

Immersion 课堂 | Galimoto Project






For the second quarter at NCIC-Immersion, Second Graders presented a self-designed and self-built toy from found objects. 

For the second quarter at NCIC-Immersion, Second Graders presented a self-designed and self-built toy from found objects

Using an integrated curriculum approach, students were able to learn and apply concepts about the project from STEM teachers and Humanities English teachers

Students demonstrated their understanding of convincing language, engineering process, writing process, oral presentation,visual presentation, trade, and comparing and contrasting different cultures through the culminating presentation of their Galimoto.   

Students were exposed to other cultures through various fiction model texts and explored similarities and differences of those cultures and people living within. 

Students participated in peer discussions and hands-on exploratory activities to gain deeper understanding of people, places and events in the past and present. 

We discussed the choices characters made in the model texts and the reasons for their choices to satisfy their needs and wants through trade, bartering, and the availability of those needs and wants within their respective culture

Students synthesized their understand of the important events of the model texts and analyzed the moral from the stories. 

As writers, we learned that certain types of writing have different purposes and we explored how writing and other media can be used to convince and persuade their audience

Additionally, we used various model texts to identify text features that can be used to convince a reader and strengthen arguments. 

Students used the writing process of pre-writing/drafting/revising/editing to independently practice using these highlighted text features in personal letters and narratives. 

Building off of this independent practice, students wrote convincing letters about their Galimoto with the intent to persuade their reading audience to buy their toy. 

Finally, students created posters as another demonstration of their understanding of persuasive media. 

By completing this project, students demonstrated their understanding of properties of materials and the engineering process

Students first sketched the design of their Galimoto and wrote a list of materials to complete the construction of the model. 

At least two different materials were used for wheels. 

Students designed their own experiment to test the strength, speed, or distance of the two wheels

Finally, students analyzed and summarized their findings in their Galimoto booklet and Wheel data form. 

After completing the experiment and model, students presented their work to their peers. 

Students presented their Galimoto, convincing letter and poster, and engineering process to their peers and, digitally, to parents. 

Students focused on clear and organized presenting, as well as, providing positive and constructive feedback to their peers. 

As a Second Grade community, students were able to explore and learn about their peers’ Galimotos during a grade-wide gallery walk. 

In Second Grade, students were excited to use their gained knowledge across their different subject classes to independently complete an in-depth project over an extended period of time. 

We look forward to more opportunities in the latter half of the school year. 



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