

佛山霍利斯STEM学科新老师介绍 Elevating STEM Education with Our New Teachers!



欢迎来到佛山霍利斯激动人心的 STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)学科世界,在这里我们致力于培养学生们的创造力和好奇心,激发他们的创意思维。

延续我们的新老师文章介绍系列,这一期我们很高兴给大家介绍以下多位 STEM 领域的新教师。他们将在2023-24学年加入佛山霍利斯,在课堂上带领和启发学生们。

Mr Paul Wilton 


Wilton 先生是一位经验丰富且敬业的教育工作者,在南非和中国都有近20年的教学经验。他将加入佛山霍利斯,担任生物学科主任。他擅长教授 IGCSE 和 A Level 生物课程。在他的职业生涯中,Wilton 先生曾在多所国际学校担任过各种重要职务,包括科学主任、生物高级主任和教学主任,充分展示了他的教学和领导能力以及追求卓越的决心。Wilton 先生持有南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔大学教育学硕士学位和南非西开普大学海洋生物学(荣誉)学士学位。

Ms Denise Davy


Davy 女士是一名技术高超的计算机科学教师,她将加入佛山霍利斯,担任计算机科学学科主任。来佛山霍利斯之前,她在英国和加蓬任教,拥有近10年的教学经验,曾为不同文化背景和需求的学生提供支持。Davy 女士教学成绩斐然,在她最近的学生在计算机科学考试通过率达到100%就可见一斑。在之前的工作中,她曾教授4至9年级的信息和通信技术课程,以及 IGCSE 和 A Level 计算机科学课程。此外,她还拥有丰富的支持和辅导母语非英语学生的经验,帮助他们在计算机科学方面取得成功。Davy 女士还拥有与小学部团队合作开发信息与通信技术课程的经验,确保计算机科学课程在学校全学段的无缝整合。Davy 女士持有布罗姆利学院的中学信息与通信技术和计算机科学的教师资格证书,以及伦敦吉尔德霍尔大学的商业信息技术和多媒体联合荣誉学士学位。

Mrs Chamlonglak Crumpton


Crumpton 女士将加入佛山霍利斯,担任化学教师。Crumpton 女士拥有丰富多样的教育行业背景,在不同的学校、教育机构和伯明翰大学积累了10多年的教学经验。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她曾在中国一所知名学校担任 A Level 化学教师,在教学、课程开发和实验室安排方面表现出色。在她早期的职业生涯中,Crumpton 女士还担任校园安全监督工作,致力于保护学生的身心健康和福祉。Crumpton 女士持有泰国孔敬大学公共卫生学士学位、伯明翰大学环境卫生硕士学位以及美国莱斯大学基础化学和原理证书。

Mr Stephen Crumpton


Crumpton 先生是一位经验丰富的教育工作者,他将作为数学教师加佛山霍利斯。他拥有15年的教学经验,曾在英国当地学校以及泰国和中国的国际学校任教。他丰富的教学经历使他十分熟悉英国体系中的数学教育,能够教授从入门到 A Level 阶段的数学课程,满足不同能力水平学生的需求。特别值得一提的是,Crumpton 先生在教授英语为第二语言的学生方面有自己的心得并开发了自己的策略模式,能够帮助学生同时学好英语和数学。Crumpton 先生持有谢菲尔德大学软件工程学士学位和伯明翰大学数学专业研究生教育证书。

Mr Andrew Chalmers 


Chalmers 先生是一名经验丰富的教育工作者,拥有超过 24 年的教学经验,他将加入佛山霍利斯担任数学教师。此前,他曾在意大利米兰一所著名的英式学校担任中学部数学教师,教授7至13年级的学生。Chalmers 先生精通英语、西班牙语、意大利语、法语和加泰罗尼亚语,这些语言能力也有助于提升他的教学技巧和能力。他曾长期在西班牙给英语为第二语言的学生提供教学,因此也有能力帮助学生更好掌握数学所需要的语言。Chalmers 先生持有格拉斯哥大学的数学学士学位和西班牙巴伦西亚国际大学的中学教育、数学和信息与通信技术硕士学位。

Mr Andrew Munim 


Munim 先生是一名经验丰富的数学教师,他将从英国来到佛山霍利斯,担任数学教师一职。他拥有 25 年的教学经验,大部分时间是在伦敦的学校任教,将为佛山霍利斯数学团队带来丰富的专业知识。在他的职业生涯中,Munim 先生曾在英国、巴林和中国担任过各种教学和管理职务,包括教师、年级导师、数学副主任、数学协调员、教务小组成员、考务官和学院主任等。这些多样化的经历塑造了他的教学方法和对教育环境的理解。Munim 先生持有伦敦大学航空工程专业的工程学学士学位和数学专业研究生教育证书,拥有深厚的学术背景。



Welcome to the exciting world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education at LEH International School Foshan, where innovation and curiosity converge to inspire the minds of our young learners.

As we continue our series of introducing the exceptional educators who will join our faculty in the upcoming academic year, it is with great pleasure that we unveil the brilliant minds who will be inspiring and guiding your children in the realm of STEM subjects, starting from the School Year 2023-24.

Mr Paul Wilton 

Head of Biology

Mr Wilton, a highly experienced and dedicated educator with nearly 20 years of experience in both South Africa and China will join LEH Foshan as the Head of Biology. His specialisation lies in teaching IGCSE and A Level Biology. Throughout his career, Mr Wilton has held various key positions in various international schools, including Head of Science, Senior Head of Biology, and Director of Teaching and Learning, showcasing his teaching and leadership abilities and commitment to excellence. Mr Wilton holds a Master's Degree in Education from the University of the Kwazulu-Natal and a Bachelor’s (Hons) degree in Marine Biology from the University of the Western Cape.

Ms Denise Davy

Head of Computer Science

Ms Davy, a skilled Computer Science teacher, will join LEH Foshan as the Head of Computer Science with nearly 10 years of teaching experience in the UK and Garbon, where she had supported a diverse mix of students with varying cultural backgrounds and support needs. Ms Davy's commitment to excellence is evident in her recent exam pass rate of 100% for Computer Science. In her previous positions, she taught ICT from Years 4 to 9 and IGCSE and A Level Computer Science. Additionally, she has extensive experience supporting and coaching ESL students, fostering their success in Computer Science. Ms Davy also has experience in collaborating with the Primary team to develop ICT, ensuring Computing is seamlessly integrated throughout the school. Ms Davy’s qualifications include a QTS in Secondary - ICT and Computer Science from Bromley Schools Collegiate, as well as a BSc Joint Honours Degree in Business Information Technology and Multimedia from London Guildhall University.

Mrs Chamlonglak Crumpton

Teacher of Chemistry

Mrs Crumpton will join LEH Foshan as a Teacher of Chemistry. With a rich and diverse background in the education industry, Mrs Crumpton brings over 10 years of experience from various schools, institutions, and the University of Birmingham. Before joining LEH Foshan, she served as A Level Chemistry teacher in a renowned school in China, where she excelled in teaching, curriculum development, and laboratory scheduling. Throughout her early career, Mrs Crumpton demonstrated her commitment to student welfare by overseeing school health and safety monitoring. Mrs Crumpton’s academic qualifications include a Bachelor's degree in Public Health from Khon Kaen University in Thailand, an MSc in Environmental Health from the University of Birmingham, and a Certificate in General Chemistry and Principle from Rice University, USA.

Mr Stephen Crumpton

Teacher of Mathematics

Mr Crumpton, an experienced educator, will join LEH Foshan as a Mathematics Teacher, bringing 15 years of teaching experience from both local schools in the UK and international schools in Thailand and China. His extensive background equips him with a wealth of expertise in delivering Mathematics education within the British system, catering to students of all ability levels, from remedial to A Level. Notably, Mr Crumpton has successfully developed strategies to support students with English as a second language, enabling their proficiency in both English and mathematics. Mr Crumpton’s academic qualifications include a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Sheffield University and a PGCE in Mathematics from the University of Birmingham. 

Mr Andrew Chalmers 

Teacher of Mathematics

Mr Chalmers, a highly experienced educator with over 24 years of teaching expertise, will join LEH Foshan as Teacher of Mathematics. Previously, he held the position of Senior School Mathematics teacher at a renowned British School in Milan, Italy, teaching students from Years 7 to 13. Fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, French, and Catalan, Mr Chalmers' diverse linguistic skills enrich his teaching. With prior experience teaching English as a secondary language in Spain, he is well-equipped to help students master the language of Mathematics. Mr Chalmers holds a BSc in Mathematics from the University of Glasgow and a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education, Mathematics and ICT from Valencia International University.

Mr Andrew Munim 

Teacher of Mathematics

Mr Munim, an experienced and fully qualified Mathematics Teacher, will join LEH Foshan from the UK and serve as Teacher of Mathematics. With 25 years of teaching experience, primarily in London, he will bring a wealth of expertise to his role. Throughout his career, Mr Munim has excelled in various roles, including Teacher, Form Tutor, Deputy Head of Maths, Maths Coordinator, Pastoral Team member, Examinations Officer, and Head of Houses in the UK, Bahrain, and China. This diverse experience has shaped his teaching approach and understanding of the educational landscape. Mr Munim holds a PGCE in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Aeronautical Engineering, both from the University of London, showcasing his strong academic background.

As we conclude this exciting introduction of our new STEM educators, we want to assure you that the spirit of innovation and dedication to excellence permeates every aspect of LEH International School Foshan. Our commitment to nurturing young minds and fostering a love for learning knows no bounds, and we cannot wait for your children to embark on this transformative journey with us.

But hold on, because there's much more to come! Stay tuned for our next publication, where we will unveil even more outstanding teachers and specialists, each bringing their unique expertise and passion to enrich our diverse educational community.










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