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BCIS 小学托福从 2021 年8 月 30 日至 12月 4 日,共计 24 次课。每次课一个半小时。
共有三节 90 分钟的课程,两节学术课,一节体育课。BCIS 认为体育运动在学生品格的培养中发挥重要作用,因此我们希望能让学生享受体育的乐趣。在专业教练的指导下,学生学习运动技能的同时,也会学习团队合作,并享受竞赛的乐趣。
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TOEFL Primary
Bachelor of Arts in Education Theory
from University of Washington, USA.
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TOEFL Primary
B.A. in Sociology from
University of Wisconsin
M.A. in Sociology and Education
from Columbia University
小托福费用(24节课/54小时): 11,600 元/人

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B.S. in Science from
York University, Toronto, Canada
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In order to continuously improve the English level of students, BCIS has opened two new courses this year. One is a TOEFL Primary and the other is SSAT. The two courses are for different grades to meet the requirements of students in different stages of English.
The aim of TOEFL Primary is to equip students with the necessary skills and techniques to tackle the TOEFL Primary test. The TOEFL Primary tests measure the English communication skills that provide a foundation for students' future success. They will learn through various methods, including critical and creative thinking exercises in order to develop a unique methodology to boost their score. Instructors use English language to lead students in a variety of skills, such as Listening, Speaking, and Reading, as well as Writing. Small class sizes are maintained to ensure focused attention by the teacher towards all students. While improving your English skills in this program, you will also improve learning in all the subjects.
BCIS TOEFL Primary Program starts on August 30 and ends on December 4 with 24 sessions/54 hours. There will be three 90-minute periods of instruction. We will provide two academic lessons and one sporting activity for students. We believe that sports play an important role in building character and hope students will join our BCIS Saturday baseball/ basketball class. With the help of a professional coach, students will improve their sporting skills, learn about teamwork, and have fun competing with one another.
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TOEFL Primary
Bachelor of Arts in Education Theory
from University of Washington, USA.
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TOEFL Primary
B.A. in Sociology from
University of Wisconsin
M.A. in Sociology and Education
from Columbia University
The BCIS TOEFL Primary course schedule is as follows:
24 sessions/54 hours Cost: 11,600 RMB / per one
The aim of SSAT is to equip students with the necessary skills and techniques to tackle the SSAT reasoning test. To assist our students to excel in SSAT, and develop a unique methodology to boost students' score. Small class sizes are maintained to ensure focused attention by the teacher towards all students.
BCIS SSAT starts on September 3 and ends on December 4 with 24 sessions/60 hours.
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B.S. in Science from
York University, Toronto, Canada
The BCIS SSAT course schedule is as follows:
* Please check the appropriate one
SSAT Cost for Upper Class: 27,000 RMB
