

爱莎荔湾中学部师资团队 | ISA Liwan Secondary School Faculty



ISA Liwan Secondary School Faculty Team


First Volume


Leadership Team


Myra Wang


Deputy Head of ISA Wenhua Liwan School

Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan Secondary School



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- 毕业于北京师范大学数学系,获UCL学校领导力培训证书;

- 具有超过二十年的国际课程教学和管理经验,熟悉IB、IGCSE、A Level和AP等主流国际课程;

- 曾担任国内知名IB学校高中部副校长、国际文凭大学预科项目(IBDP)协调员,她带领的IBDP国际考试平均分超过40分,在中国地区名列前茅;所教学生遍布世界名校,包括牛津、剑桥和美国常春藤盟校等;

- 还担任IB国际文凭组织亚太地区的培训官和IBDP数学考官。

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- Ms. Wang graduated from Beijing Normal University and was Obtained UCL school leadership training certificate.

- She has over 20 years’ experience of teaching and management in the mainstream international programmes such as IB, IGCSE, A Level and AP.

- She served as Vice Principal of High School and IBDP Coordinator in GCGS. The average score of IBDP examinations during her tenure was over 40, ranking among the best in China. Her students are all over the world top universities, including Oxbridge in the UK and Ivy League in the US.

- She also served as an IBDP training officer and math examiner in the Asia Pacific region of IB International Diploma Organization.

Geoffrey Chen


Deputy Head of ISA Wenhua Liwan School

Deputy Principal of ISA Wenhua Liwan Secondary School Student Affairs

School Office Manager of ISA Liwan




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- 从事教育工作三十年,其中十年国内教育经验,二十年国际教育经验,是中国大陆首批国际教育工作者之一,对IB、ALEVEL等主流国际课程有丰富的教育教学管理经验,在洞悉各个国际课程的基础上能够结合国情和地方特色进行创新性管理。

- 曾长期在国内知名国际学校从事教育教学管理工作,并且做出过突出贡献,也曾先后任深大师院国际高中等国际学校副校长。

- 工作理念是“既要仰望星空,又须脚踏实地”,信奉“没有爱就没有教育”。从学生时代的学霸起就向往做教育,并且始终不忘初心,有使命感,对教育事业充满热情。

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Mr. Chen engaged in education work for 30 years, including 10 years experience in the Chinese education, 20 years experience in international education. He is one of the first international education workers in China. He has rich experience in education teaching management on the IB, A-LEVEL and other international courses. Based on the international course, he carries on the innovative management combined with national conditions and local      characteristics.

He has been engaged in education and teaching management in a famous international school for a long time and made outstanding contributions. He also served as vice principal of International schools such as the Affiliated International School of Shenzhen University.

His work philosophy is "look up to the stars, but also down-to-earth", believe that "no love, no education". Ever since he was a student, he has always been interested in education. He always have a sense of mission and a passion for education.

Peter Guo


Principal of Middle School


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- 曾任职于杭州、北京知名国际学校。对MYP和DP的语言与文学、语言习得和认识论课程有丰富的教学经验;

- 于2012年在湖南科技大学求学并获得汉语言文学学士学位,随后在易三仓大学和肯特大学获得咨询心理学和教育心理学硕士学位,并在肯特大学攻读教育心理学博士学位,2022年接受哈佛大学教育学院教育领导力培训;

- 曾在国内公立学校、国际学校以及泰国和英国等多所学校任职,具有丰富的教学经验。

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Peter Guo has worked in well-known International Schools and he has extensive experience in teaching MYP and DP language and literature, language acquisition as well as TOK courses.

He received his bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Hunan University of Science and Technology in 2012, and his master’s    degrees in Counseling Psychology and Educational Psychology from Assumption University and University of Kent.

In 2022, he received the education Leadership training from The School of Education of Harvard University. Peter has worked in domestic public schools, international schools, and many schools in Thailand and the United Kingdom, with rich teaching experience.

Tiger Tan


Deputy Principal of Middle School


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- 毕业于湖北教育学院数学系,于2021年10月加入荔湾爱莎学校;

- 深耕教育37年,其中从事IB国际教育和管理20多年。曾获“湖北省优秀青年教师”、“第六届全国优秀班主任”等众多荣誉,发表过多篇教育和教学论文,获得MYP管理者资质证书;

- 曾担任广东碧桂园学校MYP初中教学主任、武汉澳洲国际学校执行校长、深圳新哲书院中方校长。




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I graduated from Hubei University of Education and has been working in ISA Liwan Campus since October 2021. I have been deeply engaged in the education field for 37 years and in international education management for more than 20 years. I have won many awards such as "Excellent Young Teacher in Hubei Province" and "the 6th National Excellent Homeroom Teacher", published many education and teaching papers and obtained MYP Management Certificate. I used to serve as the Academic Director of MYP at Guangdong Country Garden School, the Executive Principal of Wuhan Australian International School and the Chinese Principal of Shenzhen Sendelta International Academy.

My education philosophy is: Never give up every student, inspire every student to be the best of themselves. Looking back on my teaching journey, I have met countless students, some of whom are exceptionally talented, and some of whom even have difficulty in studying, but I always tried my best to help them.  I never disliked or treated students differently based on their academic performance but just supported and encouraged them to improve and exceed themselves persistently.

My management philosophy is to treat every staff fairly. Give them more inspiration, guidance, and help. Be convincible and genuine. Provide them with opportunities for growth.

In the future, I will utilize my experience to continually contribute to ISA Liwan: help our students grow and progress, provide them solid foundation for their success. Help teachers to understand ISA education philosophy as soon as possible, get to know our students as soon as possible, and help achieve their education ideal in ISA Liwan.

Snober Sohail

IB Diploma Programme Coordinator

IB DP协调员

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我是Snober,我在英国获得了计算机科学研究生文凭,并在巴基斯坦获得了性别与妇女研究硕士学位。我在过去的19 年一直在做教育及相关工作,是 IBEN(亚太地区国际文凭教育者网络)的成员,我曾在巴基斯坦及中国杰出的国际学校担任IBDP协调员、教学团队负责人。同时我是一名资深的知识论、英语 B、CAS 教师,也是一位经验丰富的大学升学指导。我还曾在 NSPCC – UK(国家防止虐待儿童协会)担任电话顾问,该协会是世界上最大的反对虐待儿童的慈善机构之一。


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I'm Snober and I have a Graduate Diploma in Computer Science in the UK and a Masters in Gender and Women's Studies in Pakistan. I have been doing education and related work for the past 19 years, I am a member of IBEN (International Baccalaureate Educators Network in Asia Pacific), I have worked as IBDP coordinator and teaching team leader in outstanding international schools in both Pakistan and China. At the same time, I am slso a senior teacher in Theory of Knowledge, English B, CAS, and an experienced university guidance counselor. I also worked as a telephone consultant for NSPCC – UK (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children), the largest association in the world. one of its charities against child abuse.

I hope to build a century-old famous school together with other teachers in ISA.

Nicolette Lau

MYP Coordinator


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- 伯明翰多媒体科技(荣誉)理学士学位,英国诺丁汉大学教育研究生证书(国际),以及教育学硕士学位;

- 9年以上国际和双语IB世界学校工作经验,担任过MYP协调员、个人设计项目协调员、图书馆老师、ICT协调员、跨学科学习协调员、中学项目教师和大学预科项目教师;

- IBEN成员- IBMYP培训官;

- IBMYP考官;

- 苹果专业培训专家/培训师。




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Country of origin: Malaysia


She has a BSc (Hons) in Multimedia Technology from Birmingham, followed by a PGCEi and MA in Education from the University of Nottingham.

Prior experience:

· More than 9 years of work experience in international and bilingual IB world schools as MYP Coordinator, Projects Coordinator, Teacher Librarian, ICT Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Learning Coordinator, MYP and DP teacher.

· IBEN member – IBMYP Workshop Leader

· IBMYP Examiner

· Apple Professional Learning Specialist/Trainer

Teaching Philosophy:

Her passion is engaging students in their learning journey and supporting them to become active, responsible lifelong learners. She believes that it is essential to make learning interesting and creative, which she embraces with joy and an open-minded attitude. At ISA Liwan, we recognise that success and failure are not final, as continuous growth led us to purpose and fulfilment in life. We see challenges as a natural part of our learning process, and we are open to taking risks and courage to dream. As an educator, Nicolette strives to create a safe, positive and authentic learning experience for all learners, and to guide them in developing their own potential.

Simon Smith

Head of Boarding


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- 毕业于布里斯托大学和萨里大学,投身教育领域30年,曾任学院院长、12年级和13年级负责人以及校舍主管。有20年在英国和国际知名寄宿学校工作的经验。

- 在中国的两所新学校担任寄宿和德育方面的高级领导,并在IGCSE、A Level项目中教授身心健康和物理课。

- 作为全人教育倡导者,他相信 "以己度人,过学生过的生活",能够创造一个安全、关爱和支持的环境,与学生一起培养积极的态度和健康的关系,能让他们挑战自我,勇于承担风险,而不必在意他人的看法。

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Graduate of the University of Bristol and University of Surrey with thirty years working in education as Faculty Head, Head of Y12 and Y13 and a boarding Housemaster. Twenty of these have been in well respected British and International boarding schools.

Founding Senior Leader in Boarding and Pastoral Care in two start-up schools in China alongside teaching Wellbeing and Physics at IGCSE, A Level and IBDP.

Is an advocate in holistic education and believes in “living the lives” of the students producing a safe, caring and supportive environment working with students to foster positive attitudes and relationships to allow them to challenge themselves and be risk-takers without fear of being judged.

Ingrid Delange

Head of House

Teacher of Mathematics



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我是一位热情的教育工作者。我拥有超过 22 年的数学教学和 TOK 教学经验,是高中年级负责人、IB 高级考官,并且是多家教育出版商(牛津大学出版社、Kognity、IB 等)的内容撰写负责人、可持续发展领导者、福祉与正念领域的践行者,获得过爱丁堡公爵奖。 10年前我在英国、埃及和乌干达任教结束后来到中国。我拥有 2 个硕士学位和 3 个学士学位:数学硕士、PGC、理学荣誉学士(公开大学/巴黎第六大学)、语言学和法语作为第二语言文学硕士(鲁昂大学)、视觉艺术-媒体研究学士(法国索邦大学) 、PGCE、(圣马丁学院)、英语学士学位(法国亚眠大学/英国基尔大学)和其他一些可持续发展和咨询资格。

我富有热情、创造力并致力于 IB 理念的推广,拥有非常全面的教学能力。我认为教师的角色是孩子成长为全面发展的成年人、自我调节的学习者和世界公民的很关键的一环。为了加强学生的内在发展动力,我认为学生需要受到启发,才能清楚地了解理想的自我以及评估周围环境的影响。这种个人和全球意识赋予学生对生活的展望,从而发挥他们的真正潜力。我还热衷于使学习变得有意义和有影响力。通过项目基础学习和体验式学习,我在应用学术技能的基础上促进批判性分析、反思、好奇心和创造力。对我而言,最大的成就是带领学生完成这一切,培养未来的创新者和领导者。

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I am a passionate educator. With over 22 years’ experience as a teacher of Mathematics and TOK teacher, I am also a high school Head of Year, IB senior examiner, content creator and author for numerous educational publishers (Oxford University Press, Kognity, the IB...) as well as a sustainability leader and a Wellbeing and Mindfulness field practitioner and Duke of Edinburg l. I came to China 10 years ago after having taught in UK, Egypt and Uganda. I hold 2 masters and 3 degrees: Maths MSc, PGC, BSc Hons, (Open University / Paris 6 University), Linguistics & French as a 2nd Language MA ( Rouen University ), Visual Arts-Media studies Ba ( Panthéon-Sorbonne University), PGCE, (St Martin’s College), English Ba ( Jules Verne/Keele University) and a few other qualifications in Sustainability and Counselling.

Enthusiastic, creative and committed to the IB philosophy, I have a very holistic approach of teaching. I see the role of a teacher as a key part of the development of the child into a well-balanced adult, a self-regulatory learner and obviously a citizen of the World. To enhancement intrinsic motivation, I believe students need to be inspired to develop a clear understanding of their ideal selves and the influence of their surrounding. This personal and global awareness empowered students with a vision of their life hence fulfill their true potential. I also thrive to make learning meaningful and impactive. Using project base learning and experiential learning I prompt critical analysis, reflections, curiosity, and creativity on top of application of academic skills. Leading student through this all process and raising future innovators and leaders is to my eyes her biggest achievement.

Dr. Tony Chen


Coordinator of Science Centre


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- 毕业于日本早稻田大学国际信息通信学并获博士学位,美国休斯敦CREST研究中心博士后。

- 他从事STEAM领域工作十余年,曾获日本文部科学省全球顶尖大学计划Global COE项目优秀科研成果奖,著有第一作者3篇SCI检索全英文科研杂志论文和20余篇高水平国际会议论文。

- 曾任教于国内“双一流大学”宁波大学国家一级博士点通信实验室三年,曾任职浙江海亮教育集团助理校长; 并作为创校学术主任成功参与筹建过南京一所高端国际化学校。

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Mr. Chen obtained his PhD degree and post-doctoral fellowship in the field of Computer Mathematics and Wireless Network from Waseda University (Japan) and CREST R&D Centre (USA) respectively.

He worked in the field of STEAM for more than 10 years, and won Japan's Ministry of Education (MOE) Global COE Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award. Mr. Chen has published 3 SCI-indexed English journal papers and more than 20 high quality international conference papers.

In addition, he worked in the National Key Lab of Wireless Network at a Double-First Class Unversity for 3 years and as assistant principal in a large private education group listed in NASDQ, and fully participated in the successful establishment of an international school in Nanjing as the founding Academic Director.

Baron Bai

白 宇

Assistant Coordinator of Arts Centre


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I graduated from Henan University, majoring in music, and joined ISA Liwan Campus in October 2021. I was born into an artistic family and studied piano and violin since childhood. Engaged in music education in colleges and primary and secondary schools for more than 30 years, I've accumulated a set of unique and effective teaching methods and have cultivated many outstanding music professionals to music schools in China and aboard; My students and I have won many awards in national, provincial, and municipal competition arts. I have abundant of stage performance experience and have organized large-scale provincial and municipal cultural activities and music performances for many times.

Once I undertook as Homeroom Teacher of Grade 6. There was a girl that her parents were too busy and just could came to see her once a semester. For easing her homesick, I helped take care of both her study and life like a father. For example, I took her to excursions on weekends, food tasting, haircuts, shopping. After a semester, she called me "Dad" naturally. I was touched and understood her behavior, so I accepted this title in the following two years till she graduated.

Join ISAIEG and engage in the most valuable education of China!

Meg Chen

陈 晨

University & College Counselling Coordinator



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- 拥有十年以上国际教育事业的升学指导专业经验;

- 曾任知名学校国际部第一任升学指导,向海外院校输送学生超过500人,指导学生顺利获得宾夕法尼亚大学、斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学等;

- 2018至2020年连续三年获得芝加哥大学“杰出教育工作者”称号;2020年获得沃顿商学院认证的“沃顿商学院全球高中投资大赛”指导证书。

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More than 10 years of professional experience in school counselor.

She monitored graduation records, transcripts and classes for more than five hundred students. She successfully guided students to be accepted by world top colleges, including Stanford University, Princeton University, etc.

She is entitled as Outstanding Educator (The University of Chicago, 2018-2020); obtained the guidance certificate of “Wharton High School Investment Competition” in 2020, certified by Wharton School of Penn University.

Jessie Hou

侯 洁

Assistant Coordinator of University & College Counselling Centre


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- 毕业于英国爱丁堡大学的培训与发展专业,获得硕士学位;本科毕业于中山大学;

- 从事教育工作八年之余,曾指导学生进入多所全球排名前50的大学,包括哥伦比亚大学、芝加哥大学、康奈尔大学、清华大学、剑桥大学等;

- 被美国知名大学申请平台CIALFO评为“优秀升学指导教师”。

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Master of the University of Edinburgh, Major in management of Training and Development;

Bachelor of Sun Yat-sen University;

She has over 8 years of experience in education, and has guided students get into the top 50 Universities around the world, including Columbia University,      University of Chicago, Cornell University, Tsinghua University, Cambridge University etc.;

She has been awarded as “Excellent Counsellor” by CIALFO the famous American University application platform.

Christophe Gigon

Digital Coordinator

Teacher of Design



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我是数字协调员和艺术设计主管,是一名经验丰富的教师(15年),曾担任EdTech协调员和设计主管。我目前是Pamoja (IB)的在线促进者、MOOC的合著者和La Sorbonne的社区经理,以及是基于项目学习的在线教练。







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Christophe Gigon is Digital Coordinator and Head of Art and Design. He is an experienced teacher (15 years), previously EdTech Coordinator and Head of Design. He is currently online facilitator for Pamoja (IB), MOOC co-author and community manager for La Sorbonne and online coach in Project-Based learning.

He gained 3 degrees : a Masters in EdTech and Media Information Literacy (La Sorbonne- Paris III), a Graduate diploma in Education (American University in Cairo), a Masters in History (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Christophe is a life-long learner who speaks fluently French, English, Spanish and Dutch.

He strongly believes that our mission as educators is to develop well-rounded, autonomous individuals who display a genuine understanding of today's world challenges  and the willingness to take positive actions.

A couple of years ago, his senior students set up a Media Camp in collaboration with a local NGO, called Jia. They stayed one week within a medical facility with patients recovered from lepra. During this time, the students took care of the patients and shots interviews of their life stories with the final aim to keep record of their experience for future generations and to help breaking the patient’s social isolation. 

During the process, the students learnt many facts and prejudging  about this ancient disease and gained skills in shooting and editing videos as well as  organizational skills. 

Students remember it as a moving life changing experience and it remains one of the highlights of his teaching career.

In his role of Digital Coordinator, Christophe’s aim will be to support teachers and students to integrate digital tools into the classroom experience so that the next generation will display a reasoned and responsible use of the 21st century tools. As a MYP Design teachers, his goal will be to develop autonomous, independent learners, who will be able to analyse problems, document it and offer elaborated practical solutions  to have an impact on the world around them. The MYP Design Cycle will be their most precious ally in this endeavour.

Rodney Allan Callinan

English, EAL & Foreign Languages Coordinator


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作为英语、EAL和外语课程的协调员,我认为我的角色对于一些不愿学习外语的学生来说非常重要。从 EAL的角度来看,我将重点关注那些最需要得到帮助从而能在英语教学环境中畅快淋漓地发挥自我的学生。我将通过运用英语和其他外语,与语言科目组的老师密切合作,跟进学生的进步情况,并让他们积极地朝着他们在语言习得科目上的目标努力前行。

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I am Bilingual in English and Mandarin, have Gained three degrees: Bachelor of Primary School Education (University of Canberra), Post Graduate Certificate in TESOL (University of Canberra and a Masters of Education and Training in TESOL (Deakin University).  I am also a qualified Karate instructor as well as a Ballroom and Latin American dance instructor. I am currently studying an intensive Mandarin business course. I have taught every year group from kindergarten to post graduate university.

Teaching is an unusual profession where often the teacher becomes the student. The natural curiosity of a child is what makes this profession so dynamic and interesting. Some of the best lessons are those that are not planned but just happen through exploratory questions from curious young minds. What I enjoy is that age does not change this passion, however I can at times hear questions from a high school student that I would expect from a kindergarten student, as well as insightful, mature questions from young students that I wouldn’t expect for some years to come. Educational events are fluid and not static, it is the process and not the destination that makes it so enjoyable.

As the coordinator for English, EAL and foreign languages, I see my role as important to the acquisition of what some students just would prefer not to acquire, a foreign language. From an EAL perspective I will be focused heavily on the students who need to most help to be able to function comfortably in an English teaching environment. Through English and other foreign languages I will be looking to track students’ progress with strong cooperation with the language teachers to monitor their progress and keep them actively working towards their language acquisitional goals.

Teachers of Chinese


Guangrong Song


Teacher of Chinese


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- 研究生毕业于爱尔兰都柏林大学圣三一学院,语言教学硕士

- 本科毕业于华南师范大学汉语言文学专业

- 获孔子学院国际中文教师资格证

- 5年国际汉语教学经验




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-Master’s degree of Language Education in Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, Ireland

-Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature in South Normal University, China

-International Chinese Teacher Qualification awarded by Confucius Institute

- I have 5-year teaching experience and my education philosophy is to be a friend and mentor of students, to teach students is also to teach myself.

Education should start from the "heart". We should understand the child's thoughts and feelings. When the children feel the love, we can build a bridge of mutual trust with their soul. There was a child who was mischievous and dying in others’ eye. He used to process teachers’ photos into the "demon" comics or videos for several times. While I praised and affirmed the infinite creativity after several deep communication with him. But at the same time, we also reached an agreement with each other that we should respect the second creation, and we must learn to avoid the intensification of contradictions between groups. The child finally met the engagement. He said that most of the previous feedback was blame and negative, and no teacher could truly understand his thoughts. When the child feels equality and respect, he can give the society more positive feedback.

The children gradually build up rational cognition of the world through learning the outstanding characters in literary works. Teachers should set an example for them and become a role model for them in the real world. I will try to understand my student heart-to-heart, show my love to them, nourish virtues by the model of virtues,cultivate them to acquire courtesy and virtues as their characters.

Jiawei Wang


Teacher of Chinese


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I received my B.A. in English from Mudanjiang Normal University, and M.A. in teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages from Beijing Language and Culture University. I taught Chinese at North China Electric Power University, Beijing Language and Culture University and Tsinghua University during postgraduate studies. And I won the first prize of the third Beijing College Graduate Students Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Practice Competition, and was awarded the title of outstanding graduate at the graduation ceremony of master's students.

After graduation, I became an editor working on Chinese teaching materials including IB Chinese textbooks for Chinese learners in Joint Publishing (H.K.). My co-edited and published international Chinese textbooks have been on sale for at least three years. After that, I have taught IB MYP & DP Chinese at Western International School of Shanghai for four years.

As a life-long learner, I bring my passion and commitment for working with students and the skills to meet the unique challenges and opportunities that a diverse student body brings. I believe in the power of education to transform one’s mindset, regardless of age, ethnicity, class, or gender. I am proud and happy to be part of ISA Liwan community.

I hope to continue to pursue my dream of teaching in ISA Liwan International School in the future, to practice my teaching philosophy and to provide a safe, friendly and encouraging learning environment for students. "Once a teacher, always a teacher. " As a lifelong learner, I will demonstrate a student-centered inquiry-based approach to learning, along with being able to do my best to lead students to enjoy the process of inquiry.

Alicia Zhong


Teacher of Chinese


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- 本科毕业于中山大学对外汉语系,辅修西班牙语

- 研究生毕业于香港中文大学汉语语言学及语言习得专业

- 9年来一直从事国际中文教育工作,很多学生被牛津、布朗等大学录取





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I graduated from Sun Yat-Sen University with a bachelor’s degree in Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language and Spanish (Minor). Then I graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a master’s degree in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition. I have been engaged in international Chinese education for 9 years, and many of my students have been admitted to universities such as Oxford University and Brown University.

Education is not indoctrination but igniting. If teachers only focus on their own classroom performances and ignore the needs of students, the classroom just means cage for students. Students are not highly motivated in class, mostly because they feel restrained. Children have the instinct in self-expression. Teachers should untie students and create an open classroom. For example, in the novel unit, students are guided in groups to analyze characters, while the teacher observes and gives feedback to support students' reflection and growth.

The essence of education means that one tree shakes another tree, one cloud pushes another cloud, and one soul awakens another soul. To touch the hearts of children, teachers need to go into the students, understand and care about them. There was once a student who did not hand in his homework and was unwilling to participate in class activities. After communicating with him for many times, I learned that the students had always wanted to drop out of school and start a business. He even opened an online shop, but his parents strongly opposed it. Therefore, Mr. Zhong helped him communicate with his parents and ease the relationship between them. At the same time, she also discusses the topic of career planning with students. Encouraging by the teacher, the student shared his entrepreneurial experience and received applause from the students. After this class, it was obvious that the student was more active in learning, and he gradually integrated into the class.

I believe that education is for all people without discrimination, and every child needs to be taken seriously. Every child has countless possibilities. In the future teaching, what I want to do is to help them build the foundation for success. When they graduate from ISA Liwan, they will gain the skills they need in the future to become future leaders.

Teachers of EAL


Steven Mayers

Teacher of EAL


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我的教学理念可以用 Herbert Spencer 的一句话来概括:“教育的伟大目标不是知识,而是行动”。我毕业于应用生态学专业,坚信应用知识的价值,而不仅仅是学习的理论。 作为一名英语教师,我每天都遵循这一理念。我在韩国的学校任教了 2 年,然后于 2012 年搬到广州在语言机构工作,2022 年加入爱莎荔湾,又重新回到学校任教。



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My teaching philosophy can be summed up in this quote by Herbert Spencer: "The great aim of education Is not knowledge, but action". Having graduated in Applied Ecology I’ve always believed in the value of applying knowledge, not just learning theory. I follow this philosophy every day as an English as an additional language teacher (EAL). I taught for 2 years in the public sector in Korea, before moving to Guangzhou to work in the private sector in 2012. I returned to the public sector when I joined ISALW in 2022.

One memorable teaching moment was the first time I facilitated the use of multimedia equipment in storytelling. I tasked high school students with making a photograph storyboard - a task that allows students to be creative and think outside the box. They had to cooperatively plan, shoot photos, script, and present the story in English. However, even with mixed-level students, language proficiency is never an obstacle when they have a creative task with clear expectations, a low entry level but no ceiling in terms of potential language usage. This one simple activity made me realise how to capture students’ imaginations, centre the task around them, and give them independence & responsibility. It also taught me the value of utilising technology in the classroom to give students the best opportunity to grow and reach their potential.

Helping all students to grow is our core mission. This begins with simple things like sitting and listening to them individually. We need to understand where the students are now and where we need them to be by a certain time in the future. This is best done with a method of cultivation sometimes called ‘lighting a fire vs filling a bucket’. As an educator, I try to make students want to use English not make it seem like a chore. A big part of this is achieved by choosing cooperative, task-based activities set in a relevant context. When students see the language as a vehicle (as opposed to an obstacle) to complete interesting tasks, the fire is lit.

Michael Church

Teacher of English Language and Literature


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I am originally from New York City and I have a master’s degree in education, where I wrote a systematic review on Effective Methods for Teaching English to Chinese Learners. I have been teaching English in China for 6 years, including Sun Yat-Sen University. I feel it is my responsibility as a teacher to ensure students gain the knowledge, experience, and enlightenment to fill a child’s mental toolbox and prepare them for the world ahead. It is important for the students to comprehend what they are being taught, and also know its relevance for how it applies in in the real world.

I find that it’s important that no child falls by the wayside. If it looks to me that a child is struggling, then I will work with that child to help him/her to improve. I remember once, where I had a student who had a hurt look on her face. I asked her, during the break, if she was feeling okay. She smiled at me and nodded her head, but I knew she needed more help. So, I moved her seat over to sit with another girl, who had a better understanding of the lesson and could help her along. I find pairing an enthusiastic middle-of-the-road student with a struggling student helps the latter to see the point of the lesson better and become more engaged. Sure enough, this student became more involved in future classes and even made a new friend. Treating students with humanity and kindness often results in a positive outcome.

Working with ISA Liwan, I look forward to implementing interdisciplinary themes and projects into the curriculum. It will give the child a better understanding of the other subjects, comprehend how these disciplines can work together, and have a clearer picture as to how their education works to be applied in real-life settings.

Di Zhang

张 荻

Teacher of EAL

英语教师 & 高中学生发展协调员

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- 硕士毕业于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校教育学院课程与教学论专业

- 5年大湾区知名IB学校执教经验,2年毕业班经验

- 所教毕业生遍布伦敦大学学院、爱丁堡大学、香港大学等世界TOP30名校




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- 5 years of teaching experience in well-known IB schools in the Greater Bay Area and 2 years of experience in graduating classes;

- The graduates were admitted to TOP 30 universities such as University College London, University of Edinburgh, University of Hong Kong, etc.;

I graduated from the School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, majoring in curriculum and instruction. Now I am working as the EAL teacher at High School Department. With five-year teaching experience in a renowned GBA-based international school, I displayed my exceptional abilities to motivate students to develop language and thinking skills through inquiry. As the school-awarded five-star academic advisor/the coordinator of students’ affairs in Cambridge Program, I am dedicated to providing aspirational support and guiding students to develop learner autonomy. Most of my students have been admitted by TOP 30 universities around the world including UCL, University of Edinburgh and University of Hong Kong.

From my perspective, all the students have ability to build their own knowledge and language bank based on constant inquiry, so I would like to encourage my ninth graders to work in groups, to collect relevant materials and prepare leading discussion on the unit topic after learning the fundamentals. With the acquired language, confidence and fearlessness, they all achieved average scores of 6.5 in IELTS listening and 6 in IELTS speaking in their first try.

In ISA Liwan, I will keep advocating my constructivists’ teaching philosophy, hoping to inspire  more students to engage in English learning and develop their confidence.  I truly believe that every student can realize his/her dream to become knowledgeable futuristic learner and competent cultural ambassador.

Emily Ye


Teacher of EAL


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-Bachelor degree in English, South China Agricultural University, China

-Master degree in Education, Durham University, UK

I have 8-year teaching experience in English, having worked as secondary English teacher, IELTS/TOEFL teacher, senior English course developer and trainer. I’ve always endeavored to create more student-centered classes, unlock students' potential and specialty, and provide a safe, open and positive learning atmosphere for learning.

I believe that for “student-centered” approach to happen, it is not enough to only use “student-centered” teaching strategies. It is of equal importance for teachers to respect student’s personality and the way they learn.

I once had an introverted student who had never taken an open English class before. His mother advised me not to mainly ask the child to answer questions for the time being and give the child some time to adapt. After observation, I found that although the student could not answer the questions voluntarily, he completed the writing exercise very well. Therefore, I arranged a cheerful and active student to be his deskmate and let them discuss and cooperate together in a group. Gradually, the student began to take the initiative to answer questions in class, and my mother and I duly praised him. In the subsequent study, the students became more and more confident, and their grades slowly progressed to the top three in the class.

In ISA Liwan, I will talk to every child and their parents to have a basic understanding of their personal interest, personality and family background. This will help me prepare my teaching strategies and content that are fit for them. Also, I will keep a profile of every child to keep track of their progress regarding their academic studies and personal behavior based on my daily observation. Their mental state is also a priority. I will keep in touch with parents so as to give positive feedback or to discover problems timely.

Naomi Xu


Teacher of EAL

Assistant MYP Coordinator



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我从2013年9月开始在国际学校任职英语教师,距今有将近9年的教学经验。我曾担任初高中的英语教师,教授MYP英语、IB DP、英语B HL。在教学之外,我还担任过六、七年级的导师和高中班主任,带过两届毕业班,熟悉大学申请过程和材料准备。在学校工作时,我也负责过英语组的课程设计,了解校本课程的制作和英语选修课的开设。



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-B.A. English Language and Literature, Nankai University

-M.A. English Literature, University of York

From September 2013, I began teaching English in international schools. I have almost 9 years teaching experience. I have taught students across secondary grades, including MYP English, DP English HL. Besides teaching role, I had been high school homeroom teacher and middle school mentor. I am familiar with college application process. I was also charged with the task of secondary school English curriculum development thus familiar with school English curriculum design and English CCA.

So far in my teaching career, I’m most impressed with the change and growth of students. I was once a tutor for 7th graders. One of my tutees didn’t like English, with weak study habits and learning skills. With the support from school, we have made detailed individual plans for him. After a year, he has developed good learning habit and established confidence in studying in this community. From then on, he is capable of independent study, and made successful transfer in IB DP courses. He graduates this summer and have been in touch with me along the way. I am very pleased for him. For me, the growth of children is not just shown through academic results but demonstrated from their abilities and experiences. Education is the process of seeing children, acknowledging them, and helping them to flourish.

I believe that good education is positive, influential, and caring. It is soft and firm at the same time. I hope not only to help them to develop subject knowledge but also life-long learning habits. In the process, students can develop into creative, tolerant, inquisitive, and critical beings. Education happens in each encouragement, in each correction of behavior. The subject of education is human beings.


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