

AIC 活动 | The House of Entertainment,AIC学期末的视听盛宴!



The House of 


Last Friday, the school community came together to celebrate the dramatic endeavours of students from IGCSE1 through to DP1. The House of Entertainment, billed as "Theatre With Class", turned out to be just that, with solo, duo and group performances from some of our most dramatic students!


The performance began with a play about Baba Yaga and an orphan girl named Maryushka. It was created by the DP1 students based on a script they had read. The play featured many notable performances: Sally Li and Nishi Arachchilage carried the show as the play's two central characters. Drama teacher Nicola created the set using all sorts of items to portray Baba Yaga's home in the woods as a house of curiosities. Music teacher Gary helped build the atmosphere and set the scene by adding lights and music.

演出由一部关于“巴巴·雅加”和一个名叫“玛丽·尤什卡”的孤儿女孩的戏剧拉开序幕。它是由DP1学生根据他们阅读的脚本创建的。该剧有许多引人注目的表演, Sally Li和Nishi Arachchilage两位同学作为该剧的两个核心人物进行了演出。戏剧老师Nicola用各种各样的道具布置了这一场景,将“巴巴·雅加”在树林中的家描绘成一座充满好奇的房子。音乐老师Gary通过添加灯光和音乐来营造氛围和场景。

The programme also included three performances from IGCSE1 students. These pieces were based on what drama can happen when stuck in a confined space with other people. Students showed scenes in an aeroplane, an elevator and a broken-down car. Students made us laugh with these relatable comedies.

该节目还包括IGCSE1学生的三场演出。这些作品是基于当与其他人一起被困在密闭空间时可能发生的场景为创作主题。三个故事背景发生在一架飞机、一部电梯和一辆抛锚的汽车的场景。参演学生以幽默风趣、活灵活现的表演方式, 使得全场的观众捧腹大笑。

IGCSE2 students Reige and Delia also performed one of the duologues they had performed for their LAMDA exam the day before. The piece called Macbeth on the Loose showed one character, Gordon, encouraging the other, Tim, to step up and play the role of Macbeth. These two young actors worked very hard to build the characters' relationship.


The remaining two performances were solo pieces from two of our LAMDA students, Eddie Lin and Jackson Chen. Eddie performed an extract from Aaron Sorkin's play A Few Good Men about an army colonel who issues an illegal order according to his beliefs. On the other hand, Jackson presented a more physical piece of theatre about a boy called Slinky who wakes up one morning to find he has turned into a skunk.

剩下的两场演出是由我们的两位LAMDA学生Eddie Lin 与 Jackson Chen。Eddie表演了亚伦·索金(AaronSorkin)戏剧《几个好人》的节选,讲述了一位陆军上校根据自己的信仰发布非法命令的故事。另一方面,Jackson上演了一部更加真实的戏剧,讲述了一个名叫斯林基的男孩,一天早上醒来发现自己变成了一只臭鼬。

It was a memorable hour of entertainment and a fantastic way to round out the year. Drama teacher Nicola said, "I loved the way the students worked together on this performance. They helped and advised each other during rehearsals, building their knowledge of how drama works".


Tim Lv from IGCSE1 had this to say, "The performance on Friday has taught me a lot of things, such as teamwork, which has brought the distance between our classmates a lot closer".

IGCSE1的Tim Lv说:“周五的表演教会了我很多东西,比如团队合作,这让我们同学之间的距离拉近了很多”。

Margaret Hanna, also from IGCSE1, commented, "Friday's performance made me very happy. I was nervous about performing in front of others, but it was fun".

同样来自IGCSE1的Margaret Hanna评论道:“周五的表演让我非常高兴。我对在别人面前表演感到紧张,但很有趣。”。

Jackson Chen added, "It was a pleasure to be part of this drama. It is something I have rarely experienced, and I felt it was a venture that helped me grow". 

Jackson Chen补充道:“很高兴能成为这部戏的一部分。这是我很少经历的事情,我觉得这是一次帮助我成长的冒险。”。

Eddie Lin from DP1 said, "I am genuinely excited that Nicola me this opportunity to be part of a live theatrical performance. I am thrilled that the audience from our school embraced our performance and gave us a round of applause. Well done to all the team I worked with on this show: your hard work certainly paid off."

DP1的Eddie Lin说:“我真的很高兴Nicola能给我这个机会参加戏剧表演。我很高兴AIC的观众观看我们的表演并给了我们热烈的掌声。我在这场演出中所有参与者都做得非常棒, 同学们付出的努力一定会得到回报。”


文 | Nicola          

图 | Abby Huang

    Amy JIABI










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