





Chinese culture has a history of five thousand years.


In the long civilization process of more than 5,000 years, our ancestors have experienced a development process that is different from that of other civilizations in the world. Chinese civilization has promoted exchanges and development among Asian civilizations and has also made significant contributions to the progress of world civilization. Opening the door of Chinese culture, beauty and splendor are in the forefront for students.


"Chinese&Humanities Month" is a tradition at SIFC. We hope to deepen students' understanding of Chinese culture and fall in love with Chinese culture through entertaining activities. The theme of this year's event is "From China to the World". The event focuses on four aspects: historical inheritance, contemporary confidence, cultural exchange, and embrace the world, guiding students to experience the unique charm of Chinese culture and show the beauty of Chinese culture. SIFC Chinese, Social Science departments  and students organized a series of thematic activities. The excellent traditional Chinese culture infiltrates the campus and sows the seeds in the hearts of the students.



Cultural Confidence


At the beginning of the event, Professor Fu Tengxiao, Founder and Principal of SIFC, shared with the students: "Chinese culture not only has a very long history, but also has extremely rich contents, including culture, philosophy, art, traditional Chinese medicine, etc. Chinese culture is the longest and most splendid great culture in human history, and it is also the only uninterrupted culture in the world. It has the deepest and most beautiful imprint in the hearts of all Chinese people, and it still has an extremely wide international influence. "


Principal Fu described the distinctive features and unique charm of Chinese culture from the perspective of the humanistic and realistic spirit of Chinese culture. Finally, he told the students earnestly: "I hope our students will become great Chinese cultural messengers while learning advanced technologies after entering world-famous universities."

深国预外方副校长David Medina博士在中国生活了十余年,对中国短短十年间的高速发展感慨不已。他希望通过分享亲身经历,唤起学生们的民族自豪感和勇攀高峰的决心:“在短短 10 年的时间里,中国从一个需要现金、技术欠缺的国家,变成了在全球支付、绿色能源和许多其他方面领先世界的国家。我初识的中国消失了,一个世界领袖出现了。今天,中国是唯一在太空拥有自己的空间站和邮局的国家。”

Dr. David Medina, Vice Principal of SIFC Foreign Affairs, has lived in China for more than ten years and is deeply moved by the rapid development of China in just ten years. He hopes to arouse students' national pride and determination and climb the peak by sharing his personal experience: "In just 10 short years China went from a country that required cash and had insane rules on technology to leading the world in global payments, green energy and many other things. The China I landed in is gone and a world leader has emerged. Today China is the only country with its own space station and a post office in Space.”


He has high hopes for SIFC students: “I hope that you all have jobs that we can’t even imagine today, working on projects we wouldn’t believe. You are not just China’s future but the entire world’s future. What will that future be? Where will you be? Only your hard work and dreams now can determine that. No longer is China following the world. It is your generation that will lead.”


Excellent traditional culture has profound cultural connotations; the flourishing Chinese nation shows our deepest spiritual pursuit. SIFC's mission is to give every student two things: wings and roots. Strong wings that can fly to the world and never forget that we are a Chinese, never forget the root of the long and splendid Chinese culture. This unique spiritual crystallization and cultural accumulation of SIFC is accurately summed up in our school motto, that is " Combining China and the West, in words and actions.".


Innovative expression

of traditional culture


Reviving traditional culture is not only the responsibility and mission of SIFC students but also a manifestation of inheritance and innovation. In the Chinese culture theme performance, SIFC students combined traditional culture and popular culture through music, costumes, modeling, dance, scenes and other forms to show the beauty of Chinese culture. The dances, comedies and large-scale catwalk programs written and directed by the students were particularly eye-catching, and the teachers were amazed.

《Mini Drama》和《Fashion Show》是师生共演的两场大型节目。《Mini Drama》是由中文组Eva Fan老师与同学们一同自编自导的小型歌舞轻喜剧,高度还原了千禧年代弄潮儿的精神风貌,反映了在经济和科技高度发展的年代里人们思维和审美发生的多元碰撞。《Fashion Show》有着深刻的精神内核,通过服装走秀、场景和旁白的精彩演绎,展现中国古代、近代以来人们服饰与造型的变迁,描绘了中国传统服饰与近现代服饰的丰富画像。

"Mini Drama" and "Fashion Show" are two large-scale programs performed by teachers and students. "Mini Drama" is a small comedy written and directed by Chinese teacher Eva Fan and her students. It highly restores the style of people in the millennium and reflects people's thinking and aesthetics in the era of high economic and technological development. "Fashion Show" has a profound spiritual connotation. Through the wonderful interpretation of clothing catwalks, scenes and narration, it shows the changes of people's clothing and styles from ancient China to modern times and depicts rich portraits of traditional Chinese clothing and modern clothing.

Tereya Lei表演了独舞《花间酒》,她身着有着黑与红强烈色彩对比的古风纱裙,在融合了古典月与流行音乐的旋律下,演绎了一段中国风爵士。她这样介绍自己的表演:“为了这次中华文化月的表演,我大约准备了一个月的时间,从舞蹈、服装到舞台背景都采用了运用了中国风元素。中国风爵士是传统与现代的绝妙碰撞。这个表演里,我最喜欢的一个中国风元素是扇子,我认为它不仅精美也有鲜明的特色,是一个经典的文化符号,让外国朋友一看就会联想到中华文化。”

Tereya Lei performed a solo dance, wearing an antique gauze dress with strong contrasts of black and red. She introduced her performance as follows: "For this Chinese&Humanities Month performance, I prepared for about a month. From dance, costumes to stage background, I used Chinese-style elements. Chinese-style jazz is both traditional and modern, like a wonderful collision. In this performance, one of my favorite Chinese elements is the folding fan. I think it is not only beautiful but also has distinctive features. It is a classic cultural symbol, which makes foreign friends think of Chinese culture when they see it.”


SIFC students have the characteristics of "love to express", they are individual, have ideas, and are highly involved in activities. Based on their characteristics, SIFC encourages them to freely set up their own national-style booths to show different aspects of Chinese traditional culture. Sachet making, paper fan making, calligraphy, ink painting, traditional chess and cards, Chongqing hot pot, Cantonese desserts and other rich stalls blossomed all over the campus, setting off a national craze.

深国预的外教老师们也纷纷穿上自己的Chinese Outfit(中国风服饰),热情参与到中华文化月的活动中来。学生的中国风视觉传达和精彩演绎丰富了他们对中华文化的认知,为师生交流带来了无限乐趣。社科组副组长Richard博士告诉我们:“深国预的学生有着高度的国际化视野,也有着强大的文化自豪感。这里的文化自信不是自负,而是在宣扬本民族优秀文化的同时,包容、理解外来文化,积极地拥抱世界,共同促成世界文化的多元性。学生与外教老师的跨文化交流,不仅为深国预碰撞出新的火花,也能更好地帮助学生完成跨文化理解,实现个性化成长,为将来‘飞向世界’做好充分准备。”

SIFC's foreign teachers also wore their own Chinese Outfits and enthusiastically participated in the activities of Chinese&Humanities Month. The students' Chinese-style visual performance and wonderful interpretation enriched their cognition of Chinese culture and brought infinite fun to the exchange between teachers and students. Dr. Richard, the deputy head of the social science group, told us: "SIFC students have an international perspective and a strong sense of cultural pride. The cultural self-confidence here is not conceit. We encourage them to promote national culture, at the same time understand foreign cultures, and actively embrace the world and jointly promote the diversity of world cultures. The cross-cultural exchanges between students and foreign teachers not only create new sparks for SIFC, but also better help students to complete cross-cultural understanding, achieve personalized growth, and be well-prepared for the future."


Chinese Culture and

International Education


Behind the SIFC Chinese &Humanities Month is the love of SIFC students for excellent traditional culture, which makes cross-cultural learners find recognition of their identity, and is also an eager expression of cultural self-confidence.


Since its establishment, SIFC has attached great importance to the value of Chinese culture in international education. If Chinese students do not understand Chinese civilization and its contribution to world civilization, it will be difficult to become "envoys of Chinese culture", and it will be difficult to tell Chinese stories that spread Chinese civilization. To this end, Principal Fu of SIFC have compiled a one-million-word, seven-book set, The Essence of Chinese National Studies, with me as the chief editor, for students to study.


As a teaching feature of SIFC, Chinese education has also won unanimous praise from teachers, students, parents and all walks of life. This year SIFC not only won the "Forbes China International School Selection" National Top 20, "Forbes China International Education Outstanding Contribution Award" and other honors, SIFC Principal Fu also received an official invitation from Forbes to publish a speech entitled "Cultural Confidence, the value of Chinese culture in international education" in Guangzhou, which received enthusiastic responses.


The inheritance, dissemination and development of Chinese culture has broad cultural significance in the context of world globalization, and it is also the responsibility of every student of Shenzhen Guoyuan. Cultural self-confidence is the most basic, deepest, and longest lasting force in the development of a country or a nation. Shen Guoyu believes that every student can have a cultural self-confidence book, let the light of excellent culture illuminate the world, and write a more brilliant chapter of Chinese culture.










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