

Welcome Back to ISASC Boarding 新学年 | 来自寄宿主任的寄语





ISASC ensures that every boarder is provided the highest level of care and support. There will be 24/7 supervision throughout the term time. Our Boarding Staff are led by a highly experienced suite of Boarding Leaders, ensuring that the quality of our facility is more than matched by the outstanding quality of our staff. The Head of Boarding, Mr Stephen Cobb, brings over than 25 years of exceptional leadership and teaching experience to ISASC.

为确保每一位寄宿生都能得到最高水平的身心关怀与学术支持,爱莎科学城寄宿公寓实现全天候24小时监管。学校聘请了拥有丰富经验的中外籍寄宿管理人员对所有负责学生宿舍的员工进行统一管理,以确保学校寄宿设施的质量以及我们的宿管团队均达到既定的最高水平,其中,寄宿部主任Stephen Cobb先生更是拥有超25年卓越的教学与管理经验。

The boarding family is in its third year of growth since the school officially opened in 2020. In this new academic year, Mr Stephen Cobb, has written a message to the current boarders to congratulate them on a smooth start to the school year and to describe in detail the changes to the boarding for this new academic year.

自2020年学校正式开学以来,寄宿大家庭也在逐步壮大的过程中迎来了第三个学年。在这个新的学年,Stephen Cobb先生为在校寄宿生写下了一番寄语,祝贺他们平稳度过开学阶段,并细致描述了新学年寄宿制度的变化,让我们一起看看吧!

Author 本文作者

 Stephen Cobb 

Head of Boarding


The first month of boarding can be very stressful for both returning boarders and new boarders. During the Summer months, students usually have access to their electronic devices all the time and go to bed when they want. They don’t generally have to keep much of a schedule or share space with a roommate. As a result, the transition back into school and boarding can be a difficult adjustment. Students must relearn the old routines and learn new ones. Nevertheless, I applaud everyone for their efffforts during this time of transition. 


Over the Summer, the Boarding Team and the Senior Leadership at ISA Science City evaluated the routines, procedures, and policies for boarding. With the input of the students, changes were made to make boarding an even more enjoyable experience that is geared toward academic success. 


An important change for students came as a result of the Student Boarding Leadership Team recommending reduced requirements for CCAs. As a result, instead of 4 CCAs per week, boarders are only required to take two CCAs. While CCAs are a crucial part of learning and help students develop excellent social skills we recognised the need for flflexibility in order to allow more time to study or relax depending on the events of the week. To accommodate this change, the ISA Library is now open to students for self-study during CCA hours and the Activity Center is open to students for socialising and supervised as well.


Another change that has become highly valued by students is prep time supervision. Prep time occurs nightly on school days between 19:00 and 21:00. Prep is the time allotted for students to study and complete homework. This year, supervision during these hours is provided by ISA Science City teachers and leadership members. The academic faculty actively answer questions about homework and provide guidance to students during this time. Each prep period is supervised by two members of the academic faculty from difffferent subject matter areas and one member of the leadership team. For example, Wednesday evening prep time has two faculty members from Maths and Science dedicated to assisting students along with a leadership team member.

对于学生而言,另一重要改变是寄宿生晚间自习的监管安排:寄宿生晚自习的时间是每周一到周四的晚上7点到9点,学生可利用这一时间段学习新知识并完成作业。今年的晚自习由学校高管团队和各学科任课老师共同组织管理。在监督学生晚自习期间,每位学科老师均积极解答学生在作业上的问题,并为学生提供指导。每天的晚自习都是由来自不同学科领域的2名学术教师和1名高管来组织和管理 (例如,周三晚上的晚自习是由2名来自数学和科学部的老师和1名高管来专门监督辅导)。

Students are already recognising the worth of having academic faculty available to them and adjusting their homework schedules to work on subjects that they need help with on nights when specifific teachers are available. The teachers and leadership members love interacting with students in this more casual learning environment. This also serves as a shining example of the devotion the whole school community has for our boarding program at ISA Science City.


At ISA Science City we would like to remind everyone that boarding is a community effffort. It takes more than just the boarding staffff to care for the students who reside with us. With many of the new programs and changes we are continuing to build that community. With the help of parents, teachers, administration and all the staffff at ISA we will continue to build a boarding program with a strong foundation that will continue to grow and foster both social and academic success for students.


Stephen Cobb

Head of Boarding



Mr. Cobb serves as the Head of Boarding at ISA Science City International School. He brings more than 25 years of exceptional leadership and teaching experience to ISASC. He has served on the Senior Leadership Team as Head of Boarding at Dulwich College & International High School Suzhou and as the Founding Head of Boarding at Harrow International School Beijing. He also has held leadership positions as Head of Department in Economic and Business Studies at The British School Warsaw and at Harrow International School Beijing. 


He also has held leadership positions as Head of Department in Economic and Business Studies at The British School Warsaw and at Harrow International School Beijing. Prior to becoming an educator, Mr. Cobb worked in the business industry in Management and as an Investment Banker and Financial Analyst.  He has an MBA in International Finance and Economics and a Master’s degree in Education. He has taught Economics and Business Studies at both A Level and in IB Programs. 

Cobb拥有国际金融和经济学MBA学位和教育学硕士学位。在成为一名教育工作者之前,他曾在商业领域从事管理工作,并担任投资银行家和金融分析师;投身教育事业后,他曾在A Level和IB体系中教授经济学与商业研究。

Mr. Cobb has a passion for Model United Nations (MUN), Theatre, and Soccer.



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