

ISA Wuhan International Academy 武汉爱莎国际学苑 让无边界学习成就更好的你



▲ 武汉爱莎国际学苑介绍 Who We Are? 关于我们

下期预告 Why Choose Us? 课程优势




Nowadays, we are facing increased global competition and knowledge in one subject area is not enough to solve the challenges of the real world. In this context, ISA International Education Group has set up the ISA Wuhan International Academy to provide a top-quality international education system, both inside and outside of school, and to offer a diverse and high-quality enrichment programme, with the aim of sharing more of ISA's high quality educational resources with the whole community and encouraging children to develop their interests and strengths for further education and employment planning. 


The Academy's courses are also open to adults. Parents can grow with their children and become practitioners of lifelong learning!





The ISA Wuhan International Academy is committed to providing students with services that help develop their character. We provide professional and personalized guidance and evaluation to cultivate competitive talents with all-round development not only through diverse and professional quality courses, but also through academic training, competition, outdoor exploration, social practice, self-reflection, and assessment reports.


The ISA Wuhan International Academy engages high-quality resources and specialists from various ISA schools to organise professional teams in different fields. The arts team consists of theatre club, a symphony orchestra and choir, while the sport school teams include sailing, golf, basketball, football, and swimming. We aim to organise a science and technology competition team and also a business competition team. The ISA Wuhan International Academy provides a high-level education service platform to lead these teams to participate in various global competitions.


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// Vision 愿景

To build an elite international educational system.


// Mission  使命

To cultivate the character strengths needed to be effective collaborators, innovators and leaders for the future.


// Values  价值观

Students of ISA Wuhan International Academy strive to become "lifelong learners (Inquire), adapters to keep pace with the times (Succeed), and actors to learn for the future"(Act)


// Target  服务对象

To provide high-end international quality education experiences and services for members of ISA Wuhan community and learners from the wider community.





The ISA Wuhan International Academy uses highly qualified and skilled instructors to provide a range of challenging courses for the whole society. We also conduct a comprehensive evaluation of each learning initiative to provide professional guidance for the future undergraduate studies.


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1. 八大门类

Eight Curricula

1. Music 音乐

Choir合唱、Piano钢琴、Violin小提琴、Orff Music奥尔夫音乐、Drama with Music音乐戏剧

2. Sports 体育

Golf 高尔夫、Equestrain马术、Tennis网球、Basketball篮球、Baseball棒球、Swimming游泳等

3. Arts 艺术

Ballet芭蕾、English Drama英文原创剧目演出、Piano 1 on 1钢琴一对一

4. Humanities 人文

Intangible cultural heritages 非遗文化

5. Technology 科技

Drag & Drop 拖拽式编程、Phython Summer Camp Python夏令营

6. Academic enhancement 学术 

English Extension 1 on 1 一对一英语强化

Math Workshop 1 on 1 小数学家研讨会

7. Charitable Activities 公益 

Charity Show 慈善义演、Charity Sales 慈善义卖

8. Basic living skills 生活技能

Baking 烘焙、Flower Arranging 插花、Tea Ceremony 茶艺

The ISA Wuhan International Academy provides professional and systematic high-quality co-curricular activities to help students explore their interests and thus encourage them to learn independently, cultivate hobbies and improve leadership.


The ISA Wuhan International Academy provides guidance for multi-level and diverse competitions beyond the classroom to help students explore subjects, generate new thinking, broaden horizons, and cultivate personalities. The opportunity to participate in various competitions will help children build self-confidence and inspire them to enthusiastically explore and enjoy their learning.


The ISA Wuhan International Academy will organize various types of outdoor education activities, both at home and abroad during public holidays and winter and summer holidays. Children can explore nature and practise outside the campus. The Outdoor Education Programme covers science and technology, social sciences and humanities, public speaking and debating, art performance exchanges, academic competitions and outdoor camps.


For senior students, the ISA Wuhan International Academy creates a growth profile for each student from the moment they enter the school and works closely with the ISA counseling team to track their growth. We set up regular weekly counselling sessions to listen to students and families and help them find a rational and clear pathway to higher education, taking into account their individual strengths and admissions criteria of the universities around the world.


For the younger students, the Academy hopes that children will not be motivated solely in order to "get into a prestigious school", but rather be inspired to understand their own nature, strengths and values, and make full use of their interests and hobbies, and turn them into their future professions and careers. The ISA Wuhan International Academy will regularly arrange lectures by education experts as well as organize visits to companies and career fairs to help them grow and help them and their parents plan their life and career.


Parental involvement has a crucial impact on children's learning. For this reason, ISA has set up weekly parent gatherings, where we will invite ISA leaders and teachers, as well as other renowned lecturers from the industry including admissions officers and graduates from prestigious schools and psychologists, to provide exciting classes for parents.


The ISA Wuhan International Academy will cooperate with ISA Charity Fund to build a bridge connecting public welfare and education thereby supporting the curriculum education system. We will create platforms and channels to encourage students and parents to personally participate in charitable activities and cultivate children's sense of social responsibility and values.

武汉爱莎国际学苑将联合爱莎公益基金,打通公益与教育的通道,将公益融入课程教育体系,共同创造公益平台和渠道以鼓励学生和家长亲身地参与公益活动, 培养孩子的社会责任感和价值观。




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1. Advancement System 进阶体系

Depending on age group, learning ability and degree of interest, each programme aims at matching students’ interests with their educational needs. Courses are divided into three levels so as to comprehensively develop students' character and meet various needs.


2. Course Assessment System 课程评估体系

The ISA Wuhan International Academy uses personal development folios to record students’ achievements and generate personal development evaluation reports for converting credits. Students will receive different value-added services to assist with their development based on different member level exchanged by their credits.


The ISA Wuhan Academy employs world-class, professional coaches from home and abroad who have been working for years in their respective fields of study to provide a high-quality programme of international standards for all Academy students. The star teachers include world champion team coaches, members of national musicians' associations, LEGO headquarters teaching and research officers, and certified US rugby teachers. The programme is bilingual, and students can participate in national and international competitions, enriching their life experience and adding points to their university education.



ISA Wuhan has world-class sports and arts facilities, including an Olympic-standard swimming pool, athletics tracks, a national standard class sports field, an indoor gymnasium, a 1,000-seat auditorium, arts studios, dance studios, a black box theatre, a golf course, an equestrian practice area, an international STEAM centre, multi-purpose laboratories and other teaching spaces to meet the needs of various curricula.


1. Professional Brand专业品牌

In addition to high-quality resources, the ISA Wuhan International Academy has formed strategic partnerships with highly accomplished and competitive organizations through rigorous selection to jointly develop well-designed courses and class teaching, and to provide students and families with the best possible opportunities.


2. Well-rounded Care全方位关顾

The academy also provides one-stop services, including student welfare and academic counselling. The school canteen operates employs strict food hygiene and provides delicious food for students provide  the nutrients needed for study and exercise. Teachers and coaches pay full attention to all students at different levels and put forward guidance and suggestions in a timely manner, so that students can adjust their learning goals in time and find the most suitable path forward.




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