

青苗IB小课堂:都说IB探究式学习特牛,他们到底怎么学?About IB Inq




探究,作为国际文凭小学项目(IB PYP)的主要学习方法,主张学生积极主动,并对自己的学习负责任。在青苗,小学项目的探究式学习到底是如何进行的?今天,特别邀请青苗常营校区PYP协调员黄英老师,为我们讲述发生在青苗校园里关于探究的那些事儿!

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【Editor’s Note】

Inquiry, being the main learning method of IB PYP, requires students to learn proactively, and to be responsible for their own studying. How is inquiry-based learning conducted at BIBS? Today let’s meet Ms. Ying Huang, the PYP Coordinator of BIBS Changying Campus, and listen to her opinion.


# 青苗常营校区 PYP协调员


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Ying received her master’s degree in curriculum and teaching theory from normal university. She has 9 years’IB education experience, 7 of which is for IB coordinator and management.

Ying is passionate about PYP and student-centered education. She has been devoting to the integration of China's national curriculum and PYP programs. She believes that students will make more progress and inspire their potentials by giving students more opportunities and space.


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Inquiry learning is an approach to learning that emphasizes the students’ role in the learning process. Rather than the teacher telling students what they need to know, students are encouraged to explore the material, ask questions, share ideas and take action within the learning context.



Inquiry is based on students' exploration and questioning

众所周知,国际文凭小学项目(IB PYP)包含六大超学科主题。在每个超学科主题开始时,老师们会通过大量图片、实物、书籍或视频,激发学生对探究主题的好奇心和热情,同时鼓励学生针对探究主题提出自己感兴趣的问题。这些问题会被醒目地展示在教室中,便于大家随时能看到自己的问题。随着探究的不断深入,这些问题也会被不断补充,但最终都会被逐一解答。


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As we all know, the IB PYP contains six transdisciplinary themes. At the beginning of each transdisciplinary theme, teachers will use a large number of pictures, objects, books or videos to stimulate students' curiosity, enthusiasm and to provoke students to raise their own questions about the concepts of the study. These questions will be prominently displayed in the classroom so that everyone can view their own thoughts and curiosities throughout the duration of the unit. As the exploration progresses these questions will be consistently referred to and expanded upon to deepen the inquiry.

Of course, students' connections and questions are not only to orient their own studies, they are also an important foundation for directing the teachers to design meaningful learning activities.

For example, the grade 3 Transdisciplinary theme "Sharing the Planet", when discussing the concept of "conflict" the teacher arranged activities related to the questions raised by the students. She found that the problems that students were interested in were mainly concentrated into three contexts: the conflicts between people and people, between people and animals, and between countries.  This then formed the basis for student groups that they worked in together to research their shared interests.



Inquiry is a process of researching and seeking




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Throughout the transdisciplinary theme “Where we are in Place and Time” in grade 4,students explored the effects of migration on individuals. The teachers first distributed materials according to students' reading level and encouraged the students to summarize the main information of their reading content through independent reading activities. This information was posted in the form of a "Gallery Walk" for students to explore, reading freely and giving important peer feedback on from their own opinions and judgments, along the way checking and recording questions that the reading raised in their minds.

Sharing their research, sharing the information they gathered and sharing their thoughts and questions lead the students to begin to realize that the effects of migration on individuals are deeply emotional and challenging, as well as opportunity creating.  Using these perspectives, the students researched further texts and explored the Capital Museum as a source of information, cooperatively developing new ideas and understandings.

This process of inquiry was enthusiastic and positive, the students improved their knowledge and understandings of relevant issues through ongoing discussions and in-depth reflections.



Inquiry is real and connected to the students’ world



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Inquiry is connected with the world around students' life in “real-life” ways.  These authentic contexts encourage the students to make deep and meaningful connections with their learning.

Throughout the grade 1 studies into the transdisciplinary theme “Who we are” the students focused on the main idea that in a learning community people have rights, roles and responsibilities.

The teachers guided students to begin their studies by exploring the context of their own school.  They interviewed the principals, teachers, security guards and cleaners to research the responsibilities and significance of these positions for the campus. They then widened their understanding of community to invite local police, as well as doctors and nurses from a close by hospital to school.  They gathered information and listened carefully to presentations given by these community service peoples, adding to their understandings about the roles in the community to which they belong.


Inquiry often occurs in different subjects




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At the end of the unit, students should show their outcomes in the whole process of inquiry through the summative assessment and show how much they have understood the main ideas of the unit studies.  This is a form of assessment as learning and more importantly, a celebration of their own learning achievements and their learning journey.

The transdisciplinary theme “Who we are” when studied in the grade 5 classes, the students focused on understanding people's sense of self at different stages in their lives. The students presented their summative assessment in groups.  To do this, they needed to strengthen their cooperation skills, communicating their shared learning experiences and find solutions and strategies to express their differing opinions and perspectives. In this process, they needed to self-reflect, self-assess and give ongoing peer feedback. These are all ways for students to experience learning successes and to develop the social skills necessary to function in real-life communities.



The exhibition of learning outcomes is a celebration of learning




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Inquiry does not only exist in the unit; it also occurs in different subject areas.  For example, in 3rd grade mathematics when learning to measure and recognize standardized units of length, such as millimeter and decimeter, the teacher guided the students to use a Y-chart to organize their thinking.  The chart provided areas for I know, I feel, I think, so that students were able to connect the knowledge of mathematics with the reality of their lives.  This gave the students a strategy to not only gain knowledge, but also an understanding of a thinking tool that can be used across subject and settings.

Similarly, the 5th grade students were asked to work in small groups to cooperatively discuss design a mind map illustrating their understanding of decimal division.

In short, inquiry happens everywhere at any time.

Through the ongoing development of these inquiry-based skills, strategies and thinking tools the students’ learning is deepened, the teachers’ practice is strengthened and the way the students develop begins to prepare them for a future not yet seen.

















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