

莱克顿周晨会 | 一周之始,教育之先



The Assembly in Lucton


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Every Monday morning in Lucton, all the students and teaching staff are gathering in the Pierrepont Theater in smart dress, to attend the Assembly as a weekly routine.

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在周晨会上,校长Parrish先生会发表讲话,分享学校近期的情况、活动;指导学生的学习、生活;或是交流日常的心得和课程跟进。其他科目老师,或者学生会代表也会带来很多重要信息,如:升学指导办公室会邀请世界各地的大学为学生们进行信息交流会;学生会团队会向同学们讲解近期的工作安排,组织活动;学院管理协调员 Williams先生会持续分享学院制的活动和制度等等。

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The Monday Assembly is an important gathering of all members of the school including students, teachers and Headmaster. Indeed, the Assembly in Lucton is conducted for different purposes, such as communicating information and suggestion, award announcement, reinforcing the school values, and shaping the characters. The Assembly is full of formal sense of ceremony, in which all the Luctonians can feel the sense of community and instill the Lucton spirit. With the right inspiration, students will start a fresh week full of energy.

There are always a lot of things going on in the Assembly. For example, Headmaster, Mr Parrish usually delivers a speech, shares the updates news, advises on academic life; Admissions Officers or Representatives from worldwide Universities and Colleges will bring students the presentations about current admissions information; Students Leadership Team inform students and teachers about the recent school activities; House System Coordinator, Mr Williams keeps updates on house points and events; etc.

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This term, in addition to the information sharing on weekly basis, the Monday Assembly is also an opportunity given to students to conduct and organize a theme one related to current global affairs or international days. 

Since last September, students in different tutor group had presented the impressed assemblies, such as Students Leadership Team Election, House Spirit Day, International Day of Peace, Halloween, All Saints Day, World Kindness Day, Anti-Bullying Week, etc……, in which students showed their boundless creativity. The particular insights and fresh thoughts from teenagers make the Assembly more interesting and in a vigorous vibe. 

Now let's look back onto the Assembly in this term.

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part one.


Students Leadership Team Election




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As our founding Students Leadership Team have accomplished their impressive mission, the new team election has been held as the first themed assembly this term. The candidates stepped onto the stage and delivered speeches to peers. 

After their competitive performance and the interviews by teachers and students, the successful candidates have been inaugurated. After that, they have been well engaged in work and have made remarkable achievements with passion and motivation. 

We are pleased to see that the Students Leadership Team has become a leader role for the students, and look forward their further achievements.

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part two.


Shaping Peace Together

International Day of Peace


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The assembly in this week was beginning by the clip of the film 'Dunkirk', which presented a scenarios of intense battlefield. Followed by a short play by Y13s, the audience was watching attentively and feeling involved.

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Then, the Y13s reproduced the UN General Assembly. In 1981, The UN General Assembly declared, in a resolution, the International Day of Peace, to be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace. The date initially chosen was the regular opening day of the annual sessions of the General Assembly, the third Tuesday of September, and it was changed in 2001 to the current annual celebration on 21 September each year.

This year, it has been clearer than ever that we are not each other’s enemies. Rather, our common enemy is a tireless virus. COVID-19 has thrown our world into turmoil and forcibly remind us that all humanity should stand together to defeat the global pandemic.

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part three.


Ordinary, and also Extraordinary

World Poetry Day




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This Assembly was conducted by Y12 X to introduce the World Poetry Day. A decision to proclaim 21 March as World Poetry Day was adopted during UNESCO’s 30th session held in Paris in 1999. One of the main objectives of the Day is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and to offer endangered language the opportunity to be heard within their communities.

Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by revealing to us that individuals, everywhere in the world, share the same questions and feelings. The students from Y12 X presented two plays during the assembly by restoring school daily dialogues in poetry. It encourages a return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals.

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I often remember the sunset in Xiting, I was drunk and didn't know the way back. 

Returned to the boat late at night, lost in the depths of Lotus root.

Fighting for crossing, fighting for crossing, shocked a group of seagulls and herons.

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Also, to promote the classical Chinese poetry as a great heritage, the students read a Chinese poetry and then translate in English perfectly.





I often remember the sunset in Xiting,

I was drunk and didn't know the way back. 

Returned to the boat late at night,

lost in the depths of Lotus root.

Fighting for crossing, fighting for crossing,

shocked a group of seagulls and herons.

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part four.


Remembering – Memorial Ceremony







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“In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below. ”

--In Flanders fields

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This Assembly is a touching one to let all the attendees to have a moment of reflection, and to remember with gratitude the hardships and sacrifices that others have made. 

The students in Y11 Y delivered a speech about the Remembrance Day for WW1 which was an international conflict in 1914-1918 with about 1.5 billion people from more than 30 countries involved. 

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Followed by the chorus ‘Viva la vida’ and a short video filmed by students, everyone in the assembly was deeply touched, and took the respectful opportunity to remember all those who are scarified and affected. 

Peace does come at great cost. Meanwhile, we should reflect on the nature of wars and appreciate the great life we have.

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part five.


Together Against Bullying

International Day Against Violence and Bullying at School

暴力与欺凌是社会和学校一直高度关注的问题,联合国拟将每年11月第一个星期四设立为“反对校园暴力和欺凌包括网络欺凌国际日”,并在2020年启动首个国际日。本期周晨会,10年级Y班的学生们就以“反欺凌” 为主题,带来了一场深刻的演讲。

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Each year, the International Day Against Violence and Bullying at School will be observed on the first Thursday of November. It calls on all countries, organizations and people to come together with the common purpose of ensuring schools are free from fear and violence. This time, the students from Y10 Y conducted an assembly themed on ‘Anti-bullying at school’ to promote this very first world day.

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What is bullying? How bullying negatively affects childs? What should we do when we find any bullying behaviours? Shall we stand out? We should have a reflection on these. 

Then, students put a video on the screen in which they restore a bulling situation happened in campus. The film is in a grey filter that shows how harmful bullying will affect a child. Students in Y10 Y provided an opportunity to enhance the awareness on the prevention of bullying in school, and we should help to reduce the risk of bullying to make the school safer and more vibrant.

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part six.


House Spirit Day

在本次周晨会上,学院管理协调员 Williams先生宣布莱克顿学院制落实,现场将所有师生分入其所属的学院。


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It is delighted to see that the House System as a tradition from our parent school has be well launched at the third academic year in Lucton Shanghai. This assembly was seemed as a House System Launching.

Mr Williams, the House System Coordinator introduced and explained our four houses, which are Lion, Fox, Star and Knight in the Assembly.

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As the House System is a key component of a British style boarding ethos, students are allocated into one of the four houses which provide a deeper pastoral purpose and can be treated as four house communities.

The whole system is based around rewarding positive behaviours and achievements which are both as individual and as house. Students were split randomly, and that means students in different ages are grouped together. It allows students in different year group can work together and embrace a shared value and goal to unify the community.

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On that day, we extended the morning assembly and organized the very first house building activity. All house members also took the opportunity to introduce themselves and appoint the House Captains and Vice-captains. As the grand finale, all four houses met on the football pitch for a tug of war competition. With the help of as many people from the house, they fought to be the best. Well done to all the students, and congrats to Knight house who won the very first house point.

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