












Calculus AB 

Emma Wang


All the hard work on integration, struggles over the related rate of change, discussions and clarifications on IVT, EVT, and AVT. are paid off at this moment, they tried their best and they made their best.

Calculus BC and AP Statistics 

Jane Cheng



AP Calculus BC is quite an intensive course for new students, I encouraged students to ask questions and express their ideas for discussing/ debating. It’s good to see that they ask good questions and discuss in the group to develop their reasoning skills. I’m happy to see students writing a proposal about yeast multiplication (logistic equation model) and school canteen queue (optimization problem), these applications extended their understanding.


AP Statistics is one of the few courses in high school that contain clear connections to all other subject areas, this course combines both mathematical and verbal skills, the mathematics required for this course may not be as difficult as in other advanced math courses, but some of the concepts can be very confusing not just because language skills, so I used EFFL in some topics for students’ understanding, in return after experiments they can get skittles (which is for the experiment) as a treat, students enjoyed this and found it’s good for understanding.


This year is an unforgettable year, we did online classes twice due to the pandemic, and students worked hard throughout the academic year, I’m so proud of what they achieved not just in the AP Exam results, but also in the way how they study.


Lara Furtado


Psychology is an interesting and strong life-connecting course. I would to share one story: in a final project, students did a fantastic job with their scientific research, one of the groups was doing a social psychology experiment of basic naturalistic observation, standing in the garden, back facing the crowd, looking down. The idea was to see how many people would come and join, or even just ask what they were doing, with the psychological theory behind to support it. It was so interesting that many people around the school, including teachers, were curious to know what was happening.

Welcome to join AP pscychology!

AP Chemistry

Dr. Chunmei Li




AP Chem 2022 即将开始,一定有很多同学忐忑不安,担心自己学不好。一年以前班里同学大多如此,但最终以50% 5分和50% 4分顺利过关。

给大家讲一下这几个神仙的故事吧。A和B一开学就锋芒毕露,一副5分志在必得的架势,最终也毫无悬念的拿了5分,我估计原始分都接近100。C是学习热情极高,但理科根基不太牢,在及格边缘游走。他不仅自己学习,还不遗余力地帮助其他同学。别人一有问题他马上去解释,所以经常把其他同学带偏。在第一学期期末考试一败涂地之后,终于决定不再去带偏其他同学,而是要带偏老师。于是每天午饭时间泡在老师教室,企图说服老师教材要按他的意思改。好在老师功底深厚,没有听信谗言,还把C拉上正轨,最终以5分成绩过关。我太厉害了。D是一个善良可爱,但理科基础也比较差同学。她的开始很艰难,很多概念都不理解。但是我没看到一丝犹豫和埋冤,她比别人多花很多时间学习,答疑,终于在第一学期期末考试脱颖而出,摆脱及格问题困扰。第二学期稳中有升,跻身高手行列,拿了4分。现在她不叫我老师,叫我妈妈。E 的理科基础不好,也没热情,估计要拿1分或2分。离考试不到两个月她要退掉这门课。我没同意。E一气之下奋起直追,模考由2到3,由3到4,最后考了4分。F聪明绝顶,但好像对学习没啥兴趣,也是1分2分的水平;考前几个月F态度转变了很多,上课时注意力更加集中了,后来成绩稳步上升,最终她拿了4分。看看我这几元大将,有没有找到自己的影子?



AP Biology 

Dr. Xuan Li



First year AP Bio experience is happy & painful & amazing! Thank ourselves for our hard working & don't cry for those who didn't get perfect results...You all deserve a 5! I think the most gratifying thing for me this year is that we are like a family. We have a great time together. Everyone in our group shares learning resources & helpful learning methods with each other. You teach me how to be a good AP teacher.


This is not the end of our biology stories! I will see most of you next school year and let's create another miracle together! 5分天团家人们!

English Language & Composition

Jacqueline Browne


"Some people want it to happen, some wish it to happen, others make it happen." - Michael Jordan. AP Language & Composition is a notoriously challenging course, requiring students to learn the skills of rhetorical analysis, argumentation and synthesis at a level of exceeding sophistication.

The three brave students who took on the academic rigour of AP Language & Composition fall into the latter category - those that make it happen. As a small group, they have worked tirelessly together in pursuit of success, and I couldn't be prouder of them.

Computer Science A & 

Computer Science Principles

Roselyn Baronia



What is enjoyable in Computer Science (CS) subject is the empowerment it offers to the students knowing that their ideas can come into life. It gives them an avenue to design and create digital products that can be as simple as expressing themselves to as complex as solving an existing real-life problem. AP CSP and AP CSA subjects comprised topics about programming and how to responsibly use this learning to make a positive impact on the world. AP CSP is focused more on the breadth of CS while AP CSA is more on its depth using a sophisticated, object-oriented programming language like Java.


Apart from all the learning that had happen inside the classroom, I believe that the most important lessons we learned are those we did outside the context of the subject. AP CS students became founders, leaders, and responsible individuals. David Guo found the WE Service/Coding Club which spearheads many different CS-related activities in Tsinglan while most of the CS students lead different tasks while they balance the requirements of their other subjects. Finally, all of them have grown awareness of the double-bladed impacts of technology and became the voices behind the different related issues of the students.


While I am very proud of their achievement in the recent AP CSP and AP CSA exams – 100% passing rate and having a mean average higher than the national and global means, I am more proud of how dedicated, passionate, responsible, and fun technology-savvy individuals they have become! To everyone reading this, 21st century needs more individuals that understand how computers work, therefore, I highly encourage you to join AP CS subjects, equip yourselves with the knowledge and skills to be more prepared for the future, and become the “wizards of the future (youtube.com, "Why Programming is Important", 4:52)”!

Micro Economics & Macro Economics

Carl Klopper



The AP Economics course is divided into two main divs. AP Macroeconomics focuses on the principles that apply to an economic system as a whole. AP Microeconomics focuses on the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision-makers, both consumers and producers, within the economic system. These courses are equivalent to college- level courses and therefore require a great deal of commitment in order to be successful.


We had a big cohort of students this year which allowed us to have different perspectives in classroom discussions. Students were held to a high standard academically but also challenged to make real-world connections between current events and the textbook models. We had a number of projects which allowed students to showcase their deeper Economic analysis.


The AP Economics students faced many external challenges this year. They ranged from having to balance their busy schedules to adapting to online learning at some stages of our course. However, they tackled these problems with great determination and maturity.


Students made full use of teacher support in tutorial hours, but more importantly students created their own study groups for peer-support. It was lovely to see students taking personal responsibility for their learning. I always emphasized that students taking AP courses are young adults which comes with freedom and self-accountability.


Towards the end of the course, I was very impressed by the students who planned and taught a grade 9 IGCSE Economics class. It was a great learning opportunity and a unique way to test their own Economic understanding. I hope to see the students continuing to think like Economists long after their exams.


Well done to each and every student who put in the hard work! Use your experience to prepare for future challenges- whatever they may be.


G10 Amy Wang





这是我第一次开始AP课程,是一次收获良多的体验。一年里,经济知识本身打开了我思考的窗户,从此看世界和时事多了一个角度。更为重要的是,我学会了系统、扎实的学习方法和流程,这将为我接下来的高中生涯打好基础。这一切的收获都离不开Mr. Klopper老师的指导!他真的是一位非常有责任心、细心且幽默的老师,甘愿花费大量时间单独辅导每一位有疑问的同学,在察觉到大家压力时在课上不经意地穿插几个笑话。不论是考前还是考后,我们都能被他特意写来鼓舞我们的邮件所感动。还要感谢我热情的同学们,他们每次都不厌其烦地为我解答问题。一群人围在一起为一道题绞尽脑汁,这也许就是青春吧!


G11 Helen Li


The AP Economics course is divided into two main divs. AP Macroeconomics focuses on the principles that apply to an economic system as a whole. AP Microeconomics focuses on the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision-makers, both consumers and producers, within the economic system. These courses are equivalent to college- level courses and therefore require a great deal of commitment in order to be successful.


We had a big cohort of students this year which allowed us to have different perspectives in classroom discussions. Students were held to a high standard academically but also challenged to make real-world connections between current events and the textbook models. We had a number of projects which allowed students to showcase their deeper Economic analysis.


The AP Economics students faced many external challenges this year. They ranged from having to balance their busy schedules to adapting to online learning at some stages of our course. However, they tackled these problems with great determination and maturity.


Students made full use of teacher support in tutorial hours, but more importantly students created their own study groups for peer-support. It was lovely to see students taking personal responsibility for their learning. I always emphasized that students taking AP courses are young adults which comes with freedom and self-accountability.


Towards the end of the course, I was very impressed by the students who planned and taught a grade 9 IGCSE Economics class. It was a great learning opportunity and a unique way to test their own Economic understanding. I hope to see the students continuing to think like Economists long after their exams.


Well done to each and every student who put in the hard work! Use your experience to prepare for future challenges- whatever they may be.

G11 David Guo

AP courses are not simply an academic challenge, but also an opportunity for you to explore your talents and to find the discipline you really enjoy. I took eight AP courses in 10th and 11th grade, and they helped me prepare for college-level study.


Some recommendations for younger students enrolled in AP classes at Tsinglan. Don’t be afraid of asking questions to teachers because they are all willing to help you with every aspect of the course. Study at your own pace and avoid being interrupted by other students in your class. 


Good luck to all students taking AP next year!

G11 Aurora He 


Being a second-time AP exam participant, I would describe the whole experience as both rewarding and enjoyable despite its “notoriety” for being “college-level” and “overly challenging”.  From selecting my courses to learning the curriculum, taking unit tests and seeing myself improve throughout the year, and finally independently completing all the procedures for AP, I know that I have grown, both academically and as a character. This year, I selected AP Psychology, English Language and Biology, three courses that all I thoroughly enjoyed. I struggled in all three in different ways but was able to overcome them eventually through the help of teachers, peers, and my efforts made to improve.


Now, for more practical and constructive feedback on the courses I took, I would rate the degree of difficulty from hard to easy in Biology, Language and Psychology. I found Biology the most difficult as there are a lot of detailed processes you must remember, which I found hard to relate to each other. Other than that, the questions in the test are not straight forwards which you can directly answer by pulling definitions and diagrams from your memory; the key is to fully process and understand the information learned and use it in the questions (both MCQ and FRQ). For AP Language, I didn’t find it as hard as I imagined probably because I had a well-built foundation. However, it requires you to have very quick reading, thinking, and composition. Participants must be very familiar with the structures of different types of essays and confident with different skills such as rhetorical analysis, argumentation, evidence gathering, etc. Additionally, you have to have quite a wide base of knowledge regarding current affairs, literature, movies, hot topics, etc. to pull from and discuss when writing the argumentative essay. The whole course is focused on building skills, which involves a lot of practice in writing and reading. Lastly, I found AP Psychology rather easy and I think everyone will have no problem with it if they are confident in English and is willing to put in the effort to study. The course involves a lot of remembering definitions and matching theories to theorists, but the more you study you will find the units speaking to each other. The questions are also rather straightforward and short, which I found surprising. The only thing I think some people will have trouble with is the FRQs because they involve the input of knowledge into real-life scenarios but they can be improved through practice.


To conclude, I would like to thank all of my course teachers, Ms. Browne, Ms. Li and Ms. Lara for an awesome year of learning and the college councilors for making this possible. For the students taking APs next year: as long as you’re willing to work hard and use your time wisely, I think all of you will have no problem getting through the course swiftly and achieving satisfactory results. Good luck!

G11 Ivy Zhou


At the start of the year, AP Chemistry was a TORTURE for me. I kept getting scores like 1 out of 10, and 5 out of 10 on unit tests, barely understood the content and had trouble keeping up with the class pace. But as time goes, I improved and was able to achieve a score of 92 on the final exam for the first semester. Looking back at my formidable journey in Chemistry, I would like to say a big thank you to Dr.Li ! Rather than our teacher, Dr.Li is more like a caring and interesting mom. I still remember the time when our class was learning about ideal gas law, when most of my classmates already understood the content and were doing practice questions, I was still struggling with some simple formula conversion. After a few moments, I mustered up the courage and said in a self-deprecating tone that I want to ask her a stupid question. When I asked that question, my courage dissipated in a split second, I felt like asking that question makes me seem like a fool. But Dr.Li just said in a very flat tone, so flat that it feels like she is just giving a fact, that it’s not a stupid question. formula conversion can be confusing, and a lot of her previous students were also struggling with that. Now it seems that question is really stupid, and I can be sure that Dr.Li was comforting me when she said that, but her clever way of comforting me truly made me pick up the courage to ask questions in class. AP chemistry is a difficult course, I would have survived it without the help and encouragement provided by Dr.Li.

Compare to AP Chemistry, AP Psychology was much more of a relief for me. I’ve always been interested in Psychology, therefore, had the motivation and curiosity to explore. I want to thank Ms. Lara for answering me with full patience when she is bombarded by my questions, tirelessly explaining concepts to me, and guiding me on my journey in Psychology. Besides offering help on academics, she also gave me a lot of suggestions when I encounter interpersonal problems.

G11 Wang ranran


I took AP 2D Art and Design, calculus BC and psychology over the school year. I did encounter struggles while learning, but overall, I appreciate every experience I gained through studying these three courses. All the teachers who taught me were very responsible, and they offered me as much help as they could.

For AP 2D art, I think the most important part is to focus on one theme and develop it fully. This can help a lot when you need to put it into the portfolio you eventually submit. A year of preparation might seem long but it's not!

For AP calculus, learning the concepts might be painful at the beginning, but once you understand them fully, answering the questions is super easy.

Lastly, the most important thing to note about AP Psychology is that there are a lot of concepts to memorize and this is the difficult part of learning this course. So make sure to devote enough time to learn all these concepts.

G10 Tanzer Tang


Our school has provided us with a variety of courses to choose from, which provides us with a lot of opportunities to have a taste of different subjects. For me, the most important thing is to choose subjects I like and enjoy. This year I chose physics, calculus, and economics, and I have great interest in all of them. The priority you should focus on is choosing a course is the course itself, whether you like the content and the field of study. After you chose your courses, you can dive into the ocean of knowledge. Beware that AP is a course but not a test in the school curriculum, test is only something that can partially reflect your progress in the course learning. If you only focus on the test, you might not enjoy the pleasance of learning.

When I was learning physics, calculus, and economics, I was always thinking about what are those theories, formulas, and knowledge systems really do, and what problems they solve or trying to solve. Only if you start to think from the beginning, the basis of a theory, which would usually be some postulates or assumptions, and going towards the problem, can you truly understand that concept. For example, when I study the multiplier effect in economics, I start with the first-person spending money and then go to the second who receives the spending of the first person, and so on. I also use mathematics skills to help me understand the multiplier effect in economics. It is always very interesting to apply one subject to another. In another word, it is always helpful to put yourself into the problem solver’s shoes.

For your goal is to dig deeper into the study of that subject, the ability to do the test will come naturally as a byproduct. This is because the design of a test is to test your ability and you should focus more on strengthening the understanding but not simply on writing a test.

G11 Alisa Zhu





G10 Maggie Dai

This is our first year of AP bio, and we have accomplished a lot. From laboratory studies to fun games, Ms.Li taught us various methods to stronger our foundation of biology and our understanding of it. This is a wonderful year with the help of Ms. Li and my classmates we were always discussing questions and competing who answered the most. As a class, our biology journey with Ms. Li will not stop after the end of this course but will continue in other ways.















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