
11.24 Invitation 康奈尔前招生官Shawn Felton亲临武汉爱莎,爬藤之路,咫尺之遥!






11月24日(本周日)14:00,康奈尔大学前本科招生部执行主任Shawn Felton将亲临武汉爱莎学校,进行美国藤校招生录取信息分享与热点话题揭秘!Felton主任现场还将与爱莎学子进行一对一模拟面试,为学生提供策略规划以及大学申请指导。

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Want to talk to an admissions officer  from an Ivy League university?

Do you want to know how top universities really evaluate applicants?

How can you catch an admissions officer's attention in the first second?

At 14:00 on 24th November (Sunday), Shawn Felton, former Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Cornell University, will visit ISA Wuhan to share information about admissions to the top U.S. Ivy League Universities and discuss hot topics. Mr. Felton will also conduct one-on-one simulated interviews with ISA students, providing students with strategic planning and guidance on college applications.

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Guest Introduction

Shawn Felton

Former Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Cornell University, USA



  • 资深教育家与招生专家,拥有超过25年的高等教育招生领导经验。

  • 曾在常春藤盟校康奈尔大学担任招生关键职务包括战略招生计划主任及本科生招生执行主任,专注于招生策略制定、数据驱动决策及多元化招生,特别在国际学生(尤其是欧洲、亚洲、非洲及中东地区)招生上成就显著。

  • 此前,在弗吉尼亚大学负责表演与视觉艺术领域的学生招生。现转型为独立教育顾问,致力于为学生提供个性化的升学规划、策略咨询及大学申请指导,凭借其深厚的行业洞察力和丰富的实践经验,助力学生实现大学梦想。

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  • He is a highly experienced educator and admissions professional with over 25 years of senior leadership in higher education admissions.

  • He has served in key admissions roles at Ivy League Cornell University, including Director of Strategic Enrollment Planning and Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions. His focus has been on admissions strategy development, data-driven decision-making, and diversity enrollment, with a particular focus on international student recruitment, especially in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

  • Previously, he was responsible for student recruitment in the performing and visual arts at the University of Virginia. Shawn is now an independent education consultant, offering personalised college planning, strategic advice and college application guidance to students, with the aim of helping them to achieve their college aspirations. He draws on her deep industry insights and extensive practical experience to provide guidance and support.

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About Cornell University



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Located in Ithaca, New York, USA, Cornell University has been enrolling students since 1868 and is one of the fourteen founding institutions of the Association of American Universities and one of the eight members of the prestigious Ivy League. The university is at the top of the world in a number of subject areas, such as engineering, agricultural science, and computer science.

As one of the world's top private research universities, Cornell University has always maintained rigorous standards in admissions. Applicants are required to have excellent academic records, usually with a grade point average of 80% or higher, which usually equates to being in the top 10-15% of your grade level in terms of academic performance. In addition, applicants are required to take standardised tests such as the SAT and ACT and submit the appropriate transcripts. In addition to academic and standardised test scores, Cornell requires applicants to submit application forms, transcripts, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and other materials. These materials need to fully demonstrate the applicant's strengths in academic ability, personal qualities, leadership and community service.

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Event Highlights


Meet with an Ivy League Admissions Counselor


梦想踏入顶尖学府的你,是否渴望与招生官面对面?11月24日,康奈尔大学前本科招生部执行主任Shawn Felton将为你亲述招生录取内幕分享。让你与藤校招生官面对面,深入了解招生官的视角与期望,为你的申请之路破解迷津。

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If you are dreaming of entering a top school, are you eager to meet the admissions officers face-to-face? On 24 November, Shawn Felton, former Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Cornell University, will share with you the inside story of admissions. Shawn Felton, former Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Cornell University, will share with you the inside story of admissions.

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Unveil Secrets of Ivy Universities' Application


顶尖名校究竟如何筛选申请人?哪些因素是他们最为看重的?Shawn Felton主任将亲自揭秘康奈尔等顶尖名校的评估标准与流程,让你从源头把握申请要点。无论是学术成绩、课外活动,还是个人陈述、推荐信,你都能在这里找到提升申请竞争力的关键所在。

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How do top schools screen applicants? Director Shawn Felton will reveal the evaluation criteria and process of Cornell and other top schools, so that you can grasp the key points of the application from the source. Whether it's academic grades, extracurricular activities, personal statements, or letters of recommendation, you'll find the keys to a competitive application here.

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Receive Tips on How to be Outstanding


如何在众多申请者中脱颖而出,成为招生官眼中的“最佳候选人”?Shawn Felton主任将分享他的招生官经验,教你如何在申请材料中精准定位自己的亮点,用第一句话就抓住招生官的注意力,让你的申请更加出类拔萃,迈向梦想学府的步伐更加坚定。

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Shawn Felton will share his experience as an admissions officer and teach you how to pinpoint your highlights in your application materials, grab the admissions officer's attention with the first sentence, make your application stand out, and make your step towards your dream school stronger. This will make your application more outstanding and your step towards your dream school more determined.

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