

混血小帅哥:我为中国传统文化代言! Oliver Li’s Interview







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A handsome mixed-race boy, a local Beijinger. Bright eyes, sunny smile, Oliver naturally becomes a star wherever he goes.

Oliver started learning mask-changing of Sichuan opera when he was 5, and performed on the Super Star Show of CCTV. At 6 years old, Oliver sang the hip pop version of How Are You Beijing on the Chinese New Year Show. As a student of the 4th season of Music Masters, Oliver played through the whole season with his unique rap style music. And on this year’s live show of Hunan TV, Oliver and his younger brother tried spending a week independently. Besides being invited to all these TV shows, Oliver has also been popular with fashion commercial filming, live promotions and TV and movie acting.

This is Oliver, a G3 student of BIBS!

Today we have invited Oliver’s mom to share with us the stories of Oliver’s life.


Why did you choose an international school in China for Oliver instead of sending him overseas? What were your considerations?





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We feel very fortunate when we found BIBS, a place matches our expectations.

I must thank Oliver’s father for this. He is from New Zealand, but he has been really into the traditional Chinese culture since we got married. We both wanted to keep the Chinese roots for our son. This is why we not only put him in a international bilingual school but also gave him Chinese citizenship.

Oliver’s father is in education business and knows international schools well. We picked BIBS out of the first 5 or 6 options.

Besides Chinese roots, our other consideration was the freedom for personalized development. Oliver started shooting commercials when he was 10 months and did his first TV show at 5. We realized how much he loves stage.


Have you and Oliver’s father been satisfied with BIBS in the last two years?




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Yes we have. Like I said, BIBS has maintained a Chinese bilingual learning environment that supports Oliver’s personalized development.

Some of my friends asked why we must go to an international school instead of a Chinese public one. To us, Oliver’s future does not solely depend on studying. We expect Oliver to go to a wider stage in front of the whole world, representing and promoting the traditional culture of China. To do that, Oliver must be able to understand and communicate with people from other parts of the world, and to express his opinion with his music. We are very lucky that Oliver gets to grow up in the well-rounded learning environment of BIBS.

We are also believers in the teamwork concept at BIBS. The school has teamed students up in 4 groups to compete with each other. Oliver has worked very hard on the poets so he could win more credits for his team. The spirit is very valuable.


Being 8 years old, Oliver is taking quite some shooting works. Yet his studying did not fall behind. How do you find balance between his academic and show career?





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It’s not easy. I remember how hot the stage was when Oliver was at the Super Star Show. He was only 5 and he had to wear all the layers of masks and a heavy costume. He practiced so hard and sometimes could not even lift his arms after the rehearsals.

My husband and I had our doubts. We were asking ourselves if one day Oliver’s show activities take too much of his time, how do we choose. Of course, studying is more important, and one time Oliver was crying so hard that he thought we would no longer allow him to perform if he does not do well at school. He promised us that he will work hard, and he really wanted to keep performing.

We always tell Oliver that we support his dreams, but under one condition – that he must do well at school. This means he must commit to what he has chosen for himself and work twice as hard as others.  Oliver has been self-disciplined and a good time manager.

I think this must be the power of dream. Even for a child, when he sets his mind on something, he’d strive and fight to succeed.


Oliver said he wants to become an ‘all-around’ artist. Do you support his dream? What’s your expectations for him?

对于奥利的任何梦想,我和家人都一定是全力支持的。我有时候其实很羡慕他,这么小就知道自己喜欢什么。但是作为家长,我们也深知这个圈子很特殊,尤其是伴随着这种大数据时代、自媒体时代的到来,我们也要尽量帮助他在这种环境下保持一颗单纯的初心,不被 “流量”冲昏头,永远记住他站在舞台上是因为“热爱”,而不是为了“出名”。



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We support Oliver’s dreams. I’ve been very proud that he always knows what he wants. Being an adult, I know the show business is different. In today’s digitalized world, we try to stay smart and not be fall for the volume of followers. Always stand on the stage for his passion, and not just to be famous.

Speaking of expectations, I can think of one thing Oliver and I are working on lately. Oliver attended a show when he was 7, which was to introduce 14 Chinese intangible cultural heritages. He was awarded by the Communist Youth League as the Little Intangible Cultural Heritage Ambassador. To us, it was most distinguished award he has ever won, and we were extremely proud.  Oliver has always been into traditional cultures. I once asked him if he wanted to explore more on this, and he said yes.

So this year we started our little cultural journeys. Every weekend we went to see crafts men, and filmed how Oliver learned from them. It was hard but worth it. Oliver’s award as the little ambassador was well deserved, and he got to understand what’s craftsman spirit, and what it takes to commit to a lifelong career.


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If you like Oliver and wants to become a little star like him, join us at BIBS today!
















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