




Mr Steve Allen has returned to family and friends in the UK after working hard and restlessly over the last four and a half years. We would like to thank Mr Allen for his great devotion to the School’s development from scratch to what it is today, an award-winning campus, a place of opportunity, challenge and friendship, a place to discover passions and talents, and a place that nurtures remarkable young people. To the whole Community, Mr Allen shares his best wishes.


Mr Steve Allen


Best Wishes

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Chinese New Year is a time for new beginnings, and I wish you all Gong Xi Fa Cai. 


Hope Favours the Bold


The LEH School motto is so appropriate for the times in which we live.  The journey to arrive at this celebration today has required everyone here to have hope and to be bold.  It has been a longer and more challenging journey than I had envisaged when I accepted the post of founding Head Master in May 2017 … but it has also been a lot more exciting and fulfilling than I had dreamt possible. 


Groundbreaking 学校动工仪式

Throughout the delays, challenges and frustrations, the founding team never stopped believing, never stopped hoping and never stopped pushing to make LEHF the exceptional school it is today.


Unveiling Ceremony 学校揭牌仪式

It has been a great pleasure to get to know the whole School community: students, parents and colleagues.  Watching the students develop their self-confidence and personal voice, seeing them participate in class and watching them perform in Assembly and beyond has been a particular source of personal pride.


Students, when it is your turn to graduate and leave LEH as I am doing today, I want you to look back and celebrate the adventures you have had together, the lessons you have learned and the friends you have made.  More importantly, I want you to be excited by that adventures that lie ahead of you, prepared to look the world in the eye and face any challenges it presents with confidence.  I want you to work hard, to be the best version of yourself that you can, and to prepare yourself for the adventure that is life.


Nelson Mandela, the first freely elected President of South Africa, famously said: "I have found nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks".  As founding students and families you remind me of this.  You understand the need to push beyond your comfort zone to achieve something new - you certainly understand that you need to take risks, and to work to realise your dreams. 


Life may seem hard at times, but hard is relative – elsewhere in the world, girls are attacked simply because they want to get an education, young boys are forced into guerilla armies, and children still die from malnutrition on a daily basis.  Have some perspective, you are incredibly lucky; you are being given a gift, a great education is being placed before you along with the opportunity to make lifelong friends.

大家或许有时觉得生活很难,但这种难是相对而言的 —— 在世界的某些角落里,有女孩子因为接受教育而遭受攻击,男孩子被迫卷入游击战争,甚至每天都有孩子死于营养不良。对比之下,我们每位学生在某种程度上来说,都是极其幸运的,享受着优渥的教育资源,成长道路上也不乏好友欢乐同行。 

Understand life is an improvisation, we rarely know what is going to happen next and must respond by making it up as we go along.  Sometimes life will be messy, it will be complicated and it certainly won’t be what you expected. Recognise that the unexpected, the surprises, will keep life interesting and provide opportunities.  Make the most of these opportunities, don’t be frightened of change – you are not always going stay the same, fixed in time and unchanged forever but you will grow and develop as your experiences shape you: try new things, be bold and accept new challenges, never stand still.  We all face the risk of failure, of getting it wrong no matter what path we take. You can’t ignore failure and you must prepare for it - for only then is success possible. 


Along the road to realise your dreams, it is inevitable that you will meet roadblocks: embrace them, learn from them; understand that success is not about getting everything right first time, but learning from our mistakes and trying until we succeed.  Some people do not have the courage to try, because they fear failure.  Do have the courage to try and not succeed.  Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, seize the next opportunity and try again by another route – have the confidence to make the best decision you can and move forward - you cannot let yourself be paralysed by fear and indecision.


Parents – you may see a linear journey for your children, but you need to understand that we live in an ever more complex, changing world and routes to success are far more fluid.  Your children need to follow their own path and many will be in industries yet to be created or even envisaged. Believe in their choices – they will leave LEH with many skills that will help them to make the right choices and to thrive in the world they face ahead.


Students - You receive a first-class education at LEH, but it is not that education on its own that will open doorways; it is how you apply your education that will present you with opportunities in the future.  Understand that you are incredibly lucky, education is a precious gift, make the most of that gift and do not always take the safe path. 


It is my hope that you when you eventually graduate, you will run out of LEH, laughing, skipping and dancing, ready to take the world by storm.  Whatever road you choose and however many roads you take - be brave, be amazing, be heard, be busy, be kind and most of all be happy.


Thank you, good luck and please stay in touch.


Steve Allen 安弘博










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