

AIC STUCO | 2022-2023学年AIC学生会换届选举



2022-2023学年 STUCO学生会换届选举!

AIC学生会2022-2023学年执行委员会的换届选举在上周五圆满落幕。候选人秉持着为学生改善校园生活, 接任新的学年活动规划等使命,以优秀的演讲能力, 在全校师生面前发表了精彩的竞选演讲。新一届学生会执行委员会名单已产生,祝贺当选的同学们。

Last Friday, AIC Student Council held elections for its 2022-2023 academic year Executive Committee. We had candidates for the Executive Council give their campaign speeches in front of the entire school during the dedicated assembly time. The results are out and we would like to congratulate the new Executive Committee of the Student Council for 2022-2023. 

首先, 我们感谢上届AIC学生会的同学们。他们在保持优异的学业成绩的同时,以高标准完成各项校园活动的策划与执行工作。

First of all, we would like to thank all the members from 2021-2022 STUCO committee. They have successfully completed the planning and implementation of various campus activities with high standards while maintaining excellent academic performances.




    Throughout the last year, in which the school made lots of changes to its operation, STUCO members worked hard to create a better environment in the school. We assisted the Event Planning CAS to hold activities during Halloween, Sports Day, and Spring Ball. When issues like bullying happened in the school, we organized an anti-bullying week to create a safer and more comfortable environment for all students. We also made surveys about food in the canteen, and communicated with Bob to adjust some dishes, especially for breakfast. Finally, we kept operating the STUCO suggestion box, and tried our best to solve the problems and complains from students.

I would like to say thank you to all students and teachers that contributed to STUCO’s works. A big thank you to the two event organizers,Nishi and Joyce Fan, as well as members from the Event Planning CAS, because their jobs were the most difficult, time-consuming, and important. They managed to plan so many big events without much help from supervisors, that was awesome, please give them a round of applause. A thank you to the secretary, Raymond Liao, for managing the STUCO mailbox. Also, many PowerPoints, such as this one behind me, were also his works.Two thank yous to the two vice-presidents, Anishka and Leslie, for supporting my works of managing STUCO affairs and assisting Event Planning CAS.It was not easy to balance academic works and STUCO affairs, but I hope that we did a satisfying job for all of you.

Now, it is time for us to pass the jobs and responsibilities of STUCO to the new Council.”


我想感谢所有为STUCO做出贡献的学生和老师。非常感谢两位活动组织者,NishiJoyce Fan,以及活动策划CAS的成员,因为他们的工作是最困难、最耗时和最重要的。他们独立策划了很多大型校园活动。感谢学生会秘书Raymond Liao管理STUCO的邮箱。此外,许多PowerPoints,比如我身后的这一个,也是他的作品。感谢两位学生会副会长,Anishka 与 Leslie,感谢他们支持我管理STUCO事务和协助活动策划CAS的工作。平衡学术工作和学生会事务并不容易,但我希望我们为大家做了令人满意的工作。




2022-23 STUCO members



Kenny XIE

    We have come to an important moment for AIC today. From this minute onwards, STUCO will be open for everyone-for the people. We seek to represent your voice.

Together, we will work towards a better canteen. Together, we will also work alongside the event planning team for a better school life. Movie and games nights. Winter ball. Just imagine. We’ll be working to make the campus more fun! 

we will always be there for everyone. Our representatives will be able to regularly receive the latest opinions from our community, and communicate with the school admin. We will always be ready to listen out anytime on stucoaicib.org, so feel free to contact us in your hour of need on email or through the suggestion box. We are a council of students, by students and for students! Together, we’ll make AIC great again!



我们将永远为每个人服务。我们的代表将能够定期收到来自我们社区的最新意见,并与学校行政部门沟通。我们随时倾听学生们提出的意见与建议, 请随时通过电子邮件stucoaicib.org,或图书馆前的意见箱与我们联系。一起,我们会使AIC再次伟大!





    I have been a student at AIC for quite a long time. I would like to say I know its ins and outs. I know how the school works, and that is invaluable, if I want to make a change for this school.

I acknowledge that we, as a student body, are a group of people from all walks of life. We are, international, in a way. Each person has different ways of expressing themselves, different ways of thinking, different things they want to say. For us to be able to properly speak with our school, we will need a voice.

And that, is where STUCO comes in. As an Vice President, I would like you to see me not as a Vice President, but as a medium of communication between students and teachers and faculty and admin and everything beyond and in between.

We sometimes will not have all the answers. We will slip up, say the wring things, but at least we have a voice. I hope we, as students, can have a hand in change for this school.

I hope you all have a fun year.

        作为一名在AIC学习了多年的学生。我想说我非常了解学校的历史, 了解学校是如何运作的,如果我想改变这所学校,这是无价的。







Daisy WENG

    The treasurer’s job is to maintaining the students council budget and ensure all funds are used responsibly

so it’s important to have treasurer helps the student council to manage the finance.

The first thing I want to do if I can be the treasurer is that, try my best to let every students have the best

experience in the school events. For example, for the winter ball or halloween event, I can pre-survey students’

favorite brand of dessert, snacks and drinks, so students can have option to choose for. Also for the setting part

of the events, I will organize enough budget for setting the place. Other than that, I want to set prize for the

house competition so that houses are incentive to win the prize.

Second thing is that I want to help student to share their ideas with the student council, I know many students

who are not aware of students council will think it as ,but in my opinion, the aim of student council is to help

students with their problem, so everyone should not afraid to communicate with student council. I know as a

treasurer the work is to handles the financial activities of a school district or similar institution, but if I can be a

treasurer I will also be a messenger so I can help the students. 




成为财务主管,我想做的第一件事是尽我最大的努力让每个学生都有最好的学校活动的经验。例如:冬季舞会或万圣节活动,我可以预先调查学生最喜欢的甜点、零食和饮料品牌,以提选择。在活动设置部分, 我将组织足够的预算来设置场地。除此之外,我想为house competition设置奖品,激励学生们的参与

第二件事是我想帮助学生与学生会分享他们的想法学生会的目的是帮助学生解决问题,所以每个人都不应该害怕与学生会沟通。我知道财务主管的工作是处理财务工作. 但作为学生会的成员, 我也是一个信使,可以帮助所有有需求的学生



Congratulations to the new STUCO team. We look forward to seeing the new STUCO committee bring more activities and campaigns to AIC campus! 










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