors, slander, social isolation and other forms of harassment. With the popularity of the Internet, it is pervasive in the life of the "net generation".


"Cyberbullies are often a group of people. To avoid cyberbullying, you need to take precautions before it happens, and don't publish some things such as phone numbers, WeChat IDs and addresses on the Internet that can make it easy for bullies to contact you. When discussing some sensitive issues, if the other party has a very extreme attitude, we can avoid it and not argue with them. If the other party is still harassing, we can block and save the chat screenshot as evidence and report it to the Internet platform or Internet police, never use violence to overcome violence."


 Anti-bullying work by SIFC students

*Made by Linda Chen, Daisy Jiang,

Krystal Li, Merry Ni, Judy Huang


As early as the beginning of this year, SIFC held the "Campus Anti-Bullying Week", which included the opening of relevant lectures and the collection of themed works. SIFC hopes that through such a series of activities, we can consolidate campus safety, pay attention to students' mental health, and prevent the occurrence of campus bullying. Opposing bullying and violence, purifying the social and network environment starts with us, starts from the school. We believe that through our own efforts, we can make the world a better place.










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