


05-23 08:13发布于广东



On May 17th, all staff of International High School held a special sharing meeting on techniques and tools for teachers. The purpose of this “Teach Meet” event is to enhance the teaching skills in the context of information technology education and promote innovative development in education and teaching. Through this sharing session, we have gained a profound understanding of the important role of technological means in teaching and gained valuable teaching experience.


Firstly, the using of technological means in teaching has become increasingly widespread, becoming an important force in promoting educational and teaching reform. The popularization of multimedia teaching tools, online teaching platforms, and other technologies has provided richer forms of expression and more convenient teaching methods for teaching. These technologies not only enhance students' interest and enthusiasm in learning, but also enhance teaching efficiency and quality. Math teacher Eunice shared with everyone how to use online software to draw parabolas and perform statistical calculations.


Emerging teaching technologies such as intelligent teaching systems are also gradually becoming popular. These technologies provide a more realistic and vivid experimental environment and a more personalized learning experience for teaching. Economics teacher Ceasius shared with everyone the learning method of integrating teaching into games in economics classes.


In addition, how to use technological means to achieve personalized teaching was also discussed. Personalized teaching is one of the important trends in the current development of education, and technological means provide strong support for achieving personalized teaching. Through data analysis, intelligent recommendation and other technical means, we can more accurately understand students' learning needs and interests and provide them with customized learning resources and teaching plans. P.E. teacher Dan, academic affairs Mavis, English teacher Jack, Physics teacher Sennin, and Chemistry teacher Don respectively showcased various learning resource channels and technology applications such as data statistical analysis, Khan Academy resource sharing, intelligent online interactive classroom for English teaching, the application of artificial intelligence Chat GPT in actual teaching, and online learning videos for chemistry experiments.


Indeed, technological means are only auxiliary tools for teaching, and true education requires careful design and dedication from teachers. In the teaching process, teachers should focus on interaction and communication with students, pay attention to their emotional needs and developmental changes, and cultivate their comprehensive qualities as the core goal.


Principal Nick made a summary in the end, the application of technological means in teaching has important value and significance, but there are also many challenges and problems that need to be solved. As teachers, we should actively embrace technology, learn new technologies, explore new methods, and continuously improve our teaching level and abilities. At the same time, we should also maintain a love and reverence for the education industry, carefully manage every class, pay attention to every student, and contribute our efforts to cultivating outstanding talents in the new era.










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