













本次活动在David Guo节奏明快、旋律激昂高亢的《克罗地亚狂想曲》钢琴曲中拉开帷幕。


”TED connects all young people from all of the world by this “x” conference. Its spirit of spreading all the ideas worth be spread encourages people speaking out. I want to show my appreciation to all the students who volunteer to organize this event. This event is a great success, because you have already shown your passion、motivation、 and courage.  You set models for everyone who thirst for success.  And I want to give my congratulations to all the speakers. You are brave enough to stand out and speak out. It's so important that people like you share and spread ideas. I am expecting more and more of you guys come out in the coming days. Thank everyone and enjoy tonight, thank you. “


Howard Hao  A1C1

《On Environmentalism: Why and How》

Howard 在演讲的最开始和我们分享了一组数据:2021 年,风能产生了全球 6.5% 的电力。这个数字在 2011 年是 2%。太阳能经历了更多的相对增长,从 0.3% 到 3.63%。如果可再生能源增长的趋势持续下去,我们将在 20 年内不用化石燃料而不是用完化石燃料。电动汽车市场以惊人的速度增长,从 2019 年的 1700 亿增长到 2021 年的 4110 亿,预计到 2027 年将增长到 13930 亿。随着我们今天所看到的技术进步的速度,所有这一切听起来真的很美好。但这一切都有一个前提:大多数提到的措施发生在发达经济体,人们有能力投资这些与他们的生活水平没有直接关系的东西。那不发达地区的现状却是……

“This seemingly creates a dilemma, between development and the environment. However, to say that we want to protect the environment and simply stopping certain countries from developing and providing their citizens with a better standard of living is obviously incorrect. This act of leaving a group of people behind only because they weren’t able to start early is unfair and unjust. Rather, it should be up on us to support their development and solve this problem. Technological and monetary subsidies in fields of sustainable energy sources, such as hydropower, solar energy, or wind energy should be provided. Scientific personnel who specialize in such fields can be sent as advisors, to ensure that their development would not harm the environment. Non-governmental organizations may help this process as well, to help fund projects or educate citizens of the need for sustainable, long term growth. As technology becomes more developed, certain fantastical methods of energy transmission can be used to their growth, for example, satellites with large solar panels collecting solar energy and sending it to Earth.“


Felix Liu A1C1

《Game Theory's Application in Environment》


”Each country’s goal is not what’s best for the world, but the benefit of their own country. I’m not saying that mentality is bad, afterall the whole point of a country’s government is to prioritize the benefits of its own citizens rather than all citizens in the world. And so, a lot of international bills don’t actually achieve the aim that they hope for to limit carbon emissions or whatever aim they are aiming for. Game Theory can be used to help make better international agreements by predicting how countries will react to this.“


Zeze Zhao LAP H3

《A glimpse into the future of sustainable fashion》

很多时候,我们很难将环境污染与快时尚行业联系起来,但是Zeze 通过自己对快时尚行业的观察,以及作为女性视角的独特感受,发现正因为我们对快时尚越来越多地追求,加上大多数行业也支持这一点,使其成为最严重的最大污染源之一。她希望能够通过推动时尚行业的设计和创造力,以及建立一个更加完善的流程,来减少快时尚行业的污染程度。同时,她也呼吁大家与快时尚说再见,我们可以从购买质量好且消耗少的衣服开始,也可以对废弃的衣物进行回收和重新利用做起。没有人能靠一己之力改变世界,但如果每个人都开始做微小的改变,这就是一场革命。

”And finally, break up with fast fashion.This planet is suffocating because of our increasing desire for fast fashion and most of the industry still supports this, making it one of the worst’s biggest polluters.We all need a healthy planet not only to survive but also to inspire the creativity that drives fashion and design and there is hope.The choice lies with us, every time we invest in an item of clothing. We can consider every purchase and love our choices. We can buy quality and consume less. We can recycle and repurpose.No one can change the world by themselves, but if each person starts to make small changes, it’s like a revolution.Together we can build a better system.”


Felix Liu H2C1

《Further, better, and greener》


“So, the first issue I want to talk about is “What’s the future that we are looking forward?” For me, future means more efficient way of producing, more equal structure of energy use, and more sustinable development. The ideal vision of future world should be like a harmonious combination of development and environmental protection.”


Lewis Zhou  LAP H4

《Sustainable education in high-tech way》


“All in all, Educators need to grip the interest of students no matter which type of classes that students need to attend. More specifically, educators need to find some ways to attract students involved to study no matter online or offline classes. That is the most important point. Because using electronic devices blindly, to being a new way to attract students rather than attract students to study itself is a superficial stunt. Students will numb after the freshness, when they use their electronic devices to attend classes, thus it cannot reach to be a sustainable way of education. Which means the technician and programmers need to make the apps that can allow users operate easier, that is convenience, that is sustainable, that is real high-tech, thanks. “


Judy Zhou H2C3

《Protecting the environment, is the basic job of every “earthman”》

Judy是一个奇幻小说爱好者,她非常喜欢《流浪地球》,所以她今天分享的主题灵感也是来自于这本奇幻文学。《流浪地球》强调了普通人的重要性,而不是一个拯救整个世界的英雄,它在警告世界各地的每个人在全球灾难来临时要团结起来。为了避免文学作品中的灾难在现实生活中发生, Judy认为我们政府、企业和个人都需要借助科技做一些事情,哪怕只是一个微小的举动,都能改变世界。例如:作为学生,可以尝试在日常生活中做一些小事,比如当志愿者在公园捡垃圾,离开教室时关灯。如果每个人都把这些事情当成日常习惯,环境就会越来越好。

”All in all, what we see from the fantasy literature----the wandering earth like global disaster may happen in real life, which will affect every part of the world. What I want to do now is to call up every government, enterprises and individuals in the world to protect the environment by using technology well.

As for students like me, we can try to do small things in the daily life like picking up the trash in the park as a volunteer, turning off the light when we leave the classroom. If everyone take these things as a daily habit, our environment will become better and better.“









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