The Foundation class was introduced to the song ‘Sound Box.’ The children first looked at four pictures and/or objects that began with the same letter sound contained in a few verses in the song, such as dog, door, dish, and drink. Gradually, students built up the song completely, discussing the beginning sounds of words and enunciating these correctly in each verse and chorus. The children were so excited to sing and open their sound box.
This Kindergarten 1 class continued learning about the concept of ‘music,’ focussing, in particular, on its texture, which refers to the overall sound of a musical piece. It can be thick or thin, busy or sparse, and so on. The texture is also determined by how many instruments are playing, how many different parts there are and the timbre of the instruments playing. Therefore, the students began learning to discern different sounds, trying to determine which one of the heard instruments produced a loud or soft sound. The Kindergarten 1 class became extremely excited when they were asked to produce similar sounds by themselves.
The Kindergarten 2 class continued investigating the elements of music. This week, they focussed on the fourth element, the rhythm, which determines how long or short sounds can be. The children also learned how to control their voices while singing. Furthermore, they were introduced to vocalisation for beginners so as to practise and exercise their voice. The Kindergarten 2 class was absolutely enthusiastic about these vocalisation exercises!