




On Friday 23 September 2022, ISA Wuhan held its first ever Open House. This is a regular event which will be organised every Friday. The campus opened its doors for its founding parents to come in and see high quality education being delivered first-hand. 


01 Parents Observation Class


The Head of School, Mr. James Morris, gave a welcome speech. Then, parents observed lessons, in which their students were taught by international and Chinese teachers in a variety of subjects such as, English, Chinese, Drama among others. 

爱莎武汉外籍人员子女学校校长James Morris先生致欢迎辞,随后引领家长们深入课堂。外籍学校的孩子们第一次在父母的观察下完成上午的主班课程,包括英语课、中文课、戏剧课等。

The Homeroom open classes were an excellent opportunity for parents to get to know their child’s homeroom teachers. ‘Homeroom’ is so called as it is the group of people the student spends the most time with, such as fellow pupils and the teachers who look after their day-to-day well-being. Each Homeroom has two co-teachers, one international and one Chinese (for younger students also a Teaching and/or Learning Assistant). 


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These Homeroom teachers are the experts of every child in their homeroom. They are like a family to the children during the school day, whom the parents may contact should they have any specific questions about their child’s education and progress. 


02 KG IB Introduction Workshop


During the IB PYP Introduction for the ISA Wuhan Early Years parents the parents learned about the IBO history and structure. Additionally, the parents were able to learn what the goal is of an IB school and how IB schools try to accomplish this goal. 


03 Parents Information Session


During the Parent Presentations, parents were gathered to go through detailed schedules about their son or daughter’s school arrangement covering grade timetables, school uniforms, buses, teams, CCA programme, and language assessments. 


// Language Differentiated Teaching


Multiple assessments have been completed over several lessons measuring and assessing students’ English and Chinese reading, writing, speaking, and listening level. These assessments were done carefully and scientifically utilizing paper assessments, digital assessments, and observations.   


//  School CCA & School Teams


During the Presentation, Dr. Jozef Macak, shared with parents about the school clubs programme and the inauguration of school teams. Sports clubs program has been designed to encourage students to reach out and fulfill their dreams and aspirations leading them on a long-term pathway of progressive talent development in sport.


04 ManageBac Training


Parents also received training in ManageBac. This is an excellent tool for parents to see what their children are studying and their progress. Curriculum information, pictures and videos can be stored there, illustrating the learning experience in a specific area for each student, to which the child’s teachers and parents may have access. 


05 Parent Support Group Introduction


No school can succeed without the strong support and active partnership / involvement of its parents. In addition to the tour of the boarding house, parents were invited to learn more about the Parent Support Group (PSG). The Head of School shared the ISA PSG constitution with the parents in the Grand Theatre, emphasizing the importance of positive communication, support, and constructive feedback. 







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