

A Triumphant Trio: 3 CISH Students Excel in the Prestigious WSC



"A Triumphant Trio: Three CISH Students Excel

in the Prestigious World's Scholar's Cup"

by Albert Vander Gugten


The World Scholar's Cup (WSC) is a global academic competition that brings together students from different countries to showcase their knowledge and skills across various fields. It encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity among participants. Our CISH students, Barry Bai, Jason Yun and Sean Baek embarked on a week-long trip to Bangkok to participate in the WSC competition, which took place from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.


Throughout the competition, Jason, Barry, and Sean demonstrated their exceptional abilities and performed remarkably well in several events. Their hard work and dedication paid off as they earned multiple silver medals in different categories. In the writing competition, they secured two silver medals, showcasing their written communication and analytical thinking proficiency.

Moreover, they achieved another silver medal in the debate, highlighting their persuasive and argumentative skills. This event likely involved engaging in structured discussions on various topics, defending their viewpoints, and countering opposing arguments.

世界学者杯(WSC)为一项全球性的学术竞赛,来自不同国家的学生汇聚一堂,展示他们在各领域的知识技能。WSC鼓励参赛者进行合作、批判思考和创造。CISH 学生 Barry Bai、Jason Yun 和 Sean Baek 于近期赴曼谷参加了为期一周的世界学者杯比赛,每日早上8时到下午6时比赛,赛程非常紧凑。

在比赛中,Barry Bai、Jason Yun 和 Sean Baek展示了非凡实力,在多个项目中表现出色。他们的努力和付出也得到了回报,收获不同组别的多枚银牌。在写作比赛中,他们获得了两枚银牌,充分展示了优秀的书面表达能力和思维分析能力。


In addition to their accomplishments, the trio excelled in the team bowl event and earned a silver medal. The team bowl is a collaborative activity that tests participants' knowledge across various subjects, requiring quick thinking, teamwork, and effective communication to answer questions correctly.

Their outstanding performance at the WSC competition did not go unnoticed. As a result, Jason, Barry, and Sean received a prestigious invitation to participate in the Tournament of Champions at Yale University in November. The Tournament of Champions represents the culmination of the WSC season and brings together the most accomplished scholars from around the world to compete against one another in a highly challenging academic environment.

This invitation reflects the exceptional abilities Jason, Barry, and Sean demonstrated during the WSC competition. It is an honor to be invited to Yale University for the Tournament of Champions, and it provides them with an opportunity to showcase their talents further and compete against other accomplished scholars on a global stage.

Overall, the journey of Jason, Barry, and Sean in the World Scholar's Cup in Bangkok was filled with success, as they won silver medals in writing, debate, and the team bowl. Their achievements have brought recognition to themselves and earned them an invitation to the esteemed Tournament of Champions at Yale University, where they will have the chance to excel further and represent their skills internationally.


他们在世界学者杯比赛中的优异表现有目共睹。Barry Bai、Jason Yun 和 Sean Baek更是收到了于 11 月即将在耶鲁大学举行的冠军锦标赛的参赛邀请。冠军锦标赛是 WSC 比赛的巅峰之战,汇聚了来自世界各地有着最高水平的强者,他们将在极具挑战性的环境中一较高下。

此次的参赛邀请反映了 Jason、Barry 和 Sean 在 世界学者杯比赛中表现出的卓越能力。能够受邀前往耶鲁大学参加冠军锦标赛,他们深感荣幸,这也为他们提供了一个在全球舞台上与其他有成就的学者同台竞技、进一步展示才华的机会。

总的来说, Jason、Barry 和 Sean的世界学者杯比赛之旅在曼谷取得了圆满成功!他们分别获得了写作、辩论和抢答赛的银牌。他们的成就赢得了所有人的认可,也为他们赢得了前往耶鲁大学参加令人骄傲的冠军锦标赛的机会,他们也将在国际舞台上进一步发挥所长展示技能。



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