

Cambridge Primary | 七大关键词解读英式小学教育,助力孩子迈向成功



Recently, our Year 1A homeroom teacher Mr. Stuart gave a lecture about Cambridge Primary - Successful Learning in a Cambridge International School.


Stuart Hallam

Year 1 一年级

British 英国

Mr. Stuart Hallam graduated from Kind Alfred’s University with a BA honours degree in Education and Sport. He then completed the GTP (Graduate Teacher Programme) and taught in England for six years. Whilst teaching in the UK, Stuart completed the ‘Fast Track to Management’ and ‘Leadership Pathways’ courses, at the Department for Education, The National College. He has been teaching internationally for the past sixteen years, and his teaching has took him to Mongolia, Portugal, Egypt, Dubai, Russia (twice) and China (three times). He has taught every year group from Nursery to Year 6, aswell as, KS3 and lecturing sport at college.

Stuart Hallam先生毕业于Kind Alfred 's University,获得了教育和体育方面的荣誉学士学位。然后,他完成了GTP(研究生教师课程),并在英国任教6年。在过去的16年里,他一直在国际上执教,在执教期间,他去过蒙古、葡萄牙、埃及、迪拜、俄罗斯(两次)和中国(三次)。他教授过从幼儿园到六年级,以及KS3和大学体育。Stuart曾在英国、剑桥国际、IB和蒙特梭利课程学校工作。

Learning Styles 学习风格

The first thing that's important is in an international school in a good primary setting, it's important that we recognize this different learning styles for the children. These three prominent learning styles, they are visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic.


Any one child isn't gonna be predominantly all of one of any of them. A child might be 60% visual, 20% auditory and 20% kinaesthetic. When we teach and learn in the lessons, the teacher needs to ensure that every one of these three learning components is incorporated into the lesson.

对于每个孩子来说,学习模式都是混合型的,一个孩子可能有 60% 的视觉能力、20% 的听觉能力和 20% 的动觉能力。当我们在课堂上教与学时,教师需要确保这三个学习组成部分中的每一个都融入到课程中。

Differentiation of Learning Tasks


It is a fact that children will enter schools at different levels of ability


It is the role of the teacher to cater for this different levels and make the learning accessible for all


It could be that three or four activities are taking place at an one time during a lesson, but this is necessary so all children have the same opportunity to learn and make great progress

在一节课程一般会有 3-4 种不同的教学活动在同时发生,但是这是必须的因为这样所有的孩子才有平等的机会去学习和取得最大的进步。

Classroom Environment 教室环境

The classroom should stimulate the child, and give them the chance to reflect as well as being a tool for learning


The classroom should be friendly, where children do not feel afraid to give answers, right or wrong, and feel confident to express themselves


Assessment 评估

There are three times when the children are assessed formally; start, middle and end of the academic year


Assessment is continuous and can be formal or informal, but the main use of assessment is to inform the teacher of the next steps in a child's’ education


Children are also encouraged to be self reflective and assess their own work in order to see where, and how, they can improve themselves


To Promote and Teach the Children to be Reflective


The most powerful learning occurs when a child is able to reflect on their own work and decide how it can be improved. This is proven by many studies including the study by the Journal of Human Psychology, Evelyn M. Boyd & Ann W. Fales 1983, who stated:

‘Reflective learning consists of six stages, including abstract and description, thus helping the process for personal change and growth, for facilitating learning from experience and changing outlooks and perspectives’

最强有力的学习发生在当孩子有能力反思他们自己的学习,并决定如何让他们自己的学习获得改善的时候。这个结论已经被许多研究证实,包括一项由《人类心理学杂志》,Evelyn M. Boyd 和 Ann W. Fales 1983 年完成的研究,研究说:


Put simply reflective learning is the most powerful form of learning.


Learning Culture 学习文化

* It is essential to create a culture of learning where children are not afraid to answer or try, and make mistakes


* Only by making mistakes will a child learn 


* Learning is all about exploring and understanding how and why things work, not just the end result


* The culture of learning should promote support, enjoyment and self value of achievement


Learning Triangle 学习铁三角

And something that's very important to remember is, it's not any one person or any institute's responsibility to help children to learn. In order for children to learn, it has to be an agreement and it has to be a triangle of an agreement. A child has to agree that they want to learn and they have to accept the responsibility of learning. A teacher has to help the child. And the parent also has to be involved, so the triangle of learning is also about creating a community of education.











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