
【武汉爱莎大师说】 中国前驻英国大使刘晓明精彩开讲




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On 1st November 2024, ISA Wuhan School welcomed a meaningful cultural feast. Mr. Liu Xiaoming, the former ambassador to the UK, visited our school and gave a wonderful lecture entitled ‘Telling China's Story’ to all the students and teachers. This event not only deepened the knowledge of Chinese diplomacy among the students of ISA Wuhan but also greatly stimulated their love for Chinese culture and awareness of its inheritance, adding new impetus and inspiration to their growth.

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During the visit to the campus, the Ambassador learnt in detail about the school's philosophy, teachers and facilities, and spoke highly of the whole-person training environment of ISA Wuhan. Ambassador Liu visited the school's library, the teaching facilities, the Centre for Understanding International Education, the ISA Wuhan Charity Fund and other special classrooms and multi-curriculum programmes, and exchanged views with teachers and students of ISA along the way.

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Promoting cultural exchanges and mutual understanding





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In the afternoon, the Ambassador also came to ISA Wuhan Auditorium to give a wonderful speech to all the members of the ISA community. Using humorous language, the ambassador simplified the profound knowledge of diplomatic practice and vividly explained the importance of telling a good Chinese story. He mentioned that as Chinese youth in the new era, not only do we need to have solid professional knowledge and keen insight, but we also need to respect and actively embrace multiculturalism, learn to tell China's story and spread China's voice in the language of the world, and make sure that these voices can be heard, understood, listened to, and believed.

“We must strengthen the building of international communication capacity and tell China's story well, which is not only the key to enhancing the country's image and international influence, but also an important way to promote China's culture to the world, and to promote cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between China and foreign countries.” Ambassador Liu said.

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Enhancing the Five Awarenesses and Five Capabilities





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In the face of external public opinion issues and challenges, the ambassador said that as students grow up in the context of the new era, they need to continuously enhance their political awareness, responsibility awareness, civic awareness, and awareness of the overall situation, and at the same time need to improve their public diplomacy, research and preparation skills, adaptive communication skills and foreign language skills.

In order to let everyone understand this point more intuitively, the ambassador played five clips of his own interviews with different mainstream media ‘sharp dialogue’. This was so that ISA Wuhan students could feel the pressure faced by diplomats, the need for deep wisdom to see the international wind and clouds, in order to understand and respond to the complexity and change of the international situation, and to use the courage and courage to stand up in critical moments. The diplomats were able to understand and cope with the complex and changing international situation, and to come forward at critical moments with their courage and bravery. The ISA students further understood the wisdom and experience accumulated by Ambassador Liu's fifty years of diplomatic practice. With his extraordinary instant reaction, the Ambassador responded to all kinds of emergencies with wit, defended the national interests, spoke out for the nation, won the dignity and respect for the country, and was a true transmitter of the national spirit.

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ISA Student Feedback


“这次经历,不仅让我亲眼见证了我国外交使节的卓越风采,更深刻领悟到了学习、尤其是掌握外语技能的重要性。我将继续在武汉爱莎多元文化融合的学习环境中,不断积攒自己的综合实力,在日后面对大国挑战时,有自信、有底气,挺起中国人的脊梁,为提升祖国在国际话语体系中的地位贡献力量!“ 武汉爱莎学子在与会后发表感想。

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“This experience not only allowed me to witness the excellence of our country's diplomatic ambassador but also to deeply understand the importance of learning, especially mastering foreign language skills. I will continue to build up my comprehensive strength in the multicultural learning environment of ISA Wuhan, so that when I face the challenges of a great nation in the future, I will have the confidence to hold up the backbone of the Chinese people, and to contribute to the enhancement of my country's status in the whole world!” ISA Wuhan students expressed after the meeting.

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ISA students should bear the responsibility given by the times





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After the lecture, ISA Wuhan students also organised a mock diplomatic press conference. Students from ISA Wuhan Primary and Secondary Schools had a heated discussion and expressed their views and questions on hot topics in the society, such as education and culture, Sino-British relations, foreign economy and cooperation. After the students completed the simulation exercise, the ambassador commented on each question patiently and carefully, and encouraged the students to explore the unknown and dare to pursue their dreams.

Afterwards, Ambassador Liu kindly signed books for ISA readers, and he encouraged ISA students to be brave enough to take up the historical mission and responsibility of standing on the world stage and telling China's story in the future. To study and grow up more diligently, and to strive unremittingly to become Chinese youths with an international outlook and the ability of cross-cultural communication.

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In this era of globalisation, international vision is crucial for each of us. Ambassador Liu said that students in the new era should understand and embrace the world with an open mind and global vision, not only to understand the domestic development dynamics, but also to pay attention to the changes in the international situation, and only by closely integrating our personal development with the development of the country can we realise the value of our life on a broader stage. Only by integrating every one of us into the big community can we contribute our strength in the journey of realising the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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The visit of Ambassador Liu Xiaoming not only brought valuable academic resources and diplomatic wisdom to ISA Wuhan, but also set up a valuable platform for teachers and students to have face-to-face exchanges with top diplomats. The heart of the school will not fall, and the school will continue to develop! Teachers and students of ISA Wuhan will continue to uphold the concept of ‘telling China's story and spreading China's voice’, and contribute to the development of a credible, loving and honourable image of China!

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