







Top music school admissions officers

communicate with students face to face?!

the SIFC STARS Musical Theatre Club

broadcast on Shenzhen TV station?!

The teachers and students of the school

hold multiple professional-level

concerts within a month?!


November is the music month at SIFC. As an important part of holistic education, SIFC Music Month has become an important campus tradition. This month, teachers and students were immersed in the strong artistic atmosphere of music and felt the charm of music with their hearts. Let's take a look …



Admission officers from

top music schools visit SIFC

每一年,音乐家、艺术家、学者、名校招生官都会陆续拜访深国预,他们会走进课堂开展“大师课”,也会为学生带来前沿资讯。深国预“音乐月”,校园迎来2位顶尖音乐名校的招生官——约翰斯·霍普金斯大学皮博迪音乐学院Mofan Lai、辛辛那提大学音乐学院Carry Lin老师。

Every year, musicians, artists, scholars, and admissions officers from prestigious schools will visit SIFC. They will enter the classroom to conduct "master classes" and bring cutting-edge information to students. In the "Music Month", the campus welcomed two admissions officers from top music schools - Mofan Lai from the Peabody Conservatory of Music at Johns Hopkins University, and Carry Lin from the Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati.


The Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University is the first conservatory of music in the United States. It is as famous as the Juilliard School of Music and the Eastman School of Music and is known as the "Three Major Conservatory of Music in the United States". The Peabody Conservatory of Music offers a wide range of music majors, ranging from classical musical instruments to relatively modern computer music (music production). At the same time, it connects with industry giants and provides students with powerful resources.


University of Cincinnati – College Conservatory of Music is one of the top music schools in the United States, ranking sixth among many music schools in the United States, and its vocal opera and musical theater majors rank among the top three in the United States. As a music school compatible with performing arts and multimedia arts, it has cultivated countless outstanding music talents who perform and work in the world's major symphony orchestras, song and dance troupes, and music production companies.

在“开放”、“交流”的学术氛围下,学生、家长们和招生官们畅谈,提前体验海外大学校园和文化,寻找真正适合自己的未来方向。深国预国际音乐中心主任Winson Gu老师分享到:“不仅是在音乐月,每个学期,我们都坚持延续‘大师课’的传统,比如此前邀请的巴德音乐学院招生官、音乐艺术家刘隽皓老师等。我们想为深国预热爱音乐的同学们,最大化提供丰富的音乐资源与平台,拓宽他们对音乐认知,获得更多的机会。”

In an "open" and "communicative" academic atmosphere, students chat with admissions officers, experience overseas university campuses and cultures in advance, and find a future direction that really suits them. Mr. Winson Gu, director of SIFC International Music Center, shared: "Not only in the music month, but also in every semester, we insist on continuing the tradition of 'master class', such as the previously invited admissions officer of the Bard School of Music, music artist Mr. Liu Junhao, etc. We want to maximize the provision of rich music resources and platforms for SIFC students who love music, broaden their knowledge of music, and gain more opportunities.”



Students shine

in music challenge


On the stage of the SIFC Music Challenge, every participating student is a shining "artist". We are very pleased to see that both professional and non-professional contestants have made great progress in performance skills and expressiveness. Among the students in the professional group, some faced the pressure of four large-scale performances in a short period of two weeks, showing an amazing professional level. They shared their performance experience, hoping to bring some references to more students who like music.

对我而言,这次演唱是目前为止我所有的舞台表演经历里最奇妙、最美好的一场表演,让我收获了爱和温暖。虽然演出当晚风比较大,比较冷。但从站上舞台的那一刻起,大家热情的欢呼声一下就驱散了寒意。这份温暖给予了我力量,让我在舞台上激发潜能、燃烧自己,跟大家一起享受音乐。非常感谢Wendy Moss博士对我的悉心指导,也非常感谢我的家人、老师和朋友们对我的支持和鼓励。音乐是发生在我上最美好的事情,希望自己可以继续怀揣着热爱,提升专业能力,坚定、勇敢地向前迈进。

For me, this concert is the most wonderful and beautiful performance in all my stage performance experience so far, and it gave me love and warmth. Although the night of the performance was relatively windy and cold. But from the moment I stood on the stage, everyone's enthusiastic cheers dispelled the cold. This warmth gives me strength to inspire my potential on stage, shine myself, and enjoy music with everyone. I am very grateful to Dr. Wendy Moss for her careful guidance, and also to my family, teachers and friends for their support and encouragement. Music is the most beautiful thing that happened to me. I hope that I can continue to cherish my love, improve my professional ability, and move forward firmly and bravely.

——Kaka He


Along the way from SIFC, my growth is inseparable from the teachings of Mr. Winson and  Dr. Wendy. It is they who help me become more confident and better at showing my talents, and they also tap my potential and provide me with one stage after another. In the future, I will continue to move forward and become an even better performer.

——Julian Zhang


As a spectator, I felt that the performances of the contestants, whether in the non-professional group or the professional group, far exceeded expectations; as a contestant, I was both nervous and excited in the face of a strong opponent. Although there were some small mistakes that affected my mentality during the competition that day, the encouragement from teachers and classmates and the repeated applause helped me rekindle my confidence. I hope that SIFC concerts will be better and better in the future, and I hope that more capable performers will stand out in the future.

——Yee Zhu


After I plan to be a professional clarinet player, the school’s teachers and principals gave me a lot of chances to play on the stage, and I especially thank Mr Winson Gu because he gives me several chances to show on the stage, and he also teaches and encourages me to not be afraid and nervous on the stage and let me show myself after that; from 2019 to today, I received many big awards from different kinds of national clarinet competitions now I’m also the first chair of Shenzhen’s top student wind orchestra Poly International Youth Wind Orchestra. Thanks to you guys!! Also, I have a goal, is to get the offer of the top conservatory of music, and become a top clarinet player in the future, so I need to work much harder than before, and attend more competitions to Increase my musical accomplishment and enrich my musical energy and I will work hard for my goal.

——Joey Wu




Candlelight concert,

an audio-visual feast


Going to a romantic candlelight concert with SIFC teachers and students is the warmest thing in the alternate season of autumn and winter. There are not only gentle singing voices but also brilliant ensembles here, allowing us to feel the bonfire-like enthusiasm while listening to beautiful music. Regardless of teachers or classmates, we sat around the classroom filled with candlelight, appreciating the spirit of music together, and embraced music in a free state.

深国预国际音乐中心Wendy Moss博士不仅和学生一起完成场地布置,参演节目也大受欢迎。她表示很激动看到学生们对音乐的热情:“作为深国预国际音乐中心的一员,我很荣幸能够才华横溢的’小古典音乐家们’带来这种烛光音乐会的空灵氛围。这些学生技艺精湛,在这浪漫的舞台上绽放光芒,他们太棒了!”

Dr. Wendy Moss from the SIFC International Music Center not only completed the venue layout with the students, but the songs she sang were also very popular. She said she was excited to see the students' passion for music:“The popularity of concerts performed in candlelight is sweeping across the world! It is an honor for me, as a member of the SIFC International Music Arts Center, to bring this ethereal atmosphere to life for our very talented Classical musicians. These students worked hard to perfect their instrument and the works of the Classical composers they are playing! It is a true pleasure for me to let these fine students shine in this beautiful, romantic setting! BRAVISSIMO TUTTI! ”

演出中,音乐老师Roderick Li与学生合奏了几首曲目,他感叹于同学们在短时间内的成长:“每一次和同学们的合作,都会加深彼此之间的磨合。合奏不仅对彼此的默契有要求,更要相互配合、理解、包容。我能感受到学生们在不断成长,每次演出后能够及时反思自己,汲取经验,为下一次的进步做更充分的准备。”

During the performance, Mr. Roderick Li played several pieces with the students. He believed that the students had made great progress in a short period of time: "Every time I cooperate with the students, we will deepen understanding to each other. There are not only requirements for mutual understanding, but also mutual cooperation, understanding, and tolerance. I can feel that the students are constantly growing, and they can reflect on themselves in time after each performance, learn from experience, and make fuller preparations for the next improvement.”



the SIFC STARS Musical Theatre Club

performed on Shenzhen TV


The SIFC STARS Musical Theatre Club once became popular in SIFC with its performance of the classic musical "Hamilton". This time, on behalf of the school, they participated in the 3rd Shenzhen Campus Cultural Festival, performed on Shenzhen TV, and won the "Charming Club" award.

对于STARS音乐剧社团的同学们而言,他们不仅登上了更大的舞台,更是带领更多人进入音乐剧的世界,领略音乐剧的文化底蕴与创新表达。指导老师是来自美国的Wendy Moss博士,为同学们取得的成果表示肯定,更为这种前所未有的体验感到骄傲:“音乐剧在中国是一种鲜为人知的艺术形式,我们非常高兴能与中国观众分享这种表演风格,让他们像我们一样爱上这种艺术形式。对我来说,作为外教,我所指导的音乐剧能够在深圳校园文化节中演出,是我在中国工作期间获得的最好礼物之一。”

For the students of the STARS Musical Theater Club, they not only stepped onto a bigger stage, but also led more people into the world of musical theater and appreciate the cultural heritage of musical theater. The instructor was Dr. Wendy Moss from the United States. She affirmed the achievements of the students and was proud of this unprecedented experience:“As musical theatre is a lesser- known art form in China, we the STARS Musical Theatre Club at SIFC were very excited to go share this style of performing with the Chinese audience so they can grow to like this art form as much as we do! For me, as a Foreign Teacher, being able to showcase this American art form through my students in the 3rd Annual Campus Culture event is one of the best gifts that I could hope to give during my tenure working here in China.”



SIFC teachers and students won

awards in the Olympic Youth Music Finals

去年,深国预有幸成为奥林匹克博览会官方项目——2021奥林匹克青少年音乐展演的市级协办单位,不仅为深圳市400位热爱音乐的青少年提供了平台,也为校内音乐专业的学生争取了更大的舞台、赢得不俗的成绩。今年,深国预7名同学再接再厉,继续在“2022奥林匹克青少年音乐展演全国总展演”的舞台上披襟斩棘,分别获得了声乐、器乐和钢琴青少年组的5名金奖和2名银奖的殊荣。与此同时,指导老师Dr. Wendy Moss和Winson Gu均被授予“优秀指导教师”奖项。

Last year, SIFC was honored to be the municipal co-organizer of the 2021 Olympic Youth Music Show, an official project of the Olympic Expo. It not only provides a platform for 400 young people who love music in Shenzhen but also strives for a bigger stage for students majoring in music in SIFC. This year, 7 SIFC students made persistent efforts and continued to fight on the stage of the "2022 Olympic Youth Music Finals", winning 5 gold awards and 2 silver awards in the vocal music, instrumental music and piano youth groups respectively. At the same time, the instructors Dr. Wendy Moss and Winson Gu were both awarded the "Excellent Advisor" award.


At SIFC, both music majors and non-major students are encouraged to participate in Music Month. Because music is not only art, but also a language. When we appreciate music, we also understand the world, and when we play music, we also express ourselves. Our life is wonderful because of music because it shapes our richer and more interesting souls.



If you are interested in SIFC International Music Center

Please scan the QR code to apply!











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